The WHO has pretty much been in the pocket of China throughout the Wuhan Flu years, and now they’re essentially telling them to manufacture the necessary data to push back on the lab leak intelligence
WHO Accuses China of Hiding Data That May Link COVID’s Origins to Animals
The World Health Organization rebuked Chinese officials Friday for withholding research that may link COVID-19’s origin to wild animals, asking why the data had not been made available three years ago and why it is now missing.
Before the Chinese data disappeared, an international team of virus experts downloaded and began analyzing the research, which appeared online in January. They say it supports the idea that the pandemic could have begun when illegally traded raccoon dogs infected humans at a Wuhan seafood market.
But the gene sequences were removed from a scientific database once the experts offered to collaborate on the analysis with their Chinese counterparts.
“These data could have — and should have — been shared three years ago,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. The missing evidence now “needs to be shared with the international community immediately,” he said.
According to the experts who are reviewing it, the research offers evidence that raccoon dogs — foxlike animals known to spread coronaviruses — had left behind DNA in the same place in the Wuhan market that genetic signatures of the new coronavirus also were discovered.
Right, right, rebuked. If WHO knew about it then, why did they say nothing? Why did they wait three years? Why does the WHO really, really want it to be a pure accident, rather than from the laboratory investigating coronaviruses right down the road? One that has had other issues with leaks? Which is more probable, especially since we know Fauci and the National Institute Of Health were funding gain of function research at Wuhan?
The NY Times has this photo with a caption about Wuhan investigating bat coronaviruses, and they wonder why people think it's more likely COVID came from the lab than a wet market?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) March 20, 2023

Mr Teach:
Mr Teach does not understand. The WHO did not know 3 years ago. The racoon dog DNA data was only revealed Jan 2023, and was removed, but not before other scientists analyzed it.
The WHO is suggesting that China had this data for 3 years but were hiding it to suppress the Huanan market spread hypothesis. Ironically, the posting of the racoon dog DNA sequences was a likely a ‘lab leak’, LOL!
Recall too, that the Huanan market animals were removed right away, apparently without testing.
None of this PROVES that SARS-CoV-2 infected raccoon dogs transmitted the virus to humans, but it is another piece of evidence.
Have the FBI and DOE released their low to moderate confidence ‘evidence’ yet? Why haven’t Repubicuns leaked it yet?
One Conspiracy to Rule Them All!
Can Mr Teach or a conservative commenter explain what THEY feel the Covid ‘lab leak’ hypthesis entails? Thanks.
The whole idea of Racoon dogs seams farcical. COVID has been around for 3 years now and this is the first we are hearing about this connection to an animal no one hear has even heard of. Looks like a test by Google to see how far a unique information element can spread from the time it is introduced in social media.
Professor Hale: COVID has been around for 3 years now and this is the first we are hearing about this connection to an animal no one hear has even heard of.
Your personal ignorance is not evidence. In fact, someone had taken a picture of the raccoon dogs at the market before the outbreak, because it was a violation of health laws. The raccoon dogs were housed near birds, also known carriers of coronaviruses. However, nothing was done.
Keep in mind that zoonotic transfer is common for many viruses, including coronaviruses. It’s happened before, and it will almost certainly happen again.
It’s just because some refuse to understand anything that conflicts with their beliefs.
Raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) have been around for a long time. They were caged at the Huanan market as a food animal at the time of the Covid pandemic outbreak. Evidently, they are eaten in Japan and China. As a friend from India once told me, “The Chinese will eat anything”.
China eradicated all the caged Huanan market animals at the first signs of the outbreak. They ALSO took swabs of the facilities, cages, floors and sinks for nucleic acid sequencing. They reported Covid sequence soon, but for whatever reason did not report the mammalian sequences (apparently inadvertently) until Jan 2023. Is it possible the Chinese wanted to hide that the pandemic started in the market? Why? And recall that the WHO said early on that the pandemic probably DIDN’T start at the market!! The Chinese also falsely claimed the vendors didn’t illegally sell animals. They actually sold over 100 different animals including raccoon dogs, civet cats, snakes, salamanders, bats and rabbits.
