There’s no doubt Vladimir Putin is a bad guy. Did he commit war crimes? Probably. Is this going anywhere? No
The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Friday issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and another Russian official involving allegations of war crimes around the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia.
The arrest warrant is thought to mark one of the first charges against Putin for war crimes in Ukraine, part of a global effort to hold the Russian president and the Russian Federation accountable for atrocities beginning with the full-scale February 2022 invasion.
An arrest warrant was also issued for Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, commissioner for children’s rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, who the ICC alleges “bears individual criminal responsibility” for the forced deportation of Ukrainian children from Russian-occupied territory to Russia.
“It is forbidden by international law for occupying powers to transfer civilians from the territory they live in to other territories. Children enjoy special protection under the Geneva Convention,” ICC President Judge Piotr Hofma?ski said in a video statement on Friday.
The arrest warrant marks a stunning global rebuke against Putin, even as the chance of bringing the Russian leader into custody of an international court of law is remote at best.
Does Putin care? Do you think he’s paying attention to this? If he travels to India, China, and most of the countries who are still doing business with Russia, will anything happen? Will any of those countries consider arresting him?
What Russia is doing if they are forcing kids from Ukraine to Russia is horrible. When does the ICC issue arrest warrants for all the parents and doctors involved in giving kids all sorts of chemicals and medical procedures to reinforce the short-sighted, trendy fad belief that they the other gender? Or the teachers who are pushing this on kids? Or the lawmakers supporting it? Lunatics like this utter RINO, Bob Heleringer, from Kentucky
I wish I could blame both political parties for this cataclysm but I cannot. Every anti-gay/trans bill this session was introduced by a Republican. But there’s hope. GOP state Reps. Kim Banta, Stephanie Dietz, Kim Moser, Killian Timoney and Sen. Stephen Meredith have voted this session against making LGBTQ Kentuckians second-class citizens.
Transgender children are the primary targets of the vendetta: what pronouns can be used to describe them in our public schools (I am not making this up), what medical care they can obtain, what psychological services they can have, what bathrooms the kids can use in a public school among other degradations. Gay adults have been singled out for special humiliation by having to contend with a bill that addresses one of the commonwealth’s most critical problems – who can attend Drag Queen shows and where they can be performed; an artistic expression (dance) that threatens absolutely no one.
See, it’s a bad thing in Moonbat World that Republicans want to protect biological women from men with mental health issue from being in their personal spaces, like bathrooms, locker rooms, and shower. It’s bad that Republicans want to protect women from having the gender confused compete in their sports, taking their wins and scholarships. From taking their place in all sorts of competitions, positions, and jobs. From children being able to attend highly sexualized drag shows, when those same kids are restricted from being in bars and strip clubs already. It’s a f*cked up world when anyone supports not protecting children from these deprivations.

Mr Teach:
Mr Teach needs to get out more if he feels American children are suffering from “highly sexualized” drag shows, LOL. Like most conservatives, Mr Teach no doubt considers ‘straight’ sexualization at the expense of women to be not only acceptable but even desirable. Teenage girls dancing in bikinis is ok but men in dresses is ‘grooming’ and needs to regulated by the ‘state’. Has Mr Teach never seen facebook Reels, instagram, twitter or TikTok? Or his own IAYS? Does he check the age of his viewers?
The nuGOP (MAGAts) and their anti-gay, anti-trans movement is a political ploy. They feel drag shows are a more serious threat than burgeoning income/wealth inequality.
Why should incomes/wealth be more equal? Anyway, income inequality has gone down over the last 50 years…
Speaking of arrest, Mr Trump on Truth Social:
Speaker of the House:
Trump is a political genius! This will engorge his followers!
The ICC is a ridiculous parody of a court. Those children weren’t expelled from Uktaine, they were imported to Ruusia for their safety because the ukrainians were shelling their homes with new US made artillery. It’s the exact opposite of a war crime and totally opposite of what that law is for.
There was once a joke that calling Putin a murderer was risky because he has killed people for less. I wonder how those ICC judges would feel if Russian police demanded their extradition to Russia for some obscure crime. Universal jurisdiction only matters when someone is strong enough to enforce it.
Professor Hale: they were imported to Ruusia for their safety because the ukrainians were shelling their homes with new US made artillery.
If that were the case, Russia would be working to return the children to their families. They’re not. Soviet Russia did this before to Ukraine.
Professor Hale: I wonder how those ICC judges would feel if Russian police demanded their extradition to Russia for some obscure crime.
Stealing children is not some obscure crime but among the worst crimes against humanity.
Russia has been kidnapping Ukrainian children and taking them to Russia. This is Russian-class terrorism.
Hale has got it exactly right, and Zachariel and Dowd are regurgitating Ukronazi and USnazi lies.
bob sykes,
Ignoring the point is not an argument. If the Russians were moving the children for humanitarian reasons, they would be sure to work to put the children in contact with their families. Instead, the children are spirited away. The Russians want to destroy Ukrainian identity.
Let us suppose for an instant that you are correct about the charges the ICC is acting on. Do you suppose having some globalistic entity like the ICC act aggressively toward Russia’s leadership is going to in any way turn the Russian people against their own leadership? Of course not. It will rally Russian popular opinion behind Putin, just as when the ICC made noises about charging American presidents with Iraq war crimes turned American popular opinion against the ICC.
