This is what happens when you replace affordable, dependable, reliable, easily obtainable energy with expensive, unreliable energy at the whim of Government. I mean, great, the green energy is more expensive but less reliable!
Sticker shock awaits New Yorkers’ utility bills to fund renewables
New York is eager to move away from fossil fuels. Customers, though, will feel the switch in their wallets.
The state has largely funded the recent investments in clean energy, electric vehicle chargers, heat pumps and new transmission lines incrementally through piecemeal decisions by the quasi-independent Public Service Commission, which regulates utilities.
But larger bills for the aggressive transition are increasingly coming due, and it has the potential for sticker shock for ratepayers — a byproduct of the tremendous complexity of shifting from from fossil fuels to heat and power homes and businesses.
Some of the costs are already impacting utility bills, but more are set to hit in the coming years as projects come online.
“Financing them exclusively through rates, particularly on residential, is the least progressive mechanism for financing anything. We make no judgment whether you have the money to pay or you don’t have the money to pay,” John Howard, a commissioner on the Public Service Commission, said at last month’s meeting.
In other words, if your bills skyrocket and you cannot afford them, well, the Progressive NY government is saying f*** you. Deal. Suck it up. Freeze. I wonder if they have considered that citizens will start using more wood from cutting down trees, bringing in propane and natural gas from outside the state, or, simply packing up and leaving, bringing their tax dollars and businesses with them?
It will lead to blackouts and brown-outs. An inability to provide power during inclement weather, like snow and rain. And the extra cost for the energy for businesses will be passed on to the consumer, so, consumer goods, appliances, services, food, clothes, you name it will just go up up up. Great move!
One day the world will be in a spot where we can do away with polluting energy sources, but, it is not now.
And not one reporter will ask NY Governor Kathy Hochul if she herself has given up her own use of fossil fuels.

Surprise!! Generation costs are only about 1/3 the cost of electricity. The remaining costs are distribution costs. Oh!! And of course profit.
Over the last 20 years as renewable energy has taken market share from coal, the cost of residential electricity in the USA has had an average increase of 2%. the cost of fossil fuel generation goes up much faster than renewable energy costs.
The average age of a coal powered electric electric plant is 45years old. No one wants to invest in new one ones, not even in red states. They are dinosaurs headed for extinction.
In NY the cost for residential electricity has gone from 17 cents per kWh in 2012 to 21cents per kWh in 2022 an increase of 2.5% per year far from “skyrocketing”
“Will skyrocket” = Future.
2022 = Past.
This should help you make sense of the story and not automatically reject What looks like a likely and predictable outcome.
“No one wants to invest in new ones…headed for extinction”. Really? China seems to not have received your memo, Johnny
Dear H:
“In NY the cost for residential electricity has gone from 17 cents per kWh in 2012 to 21cents per kWh in 2022 an increase of 2.5% per year far from “skyrocketing ”
That’s a 23.5% increase.
If that holds, which inflation alone says it will not, a $350.00 bill we be $448.03 in 10 years you hold as a standard.
But, two things we know for sure. “Sustainable” power costs far more than coal or natural gas. Inflation is in the 10% range. Let’s be generous and say it is 6%…for a monthly bill of $496.00 in 6 years, $626 in 10 years.
And this is electricity ONLY.
Double surprise!
Interesting factoid
Homes in NC use about twice the amount of electricity as ones in NY!!
Electric choice com/blog-on-averaage-do-homes/
Very few hones in NY heat with electricity, very few will “freeze” when rates go up
“How much electricity do homes in your state use”
Dear H:
“Very few hones in NY heat with electricity, very few will “freeze” when rates go up.”
Both forced air gas and hot water radiators require electricity to run the blowers/pumps.
They can’t be disconnected from the rest of the home.
Residents in Cali spend 41% less than the national average per household than the national average (mdef weather more recent better insulated housing)
Johnny-come up a reason yet as to why we should switch from cheap reliable energy to unreliables?
Funny-“Renewable fail: Britain to now class nuclear power as sustainable energy”. Apparently solar panels and wind mills aren’t getting the job done..
How is that a renewable fail? You may not realize this but nuclear electricity generation doesn’t emit much CO2.
Nuclear has some disadvantages – expense, insurance, catastrophes, terrorism, waste – but these can be mitigated.
Dear Elwood:
The failure is that solar and wind isn’t providing enough power to sustain civilization.
The hypocrisy is watching the environmental nuts accept nuclear.
Well, it’s a renewable failure because the things that were originally classified as “renewable”, meaning wind, solar, biomass, ect., didn’t produce enough power. Hence, the re-classification of nuclear to “renewable”, and correct, it doesn’t emit much CO2
… hasn’t produced enough power, yet…
And if coal, oil and natural gas didn’t produce CO2 they would be sustainable but not renewable.
No one claimed the transition from CO2-emitting energy sources to non-CO2 sources would be easy, especially with so much organized and well-funded opposition over the past few decades.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the article…..
“My suggestion, make sure the bank which holds your savings does not have significant exposure to renewable energy businesses.
Intermittent energy cannot compete with reliable energy, on anything like a level playing field.
If Britain’s decision to embrace nuclear power in its portfolio of sustainable energy options catches on, and if nuclear is treated as an equal partner to other “green” energy options, it will be like swinging a giant wrecking ball at the value of all the world’s existing wind and solar investments.”
Dear H:
It’s more than electric prices.
My electric rate has increased 10%. (TVA)
My natural gas bill has increased 97%.
Guess which one I use to heat my home.
Natural gas prices have plummeted nearly 70% in the past 4 months. As the weather warms your natural gas will drop and your electricity will spike.
When Putin invaded Ukraine natural gas prices soared (and especially in the Northern Hemisphere winter) but have been dropping quickly.
Eventually we’ll all be converting to electric heat.
Dear Elwood:
Uh, you assume that natural gas at the home will exactly follow natural gas prices at the well.
Not true.
So we gonna charge our car batteries, heat our homes, etc……..
We better start generating and distributing more.
Know any plans… beside panels and windmills???
Ask Germany how that worked out…
BS, I live here our rates are threw the roof, spout some more liberal BS.
Generation of electricity is only 1/3 the cost you pay
2/3 of the cost comes from transmission and distribution costs. NY has high labor costs, workers are well paid. Don’t like it ? Move
The cost to run pumps and fans is not a significant cost when you are burning natural gas or propane.
So, Johnny-why switch to unreliables? Why have your power source dependent on the fickle nature of weather, which is what makes them unreliable? And thus more expensive because they have to be backed-up with fossil fuels.
Dear H:
The point is that when the power is turned off for non payment, no matter the reason, the pumps/blowers will be dead.
NY rates ARE high
But remember the generation cost is only 1/3 of your cost
nY costs are high because transmission and distribution costs are high because labor costs are high
Please tell us what your kWh cost is
TVA is a (socialist) Federally run program. They have done if the lowest rates in the country. Most Americans have to buy their electricity from a privately owned company with profits going to it’s shareholders. Publicly owned or coop electricity is almost always cheaper
Fossil fuel prices have driven up electric prices. When gas and diesel prices hit the 5 bucks that Russia and the Arabs demanded that increased you electric costs.
The last contracts for solar and wind generated electricity have been in the 4 to 7 cents per kWh range
We’ve not noticed outrageous energy costs at our home, but it’s small, very well-insulated, shaded in the summer but with passive solar in the winter, and we live simply.