Thanks, no thanks. I prefer the real thing. That said, how soon till the Cult of Climastrology advocates that real milk be fazed out because moocows are Bad, and get politicians to push this? If you think that’s too far fetched, a conspiracy theory, you haven’t been paying attention (I’m reading the paywalled article via the webcache)
Moooove over: How single-celled yeasts are doing the work of 1,500-pound cows
The first course was a celery root soup lush with whole milk. The last was a spice cake topped with maple cream cheese frosting served with a side of ice cream. And then a latte with its fat cap of glossy foam. In all, a delicious lunch. Maybe a little heavy on the dairy.
Only this dairy was different. It was not the product of a cow or soybean or nut. The main ingredient of this milk was made by microbes in a lab, turned into tasty and recognizable food, and then served to a hungry reporter.
Lab-grown meat is coming. But lab-grown dairy has already arrived.
Dozens of companies have sprouted up in recent months to develop milk proteins made by yeasts or fungi, including Perfect Day, the California-based dairy company that laid out this unusual spread. The companies’ products are already on store shelves in the form of yogurt, cheese and ice cream, often labeled “animal-free.” The burgeoning industry, which calls itself “precision fermentation,” has its own trade organization, and big-name food manufacturers such as Nestlé, Starbucks and General Mills have already signed on as customers.
Why not just use, you know, the real thing? The cows are right there.
The rapid advancement in this area has sparked hope for a revolution in the dairy industry, and not just because it’s kinder to the cows. Precision dairy doesn’t have cholesterol, lactose, growth hormones or antibiotics (though those with dairy allergies should beware). And cattle, for beef or dairy, is said to be the No. 1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide. Consumers concerned about climate change or animal welfare have been anticipating the U.S. launch of cultivated meat, which is grown in labs from animal cells, but cultivated dairy could have just as much of an impact on the environment — with fewer regulatory hurdles to clear.
So, you must suffer to have the fake stuff. Hilariously, the same people who will buy into this are so often unhinged over genetically modified foods
Despite widespread acceptance of soy, oat and almond milk, U.S. consumers, even vegan ones, continue to be underwhelmed by plant-based cheese options: Mostly made of starch and oil, they often lack the flavor or texture (no gooey strings, not enough bounce) of real cheese. And cheese is especially bothersome for the environment, more so than its liquid counterpart: Making one pound of cheese requires 10 pounds (or about five quarts) of cow’s milk. The World Economic Forum and many scientific reports suggest cheese generates the third-highest emissions in agriculture after beef and lamb.
Well, for one thing, it’s not real cheese. It’s not cheese, as not made with dairy. Also, those fake “milks” use vast amounts of water and land. What are the issues with making this new type of fake milk? Reading the rest of the article, it doesn’t sound pleasant.

So, when we have fake meat and fake dairy, will the warmunists want to kill all of the cows because they fart too much?
Except for meat and milk what good are cows? Pets? Perhaps release them into the wild and have annual cow hunts.
They do produce excellent fertilizer!
True dat!
There will always be some cattle raised, because Our Betters will still want their wagyu steaks, but for the plebeians, nope, so sorry, you get your soylent green.
Cheese? OK, I understand that some people like it, but to me, it’s just rotten, sour, clabbered milk. Yuch!
Companies are developing yeast strains that synthesize and secrete caseins, the primary proteins in mammalian milks. Blended with water, minerals and vitamins, voila! ‘Milk’! And certainly better than the current crop of nut-milks. Cheese is essentially coagulated casein.
Consumer demand will determine whether this is a viable industry.
I’m kinda intriqued by the idea of synthetic meat and dairy. The climate saving stuff is utter bullcrap of course, but if can be more affordable than the natural product and safe, why not? Some things I read recently about cultured meat gave me pause, with the cells having their DNA altered for continuous division. But we don’t incorporate dnba from our food into ourselves, so if that was a problem we’d know it by now.