Why do groomers get so upset when you call them groomers when they’re caught doing groomer things? Why, exactly, are Democratic Party voting and supporting groups so intent on making sure children are able to be given drugs and surgeries to satisfy a fad belief that they’re the opposite sex? In many cases, it’s pre-teen kids being kids and their parents have fallen into the trap, so they give the kids puberty blockers and such
Groups sue to stop Florida’s gender-affirming care ban for kids
Parents of four children have filed a federal lawsuit against Florida’s two medical boards over recently-enacted rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors.
The Southern Legal Counsel, Human Rights Campaign Foundation and others filed the lawsuit Thursday in Tallahassee federal court. It seeks to block the state from implementing the ban that was approved by the Florida Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine late last year.
The rules, known as care standards for doctors, took effect last week and prohibit trans minors from receiving gender-affirming care, including hormone therapy or surgery.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association support gender-affirming care for adults and adolescents. But medical experts said gender-affirming care for children rarely, if ever, includes surgery. Instead, doctors are more likely to recommend counseling, social transitioning and hormone replacement therapy.
One would think the Human Rights Campaign would want to protect children from having life altering medical procedures that can backfire in later life. Same with AAP and AMA.
“The transgender medical bans also violate the guarantees of equal protection by banning essential medical treatments needed by the adolescent Plaintiffs because they are transgender,” the lawsuit states. The suit doesn’t not identify the plaintiffs out of safety concerns.
There’s no need for treatments. They can crossdress and play their games, and once they are adults they can decide if this is what they really want, or it was just a fad, a “social contagion.”
The National Center for Lesbian Rights, one of the groups suing the state, said the bans contradict guidelines supported by medical organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
The lesbians do realize that gender confused males are taking wins, positions, scholarships, and more away from real women, right? That they’re invading the female safe spaces, like locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers?
“The policy unlawfully strips parents of the right to make informed decisions about their children’s medical treatment and violates the equal protection rights of transgender youth by denying them medically necessary, doctor-recommended healthcare to treat their gender dysphoria,” the group said in a press release.
Parents do not have the right to bring their child to a strip club or a bar. They cannot give them drugs, including marijuana and alcohol. Many states ban certain cosmetic surgeries for minors, even with parental consent. Botox is mostly banned for anyone under 18. Let’s not forget that most Democrat run states ban conversion therapy for minors, which doesn’t involve life altering drugs and surgeries.

The referenced article noted:
Unless the parents actually have
batguano insane‘transgender’ children who are personally being denied suchquackerytreatment, they will not have standing to sue, and the case must be dismissed.So, what has actually happened when children are ‘transitioned’? The mostest famousest of those would be Jaron Bloshinsky, more widely known by the faux name “Jazz Jennings.” His ‘parents’ allowed young Mr Bloshinsky to ‘transition’ well before puberty, including puberty blockers. He had every opportunity to grow up being treated as a girl, to learn as much about being a girl as possible, but he’s still lamenting that he’s never actually felt like he believed he should feel.
The puberty blockers meant his body never matured, and made the surgery to try to construct a faux vagina for him by inverting his penis extremely difficult. He is unable to orgasm, has no real dates, and just doesn’t feel like he believes a girl should feel, because he isn’t a girl!
“Do you want a live daughter or a dead son?” young Mr Bloshinsky’s mother said the
quacksdoctors told her. State Senator Karen Berg (D-Louisville), a physician herself, supported herbatguano insane‘transgender’ daughter who wanted to be her son, and her daughter killed herself anyway. We just learned yesterday that ‘transgender’ flight attendant ‘Kayleigh’ Scott — who gained fame after appearing in a United Airlines commercial — killed himself at the age of 25. He had as much support for his ‘transition’ as anyone could possibly have, a supportive employer and friends, and a very liberal health insurance plan, and it still wasn’t enough.The quackery through which the ‘transgendered’ go doesn’t really give them what they want; they cannot actually change sex, but become, at best, a simulacrum of the opposite sex, appearing more (rarely) or less (usually) as the sex they want to be, but they still are not, and they know and understand that they are not. The truth is that they can never be wholly satisfied.
