They just won’t give up, eh? They had been blaming it on someone eating a bat or pangolin for 3 years, but, now that there is more and more evidence now, to go with the early evidence, that it was created in a lab, the COVID cult has to try something. The question is, why this need to protect China? Why this need to not allow a belief that it came from the Wuhan lab? Who does this protect?
New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market
An international team of virus experts said Thursday that they had found genetic data from a market in Wuhan, China, linking the coronavirus with raccoon dogs for sale there, adding evidence to the case that the worst pandemic in a century could have been ignited by an infected animal that was being dealt through the illegal wildlife trade.
The genetic data was drawn from swabs taken from in and around the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market starting in January 2020, shortly after Chinese authorities had shut down the market because of suspicions that it was linked to the outbreak of a new virus. By then, the animals had been cleared out, but researchers swabbed walls, floors, metal cages and carts often used for transporting animal cages.
In samples that came back positive for the coronavirus, the international research team found genetic material belonging to animals, including large amounts that were a match for the raccoon dog, three scientists involved in the analysis said. (snip)
The new evidence is sure to provide a jolt to the debate over the pandemic’s origins, even if it does not resolve the question of how it began.
In recent weeks, the so-called lab leak theory, which posits that the coronavirus emerged from a research lab in Wuhan, has gained traction thanks to a new intelligence assessment from the U.S. Department of Energy and hearings led by the new Republican House leadership.
So, three years later this “study” determines it was a raccoon dog?
An international team — which included Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona; Kristian Andersen, a virus expert at the Scripps Research Institute in California; and Edward Holmes, a biologist at the University of Sydney — started mining the new genetic data last week.
One sample in particular caught their attention. It had been taken from a cart linked to a specific stall at the Huanan market that Holmes had visited in 2014, scientists involved in the analysis said. That stall, Holmes found, contained caged raccoon dogs on top of a separate cage holding birds, exactly the sort of environment conducive to the transmission of new viruses.
The swab taken from a cart there in early 2020, the research team found, contained genetic material from the virus and a raccoon dog.
Even better, this is from a sample from three years ago.
After the international team stumbled upon the new data, they reached out to the Chinese researchers who had uploaded the files with an offer to collaborate, hewing to rules of the online repository, scientists involved with the new analysis said. After that, the sequences disappeared from GISAID.
I can either use my Southern and say “oh, honey-chile, bless your heart”, or revert to my native New Jersey and say “get the fuck out of here.” What a complete pantload. And the NY Times and the rest of the Credentialed Media are going with this without question. Who are they protecting?

The very fact they are defending China at all for this covid nonsense shows how infiltrated the west has become with Chinese Propagandists. Why would you do this? It was the right in the beginning who was saying how scary this covid was and the left denied that because they were in impeach Trump mode and it detracted from their agenda. Once Trump was impeached it was on to greater things. You know. Never let a good crisis go to waste so suddenly Covid was Trump’s fault.
Jon Stewart says it all….take a watch. It’s sad but funny as hell as well and so descriptive of the left’s insane desire to cover up the disastrous work of science. Remember. Science is good but not ALL SCIENCE can be GOOD!!
The fun begins at 3:11 in this 6-minute clip. Poor Stephen Colbert blabber’s defense of Wuhan Bats. Colbert when he runs out of arguments asks Stewart how long he has worked for the Republicans to shut him down. After the show on a podcast, Stewart talks about how much hate he got from that appearance because he dared challenge the narrative of the CCP left.
Don’t conflate defending truth with defending China.
As Dr Fauci pointed out yesterday morning, it’s possible SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory leak from the Wuhan Institute.
OH Im not Dowd. Fauci hasnt told the truth so how am I supposed to believe that you are not defending China.
Emails show that two of his top Viral experts emailed him and said no way this was natural and most likely came from a lab.
He then gave these two Top scientists 9 million in grants to STFU and write a paper claiming the leak theory was a conspiracy theory. He then stood at the podium and claimed these scientists wrote a paper confirming this is a likely jump from nature and not a lab leak. CYOA Covering his own ass because he knew he was chin deep in shit from helping fund gain of function in China.
The house, FBI, CIA, NSA and others have all the goods on Fauci because he was giving money that ended up in CHINA helping to fund GAIN OF FUNCTION.
YOU SHOULD TRY getting your news from someone other than MSNBC. is an excellent source. It costs 70 bucks a year and lets you read left, right and center articles about the same thing. In addition, you get a grand perspective on the fact that for instance, the right will be the source of information on a topic 60 percent of the time, the center 40 percent of the time, and the left ZERO percent of the time and VICE VERSA.
For example. Harris booed at march madness was reported by the right and center 100 percent while the left sources totally ignored the news.
