I’m pretty much good with that. We can start with cutting all the non-essential programs. Getting rid of all the redundant programs and employees. Getting rid of departments like the Education Department, Natural Resource Conservation Service, The Rural Electrification Administration, The Rural Housing Development Service, and more. The immense waste in the DOD, Medicaid, Medicare, and other big programs can be fixed
Hopes by lawmakers to balance the federal budget in a decade through reductions in spending could mean significant cuts to programs to achieve that goal, an analysis released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said on Tuesday.
The analysis, requested by Democrats, crunches the numbers behind what achieving a balanced budget in the next 10 years would mean for federal programs. The report comes as Democrats have sought to hammer Republicans over proposals to balance the budget in the timeframe through potentially steep cuts to spending.
In its recent analysis, the nonpartisan budget scorekeeper said its current baseline projections show the nation’s federal budget deficit would reach $2.9 trillion in 2033. To eliminate that deficit through cuts, the agency calculates the impact of various budget roadmaps.
Under one such path, the agency said lawmakers could reach the goal if “all noninterest outlays were gradually reduced starting in 2024 so that they were 29 percent less than the amount in the agency’s baseline projections in 2033.” (snip)
When not factoring in the extension of the tax cuts, the CBO projected that all noninterest outlays would have to be reduced by 41 percent to achieve a balanced budget in the same window. That’s if lawmakers also decided to factor out changes to Social Security, which comprises a chunk of federal spending.
The federal government needs to reduce what they do, and, if states want to take up the mantle, that’s up to them. Los Federales have well exceeded their powers per the Constitution. There are so many programs that get hundreds of millions, if not more, allocated yearly, yet, serve no purpose
And the No. 1 federal boondoggle lawmakers could eliminate tomorrow without hurting anyone at all: The Economic Development Administration (EDA), which duplicates the activities of at least 62 other community development programs. The EDA will spend $350 million this year to spur local economic growth. Yet a recent GAO study found the EDA had no impact at all. Zippo. Five-year savings: $933 million.
That might seem like chump change in the grand scheme, but, it all adds up.

We could fire 50% of .Gov workers and NOT know the difference.
Do it NOW.
end all grants to colleges and universities. how much money has been waisted on university grants to find out why lesbians are fat and gay men are thin?? or to study the sex lives of sand fleas?? or other useless and silly studies??
how much more has been given to research that has resulted in a patent held by the researchers and/or the university with no repayment to the investors??
if it’s worth researching, find a privet company willing to risk the venture capital, but keep your hands out of my wallet.
About 1.5% of federal spending supports college and university students.
Conservatives view higher education as a threat since it’s no secret that more educated Americans tend to vote for Democrats.
In addition, the US has the best and most productive basic science laboratories run out of our universities; much of the research supported by federal funding (NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, CDC), much financed by private companies.
All of those facts found in science books and textbooks come from years of work from laboratories.
Conservatives imagine that everything worth knowing is already known.
The Count of North Carolina wrote:
President Nixon got the concept of “revenue sharing” started, in which the federal government gave direct grants to individual states for what were state projects. This enabled the states, 43 of which have statutory or constitutional balanced budget requirements, to, in effect, pass on budget deficits to the federal government, which does not have such a mandate. States were able to do more, while their legislatures didn’t have to pass tax increases on to their constituents.
And until the Trump administration, those same states could also pass higher taxes, knowing that their residents could deduct those higher taxes on their federal returns. Rich people hardest hit by this provision.
Trump ballooned Federal deficit before the pandemic. He IS The King of Debt, and this was fine while the GOP controlled Congress.
Did you forget?
Perhaps rescinding the 2 trillion dollar permanent tax cut Trump and the GOP have to our elites might reduce the defict. Make those elites pay 50% of their income or gross wealth increase.stop protecting the elites
America was s great when the rich paid high taxes and straws were made of paper
There is nor was any such tax cut. Stop lying. The “elites” are all democommies now. I say tax all income over $500,000 away. Fuck the dem donors!!!!! Rescind all tax exempt status from charities. Rescind all tax exempt status from political organizations. Sue the DNC for reparations for their slavery. Force every registered democommie to pay $50,000 in reparations to all their Negros.
If that is true you lefties should have loved him cause you love pissing away taxpayers money by the trillions. Ten percent joey is pissing it away right now as I type both here and in Ukraine. He can’t shovel out the cash fast enough for “green” bullshit, black reparations and women’s rights. The only thing he won’t spend money on is Palistine, OH and the Southern border.
Yes, but is there a downside…?
And Brandon made it worse. Did you think you had a point?