In support of right-wing conspiracists, let me suggest they ‘accidentally’ released the mammalian sequence data to distract from the ‘lab link’ hypothesis!! Frankly, we’re surprised Mr Teach didn’t think of that.
Why the ‘sudden’ interest in raccoon dogs? Because the DNA showed up comingled with Covid RNA in samples collected earlier at the market.
You guys realize you’ve been lying so long about so many things none of which you have any expertise and are only repeating what your programmers tell you that there is no way on earth we or any rational human being would believe this bullshit about racoon dogs if you showed videos of it happening like we did with election fraud which you still deny. Plus the fact that none of your assertions have any footing in common sense or logic not to mention that YOU KEEP CHANGING YOUR STORY!
[b]CarolAnn[/b]: [i]You guys realize you’ve been lying so long . . . [/i]
That’s not an actual argument, of course. There is significant evidence that the COVID outbreak had a zoonotic origin. See Worobey et al., The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Science 2022; and Pekar et al., The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2, Science 2022.
If you have contrary evidence, then don’t be shy about providing it.
[b]CarolAnn[/b]: [i]any rational human being would believe this bullshit about racoon dogs[/i]
Zoonotic transfer of viruses are a relatively common natural occurrence. For instance, many seasonal influenza viruses evolve in animals then transfer to humans.
It appears that some commenters here know a bit more about viruses than others.
There is more than one way to learn. One could go to graduate school and learn about the basic biology of viruses. Lacking that, one could listen to others that do understand viral biology. That doesn’t mean one should take every OPINION from experts as gospel. One could self-teach using basic texts and expand to more and more technical books and articles.
Many if not most nuCons, today take it as an act of faith that Chinese communists synthesized the SARS-CoV-2 virus, infected some of their own and send them worldwide! In fact, polls show a majority of Americans believe Covid leaked from a lab!!
Once more. There is no evidence to support that the Chinese manufactured the virus. There is no evidence (except FBI, DOE low or moderate confidence evidence) to support that the intact virus ‘leaked’ from the lab. There is no definitive PROOF that the pandemic began when people were infected from Huanan market animals.
The scientific evidence is consistent with the market hypothesis, but that is not proof.
Mr Teach asks
I’ll tell you who. The World Health Organization, that’s WHO!!
Now all the WHO had to do is enforce that “notice”. How many divisions does the WHO command?
There is no evidence that I or anyone else could provide that would cause you to even stop and think how stupid you are for believing people who have lied to us from day one. First it was from the Wuhan Institute, then when they realized that wouldn’t fit the “get Trump” narrative they switched to pangolins at a wet market. That stuck for a while then as that BS started to crumble up popped the racoon dogs. It changes so muxch and according to political winds not scientific facts. BTW, of course the Wuhan Flu had zoonotic origins nobody is arguing it didn’t. Just not from the animals at a friggin wet market across FROM AN EXPERIMENTAL VIROLOGY LAB!
These ate the same people who told us to follow the science that the “vaccine” would sop us from getting or transmitting the Wuhan yet it DID NEITHER! They are all liars and the only science they follow is political science and even then only that which agrees with their left sided views.
Common sense dictates that the Wuhan was released by the Institute for which it was ‘originally’ named either deliberately or accidentally. Perhaps by an escaped animal.
Of course it came from an animal. One experimented on by the Red Chinese funded by our tax money and run by Fauci.
BTW, I don’t need evidence just opinions. This is not a ourt of law just an opinion blog.
CarolAnn: There is no evidence that I or anyone else could provide that would cause you to even stop and think
The way to test that would be by providing evidence. The rest of your first paragraph makes inaccurate assumptions about our views.
CarolAnn: BTW, I don’t need evidence just opinions.
“The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’” — Isaac Asimov
HAHAHAHA. Asimov was arguing against communist anti-intellectualism and you use his words to support it. You cant make this stuff up. You guys are truely a parody of yourselves.
Professor Hale: Asimov was arguing against communist anti-intellectualism
No, he wasn’t.