You also can get an overview of your own bias by how much you read left or right or center news vs the other news. Additionally, will tell you WHO OWNS the source of the article and their bias. Such as owned by Murdoch and is right or owned by XXX news corporation and is left.
Great source to get your daily dose of truth from thousands of sources and not just MSNBC or FOX NEWS.
Doom and Gloom: Emails show that two of his top Viral experts emailed him and said no way this was natural and most likely came from a lab.
That was their first impression, but additional research indicated it was a relatively common natural occurrence.
Doom and Gloom: Great source to get your daily dose of truth from thousands of sources and not just MSNBC or FOX NEWS.
We generally get it from primary sources. See Worobey et al., The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Science 2022; and Pekar et al., The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2, Science 2022.
William Teach: So, three years later this “study” determines it was a raccoon dog?
It’s not determined, but it supports a zoonotic origin. The raccoon dog may not have been the intial reservoir, but they were apparently infected before humans.
William Teach: Even better, this is from a sample from three years ago.
It took 14 years to determine the origin of the 2003 SARS outbreak.
William Teach: What a complete pantload.
Not an argument.
The Z man wrote: It’s not determined, but it supports a zoonotic origin. The raccoon dog may not have been the intial reservoir, but they were apparently infected before humans.
In 2020:
A joint WHO-China study on the origins of Covid-19 says that transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario and that a lab leak is “extremely unlikely,” according to a draft copy obtained by The Associated Press.
It was bats.
NOW? A team, consisting of mystery scientists according to Yahoo news has confirmed that cages swabbed three years after the outbreak find Raccoon dogs are at fault.
A report with the full details of the international research team’s findings has not yet been published. Their analysis was first reported by The Atlantic.
Yahoo news….left. Atlantic far left.
The left continues to double down on SCIENCE LIES. Why is that?
Because your religion AKA Science is under attack. Christians have learned long ago that not everything they believe or do can be defended. Because Christians do bad things does not mean there isn’t a God.
Because Scientists do bad things does not mean Science is not GOOD.
If you guys just learn to live with the fact that you have dickheads and unscrupulous people in science that gives Science a bad name then you will be much happier.
I present you Dr. MANN of hockey stick fame who lost his homework when he tried to sue over defamation and lost his case.
I present you with Fauci who has lied from day one to Cover his own ass. He is bad…That does not mean SCIENCE IS BAD, but that is how you people are approaching this.
Doom and Gloom: 0A joint WHO-China study on the origins of Covid-19 says that transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario
That’s right. Raccoon dogs may have been that intermediate species.
Mr Teach typed:
There is no credible evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was CREATED in a laboratory. None.
What is under question is whether the virus was transmitted to humans through 1) direct infection from animals (the common route of novel viruses to human beans) or 2) from a scientist at the Wuhan Institute who had been investigating the virus (possibly harvested from animals in the past). Please try to understand that virology laboratories collect viruses from the wild to characterize them.
The new data shows raccoon dog DNA comingled with SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Again, this doesn’t prove or even suggest that the virus was transmitted from raccoon dogs to humans. SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated from dozens of mammalian species but that DOESN’T mean they virus was originally transmitted from these animals to humans. WE MAY NEVER KNOW DEFINITIVELY.
from The Atlantic:
Mr Teach feels this is just another aspect of the conspiracy where THEY want YOU to not blame the Wuhan Institute!!! He even implies that the new analyses were ‘generated’ by THEY to bolster THEIR argument. One Conspiracy to Rule Them All!!
The secret FBI and/or DOE ‘evidence’ could be illustrative.
Regardless, can we all agree that raccoon dogs are adorable?
Although they look like raccoons, they are actually canids with foxes being their closest relatives.
I’d never heard of them, and they are adorable. So fluffy. Apparently no chance of domestication, like dingos.
Teach you must have misread that study. It did not day definity what the origin of COVID in humans was.
It simply presented facts that might show the origin. Scientists have open minds. Which animal MIGHT have been responsible, if in fact it came from an animal, has not been determined. We do know that it has killed 1.1 million Americans. We do know that the highest per Capita death rates were in red states. We do know that it killed a higher percentage of the unvaccinated. We do know that it killed a lot more registered republicans than Dems
We do know that ivermectin did not work.
Johnny-do you have a link to the study that says more registered Republicans were killed than registered Democrats?
How do youse guys know that Ebola virus wasn’t developed at the Congo Institute of Virology???
Sure, sure, THEY claim it passed from a bat reservoir, POSSIBLY through monkeys used as bushmeat, but there is no PROOF it wasn’t constructed by Russian scientists working in Africa!!