[…] Also read: William Teach, Groomer Groups Sue To Stop Florida’s Ban On Child Mutilation Medical Procedures […]
Troubled man in a stewardess uniform advertised as the face of ‘inclusion’ policies for United Airlines kills himself
Political correctness and woke virtues are like neatly-laid pavers, creating a path that can only lead to tragedy and death; news broke today that a young man named Kyle, who was obviously suffering tremendously from debilitating mental illness, has killed himself.
But Kyle’s heartbreaking story has some rather concerning and extenuating circumstances:
Kyle had abandoned his birth name and instead, was living as Kayleigh Scott…he was “transgender.”
More than that though, Kyle was a poster child for the “trans” movement and corporate “inclusion” policies like DIE. In 2020 United Airlines celebrated “Kayleigh” in a woke public relations campaign video: https://youtu.be/ayG731UYJeU
The first words Kyle utters in the video? “Don’t let that smirk fool you. There was so much pain behind that sweet boy’s eyes.” However, thanks to the “support from the company” and his “loving coworkers” Kyle became “Kayleigh” — but shortly after his “transition” he committed suicide. Coincidentally, “progressive” narratives don’t align with truth and reality.
The message at the end of the video is this:
I was able to break free from the chains that held me, and to this day, I am living confidently as my true self. I was able to glow-up and let go of the past. So here’s to all the pain that Kyle went through, so that Kayleigh could live today. I am trans, and I am proud.
In response to Kyle’s suicide, Pink News, a leftist and pro-LGBT outlet, printed the following:
A survey in 2022 found that half of trans and non-binary young people in the US have considered suicide over the past year, with the study authors citing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and poor access to mental health care as having had a huge impact on queer young people’s wellbeing.
The piece included a statement from Carrie Davis of the LGBT activist group The Trevor Project which read:
We hope that fellow researchers, lawmakers, youth-serving professionals and allies in every state will use this data to uplift LGBTQ+ young people and advocate for policies that celebrate and support them – not isolate them further[.]
But the truth is, Kyle was celebrated and supported as a “trans” person — so news of his suicide begs the question: why?
Published yesterday at Natural News:
Researchers at the Iran University of Medical Sciences found that 81 percent of people who say they are transgender are experiencing major personality disorders.
According to the study, 57.1 percent of transgender individuals have narcissistic personality disorder, while the overall average number of psychiatric diagnoses for transgender patients is three.
The study concluded: ‘Personality disorders are common in patients with Gender Identity Disorder who are candidates for sex reassignment. As a result, the assessment of Personality disorders before sex reassignment surgery and offering psychological and medical intervention care, if needed, is strongly suggested.’
Of course, no one needed to tell us that destructive ideations of self-harm indicate intense mental anguish; from outside the leftist box, we can see right through the phoniness. Mentally well people don’t kill themselves, and feeling as if you’re trapped in the wrong body with a desire to chop up your sex organs screams of mental illness. It ought to go without saying, but people who think they’re “trans” are suffering from delusions, and need proper psychiatric care, not validation.
Kyle’s story is just another data point in a trend showing how evil and calamitous leftist policies and ideas really are. The mitigating factors surrounding his death are an inconvenient truth bound to be brushed under the “progressive” rug, and an unwanted “told ya so” moment for conservatives like me.
All “transgenders” are mentally ill.

They need psychological help not gender reassignment.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You forgot to type that you lifted ‘your’ discussion from the ‘American Thinker’. The American right (the haters) celebrates the deaths of others!
March 23, 2023
Troubled man in a stewardess uniform advertised as the face of ‘inclusion’ policies for United Airlines kills himself
By Olivia Murray
So the Iran University of Medical Sciences found that transgendered individuals are unhappy and sick! It was published in the Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI) in 2014 (yes, seriously). No doubt, fundamentalist Muslims, like fundamentalist Christians are objective when it comes to the transgendered!! Do you think the article had to be approved by the Iran government? Wow, conservative Christians are in bed with the Islamists of Iran! Who knew?
Wow, wanna bet Rimjob has a peer-reviewed citation to backup that opinion?

Or do you think he is just lying for attention?
Bwaha! Lolgf
We especially appreciate that the Christian fundamentalists who hate gays, transgendered and Muslims back up their claims with an article from the Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI)! Fundamentalist Muslims also hate gays and the transgendered! It would be funny if it weren’t so deadly.
