This article appears at the website The Grio, which is a wholly black run, black written site, which usually skirts the line of black nationalism, and is often critical of white people in a way that would get them shut down if they were all white and writing this way about blacks. Everything seems to be raaaaacist in their world. If they were a white organization, they’d be Cancelled if they wrote this
Biden’s executive order on reducing gun violence seen as needed remedy in Black communities
Gun violence prevention advocates say the true solution to reducing firearms violence in the United States is addressing it as a public health matter, not simply a crime issue.
President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday a new executive order to reduce gun violence in the United States, which data shows disproportionately impacts Black communities.
The order is the latest White House effort to mitigate the nation’s gun problem, which has reached fever-pitch level. In 2023, so far, there have been more than 100 mass shootings in America, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
Biden’s executive actions include measures to increase the number of background checks, spread awareness and improve the use of red flag laws and address the loss and theft of firearms during shipping.
The executive order also seeks to hold gun manufacturers and sellers more accountable for their part in guns getting into the hands of bad actors — including the marketing of firearms to minors.
Who’s hands are those? Well, per this article, they are mostly black. And little reason for those shootings
Gregory Jackson, executive director of Community Justice Action Fund (CJAF), an advocacy group committed to reducing gun violence in Black and brown communities, told theGrio the president’s executive order is a “comprehensive approach that holds the gun industry, the gun dealers and traffickers accountable with the same level of emphasis that we’ve seen America hold perpetrators or individuals accountable.”
Jackson, a victim of gun violence, argued that the true solution to reducing firearms violence in the United States — particularly in Black communities — is addressing it as a public health matter, not simply a crime issue. “The biggest indicator of gun violence in our community is not necessarily crime, but it’s whether or not we’ve been exposed to violence,” said Jackson. “We look at the homicides in the Black community right now, 70% of them are not connected to another felony crime.”
Over 50% of shootings and murders are committed by blacks, who comprise just under 13% of the population. Pretty sure it’s not the fault of the gun industry nor the dealers, since a goodly chunk of those guns are not lawfully purchased. None of these bullet points in Bidens EO will make a difference.
Jackson also noted the proliferation of guns in Black communities, which he believes the president’s latest actions will help alleviate by directing the Secretary of Transportation and Department of Justice to work to reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment and to “improve reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers.”
Wait, Biden actually thinks Mayor Pete is going to accomplish anything? Any lost/theft is not the fault of gun manufacturers or dealers, but, the shippers. Interestingly, Jackson is admitting that blacks are prone to obtaining firearms unlawfully.
Jackson said, “That’s especially important in Black and brown communities where our communities are being flooded with firearms. They’re saturated with firearms that were illegally brought into our community. Our communities are being victimized and targeted with the sales of firearms and we need to be doing more to protect vulnerable communities and make sure that we’re pouring in resources to help people better their life.”
He does know that people are not required to purchase these illegal guns illegally. Why aren’t people telling the police at some level about the illegal dealers?
McBath’s bill to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others was included in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first comprehensive gun violence prevention law passed in Congress in nearly 30 years.
Why would red flag laws work when almost no one ever tells the police about illegal guns in their communities, and refuse to identify shooters after a shooting? Do they think they’re going to narc out their family members and friends?
However, despite the fact that the Safer Communities Act is now a law, mass shootings have continued to plague the U.S. In response, Biden has repeatedly called on Congress to go further legislatively by banning assault weapons and passing universal background checks.
Despite red flag laws in 20 states and the District Of Columbia, they almost never stop shootings.
“Gun violence has plagued our communities for too long and although we’ve made progress, it is not enough,” said Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr., president of the African American Mayors Association. “I’ve seen too many thoughts and prayers, but not enough action.”
Until blacks in black communities narc out those with illegal guns nothing will change. Until they raise the kids right nothing will change. Teach them that shooting someone for minor annoyances is not the way. Stop the fatherless families. Anyhow, this is a black written article with blacks as sources showing the gun crime in black communities. It would be deemed raaaaacist if it came from white people, and, it also fails to note how most of these areas ridden with gun crime are in Democratic Party run cities, in the low income areas that the Democratic Party shoves blacks into, claiming that they are helping blacks.

“Anyhow, this is a black written article with blacks as sources showing the gun crime in black communities. It would be deemed raaaaacist if it came from white people, and, it also fails to note how most of these areas ridden with gun crime are in Democratic Party run cities, in the low income areas that the Democratic Party shoves blacks into, claiming that they are helping blacks.”
Of course it’s racist! Look, if black cops that kill a fellow melanin enhanced individual in Memphis do it because of White Supremacy, how can anything that makes negroes look like anything other than angelic Wakandans not be raaaaacist?
Typical. Black people are crazy and violent so white people should be disarmed argument. It’s as if black race activists don’t study history and didn’t know that gun control in America is rooted in oppressing black people. The cost of maleducation.
Perhaps the white majority should listen to democrats on this one issue and accept they really know the true nature of their own people and that black people living in cities should be disarmed. In any case, it isn’t part of my reality. I don’t live in a city surrounded by violent foreigners and violent black people. All my neighbors can own guns and the worst that happens is an occasional noise complaint. But in cities, things are different. All those unskilled people jammed together with no hope but stealing from each other and selling drugs. It is a wonder that the murder rate isn’t many times higher.
Mr Teach claims of theGrio:
Who would shut down a white publication that criticized blacks? No one shut down FOX or Gateway.
Mr Teach says the same things about blacks that theGrio article said.
Mr Teach neglected to address the discussion of other approaches to reduce gun violence, especially in black communities…
“Violence intervention programs have been proven to save thousands of lives within Black and brown communities,” said Jackson. “It’s investing in community-led strategies that are run and managed and actually hire people in our community and provide them with the tools and resources they need to intervene in conflicts and to prevent this from happening in the first place.”
Do you actually believe this? This is just another grift, designed to tax productive people and funnel the majority to politicians and other parasites. Why would Wakandans need to be coddled so? Maybe because they can’t do anything productive without a host to glom onto?
It’s an epidemic alright…
Oh goody! Now more “advocates” can go on more strategizing ski trips to Colorado or meetings in Hawaii paid for by US taxpayers. Yay, win-win!,

Heckuva guy, that Joey.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Biden targets Whites for abuse but never considers or mentions the Blacks whose communities and families suffer the worst damage. You’d think they all came from East Palestine.
Would be njce if they linked cash dispersements to reductions in violent crime. I guess they figure that the ghettokin would be upset by the Blacks in jail. In jail or in coffin. Their choice.
According to some gun advocates the 2nd Amendment explicitly days that no laws banning gun ownership are Constitutional
The 2nd Amendment days that gun ownership is a Constitutional right available to all, not just some.
If it is allowed restrict gun ownership to some groups, such as 1/30of all adult men who are felons, then it is allowed to restrict gun ownership to ANY group of ‘ba d actors”. Such as communists or the extreme right wing