With the grand jury being cancelled Wednesday, something funny could be going on
LARRY KUDLOW: Alvin Bragg is in danger of being overruled by his own grand jury
As you know by now, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg cancelled the grand jury meeting that was scheduled to take place today in New York, was expected to hear from at least one additional final witness and many thought would announce an indictment of former President Donald Trump.
Now, Bragg, of course, is a renegade, left-wing radical DA, the author of no-bail, no jail, soft-on-crime policies in New York City backed by the far-left George Soros. (snip)
The Wall Street Journal editorial board, which has been highly critical of Mr. Trump’s post-presidency, said it’s impossible to overstate Bragg’s bad judgement. I myself on Monday referred to it as a zombie case and an abuse of power. Now, why has Mr. Bragg, who is overcome by the Trump derangement syndrome, cancelled today’s grand jury hearing?
Well, nobody knows for sure, I guess, but one could wildly speculate that Bragg has no case. He’s in danger of being overruled by his own grand jury. Why?
Well, in yesterday’s grand jury testimony, lawyer Bob Costello, who used to represent Trump lawyer turned arch-nemesis Michael Cohen, destroyed Cohen’s credibility. Cohen, of course, is already a convicted perjurer and Costello told the grand jury that Bragg withheld important email evidence that would’ve destroyed the idea that Cohen was representing Trump with respect to payments to Stormy Daniels or anything else to Stormy Daniels. Here’s what he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity last night. Take a listen: (snip)
Bragg put six emails into the official record, but Costello testified that there were actually 321 emails and they show that the story Cohen is telling now to the grand jury is completely different from what he told Costello years ago. In fact, there’s strong reason to believe that Cohen was acting on his own, not representing Trump.
So, 315 missing emails, and Kudlow says one source claims Bragg is having trouble convincing his own Grand Jury on the charges, even in uber-liberal NY. Can you imagine the utter and complete Democrat meltdown if no charges are filed? It will be epic. Perhaps not as fun as hearing “we the jury find the defendant, Donald Trump, not guilty of all charges.

Mr Trump reportedly collected $1.5 million in donations after his “I’ll be arrested” post. Suckers!!
Let’s see. Your leftist hate filled prosecutor sets Trump up for a fake charge, the people find out about it and send in support but we’re the suckers. Hey moron, you’re making Trump a martyr you fools. Ya know, if you’d ignore him he’d go away. The guy’s an egotist (much like yourself).
So you stupid leftist morons are filling Trump’s war chest. Brilliant!
We doubt many leftists are funding the ex-Grifter-in-Chief. Suckers! No one forced Big Don to peddle Trump trading cards or lie about being arrested.
You guys are making The Teflon Don a martyr. Other New Yorkers have been prosecuted over the same laws that The Don violated.
Your Capo-dei-capi called DA Bragg a “Soros-backed animal”, that is a “negro supported by the Big Jew, Soros”.
You may have missed it, but The Big Crook is the top Repubicun candidate for president of these United States. How can we miss him if he won’t go away?? LOL.
It’s a free country and you can send your tribute dollars to The Don if you choose or kiss his ring or whatever.
Who amongst us hasn’t paid $130,000 to cover up an embarrassing tryst with a porn actress? It’s perfectly legal. But I didn’t record it as a business expense to reduce my taxes! I suspect you didn’t either.
Dear Elwood:
“But I didn’t record it as a business expense to reduce my taxes!”
Are you such a blind Trump hater that you believe the IRS wouldn’t charge Trump if he broke the law?
Really? The IRS loves Trump??
Stupid is as stupid does.
You may have missed it but The Don was President from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021. It was in all the papers, but maybe you were busy then.
You are aware, we hope, that the IRS does not audit every return. According to former IRS Rettig (see more below) the IRS only audits some 15% of returns with $10 million or more in adjusted gross income.
And certainly, you must be aware that the IRS is supposed to audit all presidential tax returns under the Mandatory Presidential Audit Program. But for some reason they did not audit The Don’s returns!
As an aside, IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig was appointed by President Trump. Coincidentally, Mr Retting defended Trump’s decision not to release his tax returns in a 2016 op-ed. Mr Rettig also owned Trump condos in Waikiki that he rented out, a fact he failed to disclose.
And although Mr Trump promised to release his tax returns, he was lying and did not release them.
Is it possible that Mr Trump exerted influence over ‘his’ IRS? Why didn’t the IRS follow their own policies?
In Oct 2016, Trump’s personal attorney Cohen, paid Stormy Daniels $130,000, according to Cohen, at Trump’s behest and to keep Daniels quiet about an alleged assignation with Trump in 2006. While it is not illegal to give someone $130,000 it can be a crime if campaign funds were used to influence the election or if the expense was used as a business deduction.
This is what the courts decide.
Funny thing is Cohen admittedly lied about that.

Try to keep up, dipshit, you may have missed it.
Bwaha! Lolgf
1. I would expect that Trump hatred in one-party towns like NYC is high enough to use any excuse to convict him, even of things that are not a crime. The prosecutor doesn’t care that he has a weak case because he knows he also has weak juries who can be counted on to bring back a guilty verdict, no matter the evidence.
2. Radio this morning in DC mentioned that the Democratic party is undecided if charging Trump is a good thing. They reason that if he is found innocent, that would strengthen his bid for office. This tells me the Democrats know as well as anyone that the charges are a gross abuse of power.
[…] Pirates Cove […]
If you think that Dems can easily control the voting machines using Italian satellites, now that Biden is in office, won’t that make voting seem like a wasted effort? Ate you going to vote if you believe that your vote will not count?
Johnny-they’re Soros satellites, not Italian satellites…
Teach by your posting that seems to indicate that you also believe no indictment will be handed down.
Is that correct?
Why are you even interested/emotionally involved in the 2024 election if you still believe it can be stolen like the Dems aways do?
Spoiler alert!?!!!
Pro wrestling is fake
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg attempts to arrest Donald Trump at Castle Mar-a-Lago.

Bwaha! Lolgf