So given the Russians are openly contemptuous of international entities acting like a world government and violating national sovereignty, this seems totally counterproductive.
BTW, what the Russians are being accused of sounds remarkably like what the US did at the end of the Vietnam War when we “evacuated” thousands of children, many who were orphans, to get them out of the war zone as the South Vietnamese government collapsed.
ruralcounsel: Do you suppose having some globalistic entity like the ICC act aggressively toward Russia’s leadership is going to in any way turn the Russian people against their own leadership?
Some. Putin controls the media, so most people may not even be aware of the indictment, but more connected members of society may see it as further ostracizing Russia, so further limiting their prospects and the prospects of their children.
ruralcounsel: what the Russians are being accused of sounds remarkably like what the US did at the end of the Vietnam War
To Ukrainians, it’s more like what Stalin did to Ukraine in the 1930s.
Tell us Zachriel do you believe all anti Russian propaganda or only those about children? Why would an American Jew support Ukrainian Nazi’s? That mystifies me as much as blacks voting democrats. Makes no sense. Maybe you all just have no sense and we’re giving you too much credit.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: Why would an American Jew support Ukrainian Nazi’s?
Ukraine is not a Nazi regime. Ukraine is a partly free, hybrid regime that is currently waging a nationalist struggle against a foreign invader.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: That mystifies me as much as blacks voting democrats. Makes no sense.
If you are mystified, that would suggest your preconceptions are wrong, something you should reexamine in the light of the manifest evidence.
“Russification” was an old, old Soviet policy, which kind of worked at the margins, but that was about it.
That’s what the Ukrainians say.
The ICC is a ridiculous parody of a court. Those children weren’t expelled from Uktaine, they were imported to Ruusia for their safety because the ukrainians were shelling their homes with new US made artillery. It’s the exact opposite of a war crime and totally opposite of what that law is for.
There was once a joke that calling Putin a murderer was risky because he has killed people for less. I wonder how those ICC judges would feel if Russian police demanded their extradition to Russia for some obscure crime. Universal jurisdiction only matters when someone is strong enough to enforce it.
Teach seems to think that kidnapping 1000s of Ukrainian kids and shipping them off to Russia rates only a “probably” as a war crime.
Professor Hale is a Putin stooge parroting Russian talking points
War crimes trials are the excuses used by the winners to hang the losers. If Russia loses the Ukraine war badly enough that Vladimir Putin is driven from power, a new Russian government might hand him over to the kangaroo court in The Hague. If NATO forces join the fight, invade Russia, drive all the way to Moscow, and capture President Putin, they might drag him to The Hague, and put him on trial.
But if Russia wins the war, and captures Volodymyr Zelenskyy, they’ll drag him off to Moscow and put him on a show trial as well, and he’ll be sent to his eternal reward.
All this does is increase the probabilities of nuclear war, because Mr Putin cannot allow Russia to lose, and if Russia does start losing, the probability that he’ll resort to tactical nukes increases.
Mr Dana:
Not really. The US investigates potential war crimes of our own military personnel.
It may see weird to consider rules in war, but the Nazis clearly committed war crimes. Medical experimentation on civilians? Torture and mass murder of civilians?
So, not only should the rest of the world ignore brutal invasions but also any war crimes committed by nuclear armed nations.
On the other hand we should outlaw same-sex marriages and drag shows. Got it.
General Curtis Lemay, who commanded the Army Air Force’s bombing campaign over Japan, once stated that if the Japanese had won the war, he’d be the one on trial for war crimes.
The British and we bombed Japan and Germany mercilessly, trying to destroy their ability to make war, but also killing millions of civilians.
What were the COVID mRNA “vaccines” but a massive medical experiment on civilians?
Yeah, really. Holding our own personnel to the standards we expect from others is something that as a two tier justice warrior and democrat may be strange to you but it is good. Unlike kangaroo courts run by leftists it shows our consistency
“…but the Nazis clearly committed war crimes. Medical experimentation on civilians? Torture and mass murder of civilians?”
And was unleashing a fake an untested “vaccine” on innocent Americans by our own government not a war crime? How about the torture and mass murder of those who had bad response to those illicit vaccines? And was our atomic bombing of Japan in itself a war crime? Was that also not the mass murder of civilians.
“So, not only should the rest of the world ignore brutal invasions but also any war crimes committed by nuclear armed nations.”
So you are ready to impose your “principles” on every communist country that has participated in the slaughter of an estimated 160-220 million people? Or are war crimes like justice only applicable to the people you hate but not your commie pals?
Your inconsistencies are thoroughly consistent with your fascist mentality.
ruralcounsel: What were the COVID mRNA “vaccines” but a massive medical experiment on civilians?
The mRNA vaccines passed Phase 3 trials before being provided to the general public.
L’Roy White: And was our atomic bombing of Japan in itself a war crime?
Arguably so. International laws were strengthened after WWII.
L’Roy White: inconsistencies are thoroughly consistent
It has to do with the tentative progress being made to ensure human dignity. Sort of how America freed white people before freeing Blacks. Such is the human condition.