Remember, this is all about Science!
Climate change: Opposing windfarms morally unacceptable – expert
Communities opposed to wind turbines in their local area do not have an “acceptable moral position”, according to a climate change expert.
Dozens of large-scale windfarm applications are being considered as Wales tries to reach net zero.
Campaigners say the ambition is putting the Welsh countryside at risk and south Wales already has several wind farms.
Lord Deben, the UK Climate Change Committee chairman, said the onus was on everyone to help reach the target.
“We can’t all the time say we’re in favour of things but somewhere else,” he said.
“That isn’t an acceptable moral position.”
They should put one up near Lord Deben’s home. He’d be good with that, right?
In Cwmafan, Neath Port Talbot, Rhodri Williams and Andrew Thomas said in lockdown the hills above their town were a sanctuary, but that peace is at risk from a proposed plan to build 21 turbines which will be visible from their homes.
“At over 200m (656ft) we’re talking around the size of the Eiffel Tower,” said Mr Thomas.
“That’s absolutely colossal. If you stand at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and look up and then you imagine that on top of a mountain range that is already 350m (1,148ft) above sea level. “
He’d be good with this, right?
“We don’t need these, there are plenty of alternatives. It causes a lot of grief and stress for those who live near them and we should be looking at alternatives like hydro, we should be looking at floating offshore wind, and the tidal lagoon in Swansea,” he said.
“There are over 200 wind turbines in south Wales already, we’re doing our fair share.”
But according to the chairman of the UK’s independent Climate Change Committee, Lord Deben, it is not “proper” to say other places should shoulder the burden for tackling climate change.
Weirdly, none of the reporters at the BBC covering this asked Deben what he’s doing in his own life.

Translation: it’s now immoral to protest Government or Other People lowering your property values.
We have MANY dead whales and dolphins washing up on the New Jersey shore and its being blamed on the geophysical work (sonar, seismic) for the ‘wind farms’ The usual Enviro’s dont seem to be bothered tho. And NOAA and ‘experts’ say its definitely NOT the windwill work.
Liberals do it all the time. “We demand iPhones and EVs, but we want the mines that produce the needed minerals located in other countries!”
Ford Motor Co (NYSE: F) has filed a patent for a system that could turn your vehicle into a punishment machine if you fall behind on your loan. The system could disable everything from your air conditioning to your GPS, leaving you to suffer in a sweltering car with no idea where you’re going.
It gets worse. Ford also suggests the idea of activating an audio component in the car to emit a horrible sound every time you’re inside — an incessant, ear-piercing noise that would make even the most patient people go insane.(sarc)
When the government has grown so powerful they can mandate inefficient, expensive, and unreliable windmills, it’s time to drastically cut the size of government. Pay down the debt.