When will we be provided with some cold hard facts that prove that the Modern Warm Period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind?
Sticking to ‘cold, hard’ climate facts can end global warming: Guterres
World leaders need to listen to and act on solid scientific guidance to urgently reduce global warming, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message at the opening of the new session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Monday.
Underlining the “urgent need to end global heating with cold, hard facts”, he said the panel’s forthcoming report ahead of the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), to be held in Dubai in November, comes at a pivotal time.
“Our world is at a crossroads, and our planet is in the crosshairs,” he said. “We are nearing the point of no return, of overshooting the internationally agreed limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming. We are at the tip of a tipping point.” (snip)
“You have built the case, setting out the science of climate change and the urgency for climate action,” Mr. Guterres said. “The evidence has been clear, convincing and irrefutable.”
The Panel findings underscore the need to act now, he declared. Citing several recent IPCC reports, he said evidence in 2021 showed for the first time that some of the changes to Earth’s oceans, ice, and land surface were irreversible.
That report also said the changes were “unequivocally” caused by human activity, overwhelmingly from burning fossil fuels and creating unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases.
I must have missed all the cold, hard facts. If burning fossil fuels is so bad, why will tens of thousands take fossil fueled trips to the (checks notes) oil producing nation of Dubai this fall? How many, like Guterres, will take private jets? Why is he calling for cold, hard facts, then acting like Madam Zelda with is scaremongering?
Approaching COP28, he encouraged IPCC to provide leaders with “solid, frank, detailed scientific guidance to make the right decisions for people and planet”.
Leaders “must understand the enormous consequences of delay and the enormous dividends from making the tough but essential choices to accelerate the phasing out of fossil fuels and close the emissions gap, to race to a carbon-free, renewables future, and to secure climate justice, helping communities adapt and build resilience to the worsening impacts,” he said.
It’s strange that he doesn’t care what you peasants think, just what the Elites and elected lawmakers, who are being tasked with forcing this on the peasants. Remember, this is all Science!
The graph you presented is one interpretation, but hete's another.
Meteorologist Schools The Media On Anomalous Vs. Real-World Global Temps https://t.co/xbke4UT7CQ via @ccdeditor
— Northern Gardener???????????????????????????????????????? (@aNorthernGarden) March 13, 2023

Yes, it would. Just not in the way they think.
Yawn. Again? What is this , the last “point of no return” after the last 25 or 30?
How dim does one have to be to still buy into this?
The rate of warming of our Earth 1981 i to 2023 is twice as fast as in the period 1850 to 2023.
The first American political to earn us about humans changing the climate was Ronald Reagan back in the 1980s
If you don’t remember that you can refresh your memory by watching him on YouTube.
Johnny, Johnny…first of all, rates of warming were much greater earlier in the Holocene with much lower CO2. Second, just mentioning rate is irrelevant-it would be what’s causing the alleged rate and more importantly the alleged effects of the rate. How do you explain higher rates in the Holocene with lower CO2?
Jl: first of all, rates of warming were much greater earlier in the Holocene with much lower CO2.
Rates of change are faster now than at any time in the last 24,000 years. See Osman et al., Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum, Nature 2021: “the rate and magnitude of modern warming are unusual relative to the changes of the past 24 thousand years.”
Jl: How do you explain higher rates in the Holocene with lower CO2?
CO2 is not the only factor that affects global mean temperature. Changes in Earth’s orbital characteristics along with positive feedbacks from greenhouse gases and albedo explain the end of the last interglacial.
Please note the relative stability of global mean temperatures over the last few thousand years, the period when humans settled into cities.
And just think, we can alter these changes by taxes and global government.
“Rates of change are faster now than at any time in the last 24,000 years.”
Horse manure. Nature is not an unbiased observer, they have become a political organization – like so many others. And even if true, how many SUVs contributed to the fast warming 24K years ago?
But, child, CO2 is what the children are all focused on. Probably because it fits on a bumper sticker, nicely matching liberal attention spans.
Got tired of getting kicked around over at the Bookworm, did you?
The kiddieZ have been banned from Bookwormroom.com for quite some time.

Their obnoxiousness was just too much to bear. Commenters there cheered when it happened.
Bwaha! Lolgf
alanstorm: Nature is not an unbiased observer . . .
Exclaiming “Is not!” is not an effective argument. You could try to explain why their conclusion is in error, but that would require you actually grappling with the data.
alanstorm: CO2 is what the children are all focused on.
That’s because anthropogenic emissions are driving the current anomalous rapid increase in global mean temperatures. See Osman et al. The data is now sufficient to show regional changes over the last 24,000 years.
The difference between the last interglacial period and today is about 6°C. The Earth will warm 2-4°C per doubling of CO2, about half and ice-age unit, so not an insignificant amount.
And verified by Michael Mann.

Thanks kiddieZ for the enlightenment.
Bwaha! Lolgf