I’ve mentioned before, here, in comments, social media, and real life, that there’s a possibility that this who Ukraine-Russia war is a scam. The nations are bleeding the US, UK, and other EU nations dry of money and war material. Russia isn’t going hardcore at Ukrainian cities and assets. The war has rather bogged down. Ukrainians are going off on holiday at the beach and ski resorts. And now this
Russia and Ukraine extend grain deal despite disagreement
A deal allowing Ukraine to export millions of tonnes of grain through the Black Sea despite the ongoing conflict with Russia has been extended.
But it is unclear how long it will last, with Ukraine pushing for 120 days, and Russia calling for 60 days.
Russia has warned it will not allow the deal to go on longer unless sanctions against Moscow are softened.
The UN and Turkey helped broker the export agreement last July following fears of a global food crisis.
Ukraine is one of the world’s top producers of grain, but its access to ports in the Black Sea was blocked by Russian warships following the invasion in February last year.
They’re at war, right? Why would Russia allow Ukraine to export grain when the influx of revenue helps Ukraine? Does this sound like something two warring nations would do? Would the Allies have worked a deal to let the Axis powers export material? This is very strange.
Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, said on Friday that the EU, UK and US had two months to remove any sanctions targeting Russia’s agricultural sector if they wanted the deal to continue.
Moscow wants Russian producers to be able to export more food and fertiliser to the rest of the world, but says Western sanctions are preventing them.
So, it could be that Russia is using this to attempt to get their own sanctions removed, so they can sell more easily, but, really, most countries are ignoring the sanctions anyhow.
And, look, another wanker Republican by the name of Chris Sununu, governor of New Hampshire
Some of my GOP colleagues have lost their moral compass on Ukraine
“America First” does not mean “America Only.” It means putting our interests first — and that’s what opposing Russia in Ukraine does.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a “territorial dispute,” as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis described it this month. Russia is engaged in a war against an innocent people, and it must be condemned. The United States of America is the greatest country on Earth, and we must stand with our allies around the globe to fight aggressive and dangerous regimes that threaten freedom wherever they are.
Simply opposing aid to Ukraine because President Biden supports it is not a viable foreign policy. To abandon Ukraine would set off a negative chain of events for U.S. interests domestically and abroad. Vladimir Putin is knocking at NATO’s doorstep, and without our support — and the support of our European allies — Ukraine will fall, resulting in far graver problems for the United States: conflict across Europe.
First, we oppose escalating support, as we do not know what the money is being used for or where it’s going, especially when we have post-COVID problems at home. Second, there seems to be no strategy or plan. Third, we’re dead set against send higher end weapons which could lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. Which Chris apparently doesn’t realize has lots of nuclear weapons. We do not oppose because Biden supports it, as lots of Republicans support this. We’re using logic, not feelings.
As far as those graver problems? Chris never gets into them. Just like the rest. If Ukraine falls, it would mean almost nothing.

Our distinguished host asked:
One thing the Allies did allow was for neutral Sweden to export iron ore to the Third Reich. The British, and later the US, could have sunk those ore ships, but didn’t.
During WW2 we also never bombed any of the Ford Motor Weeks plants until April of 1945.which made trucks for the German army
We also continued to pay royalties to the german owners of the patent for tetraetheyllead which was needed to produce 145 octane aviation gas.
Standard oil tankers going from Venezuela to Fascist Spain were allowed safe passage by Uboats with the oil transshipped yo Germany.
Prescott Bush was almost indicted for continuing to be the German shipping representative well after eat was declared.
War is War.
Business must continue
Try trading the book
Trading With the Enemy about how American business continued during WE2
Thanks for the cut-paste to explain why violating trade embargoes is perfectly ok. Just in time. As if someone fed you the link and told you to use it. You guys are so transparent. So putin is leterally Hitler, but trade with him is ok.
Russia and Ukraine together are responsible of 30% of global wheat exports. In return for no sanctions on Russia wheat exports, Ukraine is allowed to expiry wheat.
Millions of humans need that wheat. Wait!!!teach you didn’t already know that ?
Thanks for the cut-paste to explain why violating trade embargoes is perfectly ok. Just in time. As if someone fed you the link and told you to use it. You guys are so transparent. So putin is leterally Hitler, but trade with him is ok.
I for one wish conservacommenters would cut-n-paste more from primary sources! It would serve you well.
Professors understand that.