You guys should start your own magazine, The Medical Journal of the Christian Republic of America! where you could publish all that bullshit from Christian fundamentalists that supports the young Earth, the sins of LBGTQ people, cavemen riding dinosaurs, the mental deficiencies of Blacks, the curative power of prayer, proven miracles, talking with God etc.
How about the Climate Journal of the Christian Republic of America where Eschenbach, Zoe, the Trickster, Watts et al can ‘publish’ their ‘results’!
Leave peer-reviewed Sci Transl Med, JBC, Cell, Endocrinology, Nature, etc to scientists.
Seems little scientist Rimjob is a might touchy today.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Perfect timing from the chubby little scientist.

Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s OK for the editorial side of scientific journals to have opinions and to endorse the opponents of science deniers such as the authoritarian Trump.
Listen, we all understand that nuConservatives who wholly own the nuGOP are anti-science, anti-reason, anti-truth and especially ideological authoritarian. NuConservatives already know all the ‘truths’ and ‘facts’ they need. Any new science that might conflict with their ideology is false.
Well, that’s a group you don’t belong to, in either way.
Oh Stormy, Oh Stormy,
Bring back that sunny day!
Agreed. We must take all medical decisions out of the hands of doctors and patients ceding the decisions to the state.
Our government ‘betters’ are grooming Americans for the authoritarian takeover!! The state always knows best.
Have a difficult pregnancy threatening the health of the woman? The doctor needs to check with the legislature to avoid a murder charge.
Have a child with severe gender dysphoria? The state has your back and will tell you and the doctors how to proceed. If your child takes their own life, count on the haters to use it to mock them!!
The government knows best!!
There he goes again.
Rimjob arguing that dang “strawman”.
Silly little dumbfuck that one.

Perverted too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Jeffty, hallucinogenics are not helpful to your cause. Whatever it is.
Oh Stormy!
The angry man from north of Arkansas wrote:
The car salesman from Carolina should have given you a clue with his conclusion:
While I cannot recall you having mentioned it previously, would I be wrong in guessing that you oppose attempts at therapy to convert homosexual minors to a normal sexual orientation? As Mr Teach noted, those therapy attempts do not include the administration of “life altering drugs and surgeries,” and thus should be considered as both less interventionist and less potentially harmful. The most that can be said is that they do not always work, but the same can be said about “gender transition” procedures.
States make it illegal for minors to have sexual intercourse, as we hold the position that minors are not mature enough to engage in what is a normal activity for human beings, even though sexual intercourse carries no innately harmful consequences. States make it illegal for minors — and three years older than majority persons — to consume alcoholic beverages, even though such is so common an activity that it’s advertised to the public.
Jaron Bloshinsky began his ‘transition’ from boy to girl not when he was 17, and approaching majority, or 15, but fairly early into childhood, when he was seven years old! Regardless of what he felt at the time, even you cannot claim that he was competent to take such a decision. Rather, that decision was taken by his ‘parents,’ and then monetized with the television show “I am Jazz” when he was just 14 years old. The story was previously monetized when the child was just 10, on an Oprah Winfrey show.
Do you disagree with the idea that states can set an age of consent for sex? While a few have 16 or 17 as the age of consent, rather than 18, young Mr Bloshinsky was being given puberty blockers at an age I cannot find documented, but would normally begin sometime around, or even before, the age of 11.
There’s a homosexual couple in Georgia who have been arrested and charged with having sex with their adopted boys, boys around nine years old, boys whom they claim are mature enough to consent to sex. If Mr Bloshinsky was old enough, at age seven, to consent to ‘transition,’ then wouldn’t the Georgia couple’s children be old enough at nine to consent to sex with adults?
This is your fundamental logical problem: you are supporting allowing minors, whom we do not regard as old enough to consent to many adult activities, to be able to ‘transition’ based on their parents’ consent.
The person from North Tennessee:
You guess right, we oppose the forced conversion, unless the minor and parents desire it. Why do those with an abnormal* political orientation want to force a gay child to not be gay? Because society treats gays like shit?
We can’t understand how there can be any gays, since society ‘grooms’ children exclusively for heterosexual orientation. We also cannot understand why conservatives hate gays so much. Unlike conservatives who choose to be cruel and hateful, gays don’t choose.
