Why do I read this article and think that ABC and Good Morning America are totally bummed out that huge numbers of people were not getting COVID, not getting it bad, and not dying?
The winter COVID wave that wasn’t: Why the US didn’t see a surge
When the United States saw COVID-19 cases and deaths rise around this past Christmas and New Year’s, many Americans feared the country was in for a third winter wave.
But as quickly as both metrics went up, they also came down. Weekly cases and deaths in late winter 2022-23 are on par with what was seen in spring 2022, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Last year, the Biden administration issued a bleak warning that as many as 100 million Americans could be infected during a COVID-19 wave in the fall and winter.
However, as the third anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring the virus to be a global pandemic approaches, it appears that the U.S. has survived its first winter without a massive COVID-19 surge.
Experts told ABC News that a combination of more immunity, better treatments, less severe infections and more people following mitigation measures likely played a role.
More immunity. From people having it prior, hence, natural immunity, especially since the vaccines really do not work that well? Almost no one is masking, almost no one is isolating or keeping their distance. People are back to shaking hands (which is a bummer, because the hands of many people are dirty).
Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor, said there is some inconsistency when comparing past winter surges to this winter because there was a lack of overall testing and a declined use of home tests this winter.
However, the lower number of hospitalizations and deaths is likely a good indication of a less severe season this year compared to previous years, he said.
This is a good thing, right? Why do I get the feeling that they wanted it to be a bad winter? Is it just from all that time of the media being happy that so many were getting sick and dying while Trump was president, so that they could Blame Trump and such? Or while Biden was president, so that the media could pimp the Leftist notion of telling people to Obey government?
During this most recent winter, an updated bivalent booster is also available, which — although only 16.2% of the population has received it — has likely offered at least some protection.
Last year, the CDC estimated that, as of May 2022, more than 94% of the U.S. population has COVID-19-induced antibodies either from past infection or vaccination.
In other words, boosters really didn’t make a difference. Interestingly, more people were dying when a majority were getting the vaccine and getting boosted, versus now when most didn’t bother. Really, at this point, almost no one is jabbed and no one is wearing masks (and half the people who voluntarily wear a masks wear it wrong): it’s either natural immunity or COVID wearing out. Or both.