Wow. Watch Jeff and Z turn on a dime to fully support raccoon dog theory. Why on earth would two separate individuals suddenly both totally support the most bizaar latast theory, instad of any of the theories they have used so far? I’m guessing their democratic party masters sent out the talking points. No deviation is authorized.
Perfesser Fake is full of it once again. Why do two different people, examining the same evidence come to the same conclusion? That’s rhetorical. We do not dismiss the lab leak hypothesis but await evidence to support it. If I see convincing evidence I’ll change my position. It’s the only reasonable thing to do.
Economist Paul Samuelson said: “Well, when events change, I change my mind. What do you do?”
Do YOU feel/believe that it’s possible the initial transmission to humans occurred at the Huanan market?
If not, why not?
There is no credible evidence that the Chinese manipulated a coronavirus generating the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and then spread it. The only evidence linking SARS-CoV-2 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology are the low to medium confidence claims by the FBI and DOE. Several other US intelligence agencies disagree with that hypothesis. Has the FBI or DOE released or described their evidence? Why do you feel/believe it’s convincing?
What is the evidence that the pandemic originated in the Huanan Seafood Market? The early cases originated around the market and spread from there. SARS-CoV-2 sequence was isolated at the market from cages, sinks, floors and equipment. Comingled with the SARS-CoV-2 sequence was mammalian DNA, specifically raccoon dog DNA. Coronaviruses are known to infect other animals which can serve as intermediate hosts for human infections.
None of this is proof that the pandemic started in the market. It is still not out of the question that somehow the virus escaped from the lab as Trump first claimed. Right-wingers to a person still subscribe to The Don’s early allegations!!
More definitive evidence would have been if they had isolated an original strain from animals in the market, but they chose not to test them.
Do you have evidence to support the lab leak hypotheses? By all means share it!!
Rimjob trying to be oh so eloquent with his cut&paste denials.

His rhetorical questions are a bonus.
Must he always be a such a dumbfuck? Guess so.
Bwaha! Lolgf
As I pointed out before these radical leftist believe what they want to believe whether it makes sense or not. Next they’ll blame Wuhan on jackalopes but under no circumstances can the fukin communists be held accountable for their scourge. It’s against radical left democommie policy. Can’t cast aspersions on their comrades when there’s an election coming up.
These looser leftists will run in circles so as not to show the stupidity of their corrupt ideologues. Their entire specious argument centers around this:
“It is still not out of the question that somehow the virus escaped from the lab as Trump first claimed. Right-wingers to a person still subscribe to The Don’s early allegations!!”
See it’s all about Trump. Like he made up the entire thing. They’re HIS allegations not the facts related to him by our government. Like he decided it came from the Wuhan death college all by himself without being informed by “experts” and intel people in our government. He just made the whole thing up. All the anti Americans want is to somehow, someway connect Trump to every argument about anything. They are just spoiled children but most of all liars. There is no use going around and around with liars and fools.
Now, meet Dowd’s and Zach’s “experts”:
CarolAnn: Now, meet Dowd’s and Zach’s “experts”
We generally get our information from primary sources. See Worobey et al., The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Science 2022; and Pekar et al., The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2, Science 2022. These studies could certainly be in error or not provide the complete picture, but this is stronger evidence than no evidence at all.
Since you asked…
I do not take any position at all about how or where COVID started. There is not enough credible evidence anywhere to inform me and, since I am not in that line of work, I don’t feel compelled to come up with an answer myself. This is consistent with everything I have written here, forever.
You on the other hand, (and Hairy and Z), seem to enthusiastically endorse whatever the latest thing is, as if you have no thoughts of your own but just reprint what you are told. This is what an information campaign looks like. The official story gets updated and all the usual sources instantly follow suit. No curiosity. No skepticism. No divergent opinions.