You may need to clarify that statement. Minors defined as under the age of 18? Would you have two 17 year olds prosecuted for having sex? Sexual intercourse most certainly can have harmful consequences including: unwanted pregnancy, psychological harm, disease.
This is your fundamental logical problem: Parents often are faced with difficult decisions regarding their children’s health – vaccinations, chemotherapy, surgeries. Should these decisions be made by parents with input from doctors and the minor or should the state make them? Yes, the state has stepped in at times when parents oppose life-saving medical for their children for religious reasons. Some religions oppose antibiotics, transfusions, surgeries, drugs for chronic diseases etc. Almost all physicians would side with saving the child’s life in these cases.
Childhood surgeries for transgender transitions are already limited. Doctors, parents and patients have a better perspective on the medical needs of a minor than do statehouse politicians.
Less than 0.5% of Americans identify as transgender yet the less than normal minority party consider it a critical issue. Why? We know why. It gives their base hard ons and don’t forget, conservative authoritarians like to hurt people they don’t like.
*We designate any minority to be not normal, in agreement with the person from North Tennessee.
The wokester from west of Illinois wrote:
But, of course, many Democrat-controlled areas ban conversion therapy for minors period, even if both the parents and the minor want it. Those constituencies want to keep homosexuals homosexual.
So, you agree that the state can step in here!
But while parents can take decisions for their children to prevent harm — “vaccinations, chemotherapy, surgeries” to use your words — when it comes to ‘gender transitions,’ such decisions not only cause harm, but could be delayed until the minor is legally an adult and can take such decisions for himself.
If someone is stupid enough to undergo such ‘treatments’ himself, after he is an adult and is legally competent, then it’s entirely on him, and none of the state’s business.
Many states have so-called “Romeo and Juliet” exceptions to their statutory rape laws, not allowing prosecutions when one is over 18 and the other under, as long as they are reasonably close in age, and the younger partner is not too far under the legal age of consent; 18 and 16 does not normally result in a legal problem, while 25 and 16 would. Even in the states in which there are no statutory R&J exceptions, most prosecutors would exercise legal discretion and not charge when the copulants are close in age.
The Kentucky Kernel:
Democrat controlled areas like Israel, Taiwan, Canada, Western Europe, Utah, India, Brazil, Argentina etc?
Communist China, Russia, every African nations, every Islam dominated nation, and almost every Repubicun-controlled US state have in common that they promote converting LGBTQ humans to straight-acting conservatives.
Anyway, if a gay exorcism is desired they can travel to any number of Repubicun-controlled states. States’ rights!!
And isn’t ‘conversion therapy’ really just grooming on steroids?
Simple question: Why do fundamentalist Repubicuns hate gays?
The socialist from the Show Me State wrote:
Now, of that I can certainly approve, since I wrote for The Kentucky Kernel when I was in college!
I couldn’t be angered with “north of Tennessee,” because that would be accurate, but “North Tennessee”? Them’s fighting words!
Areas infected/infested with liberalism.
You mean into normal people!
“The lesbians realize that gender confused males are taking wins, scholarships and more away from real women, right?
That of course would require at least a small dose of intelligence…..
There is no such thing as gender dystopia. People who feel they are the opposite sex are mentally ill.
Every Repubicun-run state is a gender dystopia.
Repubicuns are intent on turning the United States of America into a Gilead*-like dystopia where fundamentalist straight, white Christian men control everything.
* See The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
You realize that’s fiction don’t ya? But then so is your general political philosophy as shown by the continued failure of it.
Democommies are intent on turning the United States of America into a Soviet*-like dystopia where fundamentalist commies, Whites and Christians are exterminated and 80 IQ minorities and tranny psychos control everything.
BTW, those fundamentalist straight, white Christian men you are always bitching about were the Founding Fathers.
LRoy typed: You realize that’s fiction don’t ya?
As are 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Hunger Games…
It’s clear that humankind fears totalitarianism. The proprietors of today’s authoritarian cultists, that is, the MAGAts, far-right, Proud Boys, nuGOP, fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, all who, as part of their plan, try to persuade the masses that their authoritarianism is for everyone’s own good. Re-read the selection above from 1984
That is why the majority of Americans oppose MAGAtism and your leader, Trump.