So, the winter of death and disease didn’t happen in 2022-2023, just like it really didn’t happen in 2021-2022?
Almost no one was masking this past winter, not just here, but to the places the Pico family visited: Canada, Israel, Turkey, Kuwait, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scotland. I saw maybe 5% of airline passengers, sealed as they were in a metal tube with recirculated air, wearing masks. The stewardesses certainly weren’t masked!
Was everyone vaccinated? I have no idea; all that I can say is that nowhere we went were vaccination cards asked for.
Given that we’re told that the ‘vaccines’ have a relatively limited effectiveness as time passes, the “almost no one is jabbed” is indicative of an increasing number of the population whose past vaccinations have worn off. Mask wearing is now very limited, and, as our esteemed host pointed out, many of the mask wearers are not wearing them properly — usually with their noses uncovered — so they’re completely useless, yet there was no winter of death and disease.
I would guess that most people have been exposed to the virus, but it’s now having little or no effect on the vast majority. It’s simply something to which most people have adapted.
The vaccines should have been pushed at the immune compromised, the obese and the elderly.
They’re still the ones that need the boosters. The children and young adults should have taken it only if they wanted to.
I’m near 85, have refused to “stay at home.” As a result I have had Covid twice. But I also had the vaccine’s in 2/21 with boosters in 9/21 and 10/22. Both cases were treated quickly and the illness very mild. The vaccines are very good at reducing symptoms.
Our “health care experts” did a terrible job of “managing” this epidemic, mostly because they are Lefties at heart and want to control us “for your own good.”
President Trump, a weak and ignorant Rightie at heart, mismanaged the US response to the Trumpandemic.
I am now seeing research notes that the latest focus in medical research is to reverse the effects of the “jab”.
Please share what you’ve seen.
No. Use your own internet.
Heh! LOL!!!
We will assume you’re lying once again. Cheers!
The vaccines work very well in reducing the mortality rate of COVID
It appears the four large global waves (Jan, May, Aug 21 and Jan*, July, Dec 22) of new infections (~ 1 million/day) and deaths (~15K/day in the first 4 waves) have settled down to about 40K new cases/day and 3K deaths/day. There were small peaks of deaths/day in July-Aug 22 and Dec 22-Jan 23.
Globally, about 7 million died from Covid, but the worst may be over. Although the US only has about 5% or the world’s population we had about 15% of Covid deaths. “Some” have argued that the resistance to complying with the so-called ‘vaccines’ in the US resulted in a higher rate of serious disease.
*Jan 22 wave (Omicron variant) was exceptional, with some 5 times as many infections (~ 4 million/day) as the other waves.
William Teach: More immunity. From people having it prior, hence, natural immunity, especially since the vaccines really do not work that well?
Vaccines have been very effective at reducing the death rate from COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was a novel coronavirus, meaning the human immune system had no experience of the virus. Consequently, when infected, the body took considerable time to fight off the infection, often leading to severe illness and even death. Having been infected, survivors then had antibodies to stave off future infections. Unfortunately, the virus mutates rapidly, so the antibodies lose their effectiveness over time. However, the immune system still retains a memory of the viral strain, so it can quickly mount a defense. That means a person may be reinfected, but any illness will tend to be mild and short-lived.
Vaccination replaces naïve infection, but without the dangerous illness that accompanies natural infection. Vaccination and boosters reduce the chance of infection or severe illness, while also reducing transmission.
KiddieZ just STFU and go away.
And take Rimjob with you.
Read and learn.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Covid didn’t kill 1.14 million Americans, US doctors killed 1.14 million Americans! And they are still killing hundreds more every g__ d___ day!!
Why don’t we stop the doctors from killing?? They are performing post-natal abortions!!
In 1918, influenza didn’t kill millions worldwide, aspirins did!!
Pandemics are fake! They are all the fault of doctors!!
Right over your pudgy little head, hey Rimjob?
Exaggerate much? Deflect much?
Thanks for drawing attention to what a dumbfuck you truly are.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
No offense intended little puggy, but you and your citation both blamed Covid deaths on medical interventions rather than the SARS-CoV-2 virus and backed that ‘hypothesis’ with the observation that aspirins, not the virus, killed those infected in the 1918 influenza pandemic.
It would take over 800 million pounds of aspirin to kill that many people!! Not to mention the amounts taken by people who didn’t die from an overdose! The world only makes 10% that much now!! How humiliating!
Do you object to having your hypotheses challenged? Bad dog!! LOL.
Did you read and understand your own citation? Didn’t think so. Bad dog!! LOL.
Think about spending more time reading and less time typing.
Except he absolutely did not. You made it up. You lied.

And you probably think of yourself as an educated man. You’re neither.
So Rimjob, dumbfuck that he is, wants to continue his strawman argument with his exaggerated claims about what was actually written. Typical.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Elwood P. Dowd: blamed Covid deaths on medical interventions rather than the SARS-CoV-2 virus and backed that ‘hypothesis’ with the observation that aspirins, not the virus, killed those infected in the 1918 influenza pandemic.
India had a higher death rate during the 1918-19 influenza pandemic and much more limited access to aspirin, especially among subsistence farmers without access to modern medical care. Also, the “cytokine storm” that is thought to be responsible for the majority of human deaths has now been observed in infected monkeys.
Even the kiddieZ are responding to Rimjob’s fantasy scenario,

Just goes to show how smart those kiddieZ really are.
Next time try to read the citation before you make evenbigger foolZ of yourselveZ.
Bwaha! Lolgf
This is a rather pathetic Z. But be careful, he might call you an ad homo.
But there is a good possibility that a number of COVID deaths were caused by medical protocols. That is because the protocols were dictated by the CDC and physicians were not free to act as physicians. The protocols were ridiculous.
david7134: But there is a good possibility that a number of COVID deaths were caused by medical protocols.
There is no evidence that doctors killed a million Americans through medical protocols.
Multiple studies, including by autopsy and examination of medical records, show that COVID was a dangerous disease. See, for instance, Sofizan et al., Autopsy findings in COVID-19 infection-related death: a systematic review, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2022: “The most frequent system described in autopsy findings in COVID-19 death was the respiratory system, with the most common histological finding of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).”
There they go again.
Again fighting the “strawman” they built.

No one made such a claim.
This is why the kiddieZ should never be taken seriously.
Bwaha! Lolgf