“Experts” totally want your kids controlled even more in schools
How can we shield children from the impacts of climate change? Investments in schools can help.
As a pediatrician in California, Dr. Lisa Patel has seen firsthand how climate change is impacting children. She’s treated severely dehydrated newborns, children whose asthma was exacerbated by wildfires, and heat-related illnesses brought on by sports games and practices.
Those are some of the reasons that prompted Patel to co-author a recently released report pushing to make schools in California more resilient to climate change.
“We are just at a point where we can’t fix every part of our society as quickly as we need to to keep kids safe,” said Patel, who is also a clinical associate professor at Stanford University. “We need to be targeted, and, after their homes, kids spend the second most [amount of] time in their schools.”
The report, compiled by researchers, advocates and medical professionals, argues that not investing in schools hurts children from both a public health and an education standpoint, with climate change bringing added urgency.
First off, the amount that the U.S. spends on schools (with low return) is massive, at the federal, state, county, and local levels. But, they want to spend more? For what? Indoctrinating children more, making them even more fearful of Doom? Second, how do they Blame severely dehydrated newborns on ‘climate change’, and not neglect from the parents? Third, this is more about making the schools more of the kids’ parents than the parents, like these moonbats have been trying along other lines. 4th, how do we shield kids? Take the climate insanity out of schools, stop teaching them loony tunes stuff.
Comment: We’ll only beat climate change if we help small businesses cut emissions ? and fast
Climate change is no longer a distant threat. It is a living reality affecting societies, businesses of all sizes and ? foremost ? people. Big businesses are serious about tackling climate change. Net zero, sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance issues) have become mainstream business strategy for multinationals, many of which are now figuring out how to deliver on their climate commitments.
However, leaders of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), who care just as deeply about the climate, often cannot prioritise climate action due to more pressing issues, like rising energy costs and inflation.
This really is all about forcing the climate insanity on medium and small businesses, and, for those who refuse to comply, either force them to close or get the government to regulate them more.
How winter storms and other extreme weather are connected to climate change
Parts of Minnesota are once again bracing for a winter storm watch starting on Thursday and it’s been a year of unusual and extreme winter weather.
This winter is already the 8th snowiest winter on record in the Twin Cities and it’s only March.
And, they’re blaming this on you. It’s your fault. Because this is a doomsday cult. Scientology looks more sane. At least they’re not trying to force everyone to be a part of their cult.

Why do we even have public schools?? Close them all, including publicly funded community colleges and state universities. If they can survive on tuition and voluntary donations, so be it, but the government needs to stop stealing your money!
Let those who want their children schooled and can afford it, sent them to private schools that support all your beliefs. Or home school.
Let’s be honest, most parents are lazy and use public schools as babysitters: babysitters that you hard-working patriots pay for!!
The change will require patriotic parents to be disruptors. If you can’t find school board nominees who support your beliefs, run yourself! Campaign for, donate to and vote for local politicians with the guts to gut the current communist system.
The future of America depends on YOU!!
Rimjob: Let’s be honest
Thanks for the chuckle, dumbass!

[…] Climate Scam Today: Schools, Small Business, And Snow […]
Spring Break Live Stream
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Governments of the world are losing control of their populace. SHEEPLE with the help of the internet along with the likes of Tik TOK, run by Communist China, and Authoritarian Facebook, Instagram, and Google/YOUTUBE which seems fully in the CCP of CHINA’s camp are doing their worst to turn the screws of authoritarianism to keep the people in check.
The people….cannot rule themselves, make decisions for themselves, or in any way, shape, or form go against the narrative put forth by the NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT and the powers that have ALWAYS RAN THE WORLD.
Dowd asks why do we even have schools.
He then constructs a strawman argument that has no merit with the right he is attempting to castigate. When a school or corporation and even worse your own government, which was elected to represent ALL THE PEOPLE and not just 40 percent of them, has an agenda then it is still the right in America and elsewhere for the parents or customers to rebel against said agenda.
It is after all the basis for Saul Alinsky, Cloward, and Piven’s strategy to overwhelm the governments to get what they want. The left does it. The right is learning. Just as they are now embracing BALLOT HARVESTING FOR THE NEXT ELECTION. Your side has taught us well.
Sorry, you despise your own tactics when the other side uses them, but get used to it Sir Dowd. The GOP are very slow learner but they are now using the tactics of the left to get what they want. How very evil of them. Heh?