What I know for sure:
1. There seems to be a virus or viruses with some very nonspecific sympthoms that collectively are called COVID 19.
2. The variant that emerged about 3 years ago seem to have first appeared in China.
3. The US Government, through it’s various agencies, has alternately disclosed that the source of the virus was eating rancid bats, then a laboratory leak, then eating rancid dogs. And they couldn’t just say “dogs” they had to say “racoon dogs”. The last explanation followed closely on the heals of the second one as if to counter it. Same government. 2 different stories the same month. This is not “learning”. This is crafting the message. That is something I do know a lot about.
4. Without independent verification, it is not possible for any of us living in the USA to know the truth on this subject. Such verification has not been done and likely never will be.
5. Anyone who consumes news or social media today should carry a healthy skepticism into everything. I know longer bother engaging you, Hairy, or Z because none of you have any skepticism. You all instantly adopt the current narrative on the same day it is released as if you thought that way all along. This makes you boring and predictable. i don’t need to read anything you cut and paste from somewhere else, or read Z’s A.I.-written version of it, or read Hairy’s interpretation of it when the cough syrup haze lifts enough for him to type. Even this response is not for you, but for the other readers here as an appeal for them to also be skeptical and not automatically trust and parrot their own news sources.
Professor Hale: 1. There seems to be a virus or viruses with some very nonspecific sympthoms that collectively are called COVID 19.
Like all diseases, symptoms vary, but COVID-19 is a primarily a respiratory illness that causes a variety of respiratory symptoms, and other organs can be affected. But that’s like saying the flu generally doesn’t have specific symptoms.
Professor Hale: 2. The variant that emerged about 3 years ago seem to have first appeared in China.
True. The epicenter appears to be the illegal wet market in Wuhan.
Professor Hale: 3. The US Government, through it’s various agencies, has alternately disclosed that the source of the virus was eating rancid bats, then a laboratory leak, then eating rancid dogs.
Huh? It’s a respiratory disease. It mostly spread by respiratory means, either droplets or aerosols, by close proximity to organisms that have the disease. For instance, many influenza viruses evolve in wild birds, then transfer to people through domestic poultry and swine.
Professor Hale: And they couldn’t just say “dogs” they had to say “racoon dogs”.
Because that was the DNA found associated with SARS-CoV-2 samples. And, it turns out, that someone had taken pictures of the raccoon dogs at the wet market, because they constituted a health hazard–but nothing was done.
Professor Hale: 4. Without independent verification, it is not possible for any of us living in the USA to know the truth on this subject.
It will be difficult to uncover what happened, but not necessarily impossible.
Professor Hale: 5. Anyone who consumes news or social media today should carry a healthy skepticism into everything.
Today or yesterday or tomorrow, healthy skepticism is an important tool for understanding.
Professor Hale: You all instantly adopt the current narrative on the same day it is released as if you thought that way all along.
Actually, we rely on the evidence. At this point, the scientific evidence supports a natural zoonotic event, but evidence from government surveillance may call this into question. Some organs of the United States government have indicated they have such evidence to support the lab leak theory. This may very well just be China’s attempt at a cover up, even if the lab wasn’t actually the source of the leak, but we’ll have to wait and see what evidence they have.
Professor Hale: trust and parrot their own news sources
Again, we don’t rely on media sources, but scientific studies. For instance, see Worobey et al., The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Science 2022; and Pekar et al., The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2, Science 2022. These studies could certainly be in error or not provide the complete picture, but this is stronger evidence than unhealthy skepticism.
You must have missed the part where I am not interested in whatever you have to say. I have no interest in arguing with you. I don’t see you as an independent producer of thought or information. I can find what you reprint here myself. Nor do I have any interest in trying to convince you. Bots can’t be bargained with, they can’t be reasoned with, they don’t feel pity or remorse or fear, and they absolutely will not stop… EVER, until you are dead!
Professor Hale: You must have missed the part where I am not interested in whatever you have to say.
Yet, you respond. Unfortunately, your comment appears to be lacking relevant content. Let us know when you decide to engage the topic.
Professor Hale periodically and haughtily declaims he has no interest in what another commenter has to say, but then continues to respond to said commenters without being directly addressed.
They/he/she can’t control themself and feels the need to lash out from time to time.