Only what, a year and a half too late?
Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers
President Joe Biden’s order that federal employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 has been blocked by a federal appeals court.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, in a decision Thursday, rejected arguments that Biden, as the nation’s chief executive, has the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation to require that employees be vaccinated.
The ruling from the full appeals court, 16 full-time judges at the time the case was argued, reversed an earlier ruling by a three-judge 5th Circuit panel that had upheld the vaccination requirement. Judge Andrew Oldham, nominated to the court by then-President Donald Trump, wrote the opinion for a 10-member majority.
The ruling maintains the status quo for federal employee vaccines. It upholds a preliminary injunction blocking the mandate issued by a federal judge in January 2022. At that point, the administration said nearly 98% of covered employees had been vaccinated.
Of course they got vaccinated. They mostly vote Democrat, and they want to keep their cushy jobs and expansive benefits. For those who didn’t, when do they get their jobs back and back pay? And, even with the mandate, people who got vaxxed were still getting COVID and still dying.
LA County’s 3-year COVID Emergency Ends On March 31. Here’s What Will Change
After three years, Los Angeles County’s COVID emergency will end on March 31. Here’s what is changing in L.A. County.
Rent protections expire
The county Board of Supervisors rejected a proposal on Tuesday intended to soften the blow for renters who could soon face eviction. L.A. County’s COVID-19 emergency tenant regulations have given low-income tenants protections in eviction court if they can’t pay rent on time due to economic harms brought on by the pandemic. But those tenants will have to pay their April rent on time — or face eviction.
Wait, they still had all this stuff in place? County health employees will still be required to wear masks. Silly.
Is America’s Pandemic Really Over?
A little more than six weeks from now, on May 11, the U.S. will end its national and public-health emergency declarations over COVID-19, marking an official end to the country’s sweeping pandemic response. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that as part of that transition, the White House will also be disbanding what’s left of its COVID-response team, and national COVID coordinator Ashish Jha will most likely be leaving the administration. There are other signposts marking the end of the pandemic in America, too. The New York Times announced Thursday that it was shutting down its COVID data-gathering operation, which has for years given one of the most reliable by-the-numbers overviews of COVID’s toll. And two weeks ago, the venerable Johns Hopkins University COVID data tracker went dark, as well.
It’s over. Move on. Unfortuantely, we will never truly get a reckoning against those who thought they were dictators.

The money line:
And this was the entire problem. If the ‘vaccines’ had actually been vaccines, had actually prevented the vaccinated from contracting COVID-19, vaccine resistance would have vanished. But it wasn’t long after the ‘vaccines’ became available to everyone that we started to hear reports of ‘breakthrough’ cases, of people who had been fully vaccinated — defined at the time as 14 days past their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines — contracting the Peking pox.
Then we were told that perhaps a few breakthrough cases could be expected, but the vaccines would make the illness caused much milder, and the vaccinated could not transmit the virus to others.
Then we were told that yeah, even if you’ve been vaccinated, you can transmit the disease to other people, but it still wouldn’t be as serious.
Then, prior to the winter of 2021-2022, President Biden told us:
There was no “winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated, nor were those who were vaccinated protected from catching the Beijing bug. Even Dr Fauxi said that, eventually, almost everyone would contract the virus.
The virus kept mutating, and we were told that, seemingly with every mutation, it was becoming increasingly contagious, but not to worry, the vaccines would keep us from getting seriously ill. But we were also told that, thank goodness, the Omicron variant didn’t make people as ill as the previous ones.
So, was the less serious illness caused by the vaccines, or was it simply that the virus wasn’t as virulent?
And therein lies the problem: if we had been told the truth all along, people wouldn’t be doubting the government’s word!
With the panic of the panicdemic, ‘government officials’ and ‘medical experts’ were telling us things that they really didn’t know, but — and this is my most charitable way of putting it — believed and hoped were true, enhanced by wishful thinking. When their statements and assurances did not turn out to be accurate, the CDC’s definition of vaccine was changed, and that did not go unnoticed.
Of course, as with any medication, some people suffered serious side effects, and one of the side effects was death. Those numbers were small, but they were not zero, and a public disgusted with the ‘government officials’ and ‘medical experts’
lying to ustelling us things they did not know to be true kept pushing those stories forward.Because the pandemic was mostly a panicdemic, and state and local governments were enforcing draconian and authoritarian measures to combat COVID-19, people were wholly disgusted with what was happening. Even if something absolutely truthful was said, it was met with skepticism and doubt. That’s kind of what happens: when people have been lied to before, they tend not to believe anything the ‘experts’ say in the future. The panic of the panicdemic led to the introduction of the ‘vaccines’ before the normal, years-long testing procedures on which the CDC/FDA normally insist.
Although almost 1,200,000 Americans have died from Covid, only about 300 Americans are dying each day, or only about 100,000 per year. On the bright side, these are mostly older Americans and those with other comorbidities such as heart, lung, kidney, liver disease, obesity, diabetes etc. As a Repubicun might conclude, in the long run this is likely a net positive for the nation .
The unvaccinated are 14-fold more likely to die from Covid as the fully vaccinated. The unvaccinated are 3-fold more likely to die than those with the original vaccination.
That said, in the US the chances of dying from Covid are only about 2-3 times MORE likely than dying from a gunshot. Well over 100 million Americans vaccinate themselves against being murdered by owning a firearm, even though owning a firearm also can have lethal and non-lethal side-effects, even (or especially) for those associated with the gun owner!
Over 670,000,000 vaccine doses have been administered in the US. How many Americans died from the Covid vaccinations? Physicians are required to report deaths after vaccination by the VAERS system which has received 19,476 reports of death after Covid vaccinations. This does not mean that the deaths were from the vaccinations or were associated with the vaccinations.
[…] good friend William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove noted that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, sitting in full on an appeal of a ruling […]
The courts rightfully shut down Biden’s claim to be able to make people take the vaccine, the feds can’t but the states can and have done it, and we again start bashing the vaccine.
The CDC told us in 12/20 that the efficacy, the effectiveness of the vaccines in a controlled environment, was around 92% for Pfizer and Moderna with J&J trailing badly at around 72%. Of course, the media and other usual suspects immediately started selling it as a silver bullet, ignoring the fact the wide world effective rate would be less. And that the length of effectiveness was not known.
Their belated excuse is that the lies by omission were for “our own good,” and that they were fearful that the truth would cause people to not bother getting vaccinated. Problem is that doesn’t work well for children, much less adults.
And since we now have the Internet, which allows us to have an unlimited supply of experts, many of whom failed sophomore science, we were pounded with rumors, non-government lies and other silly claims. Indeed, it was their lies versus our lies seasoned with claims broadcasted by a friend of their hairdressers’ bartender’s girlfriend that set the gold standard for BS. This, of course, was much loved by ant-vaxers, many Libertarians and others of a similar ilk.
One of the most interesting is the claim/counterclaim et al that happened when the government changed the definition of “vaccine.”
People who take the vaccine can catch the disease and transmit it. True. People whose vaccine didn’t work or has weakened can catch the disease and transmit it. You can also throw in the mutations and new variants to complicate things.
Also true, but often denied, if the vaccine was effective but is now weakened, the symptoms of the infection are greatly weakened. So much so that hospital admissions plummeted, and ICU use followed.
One of the most interesting is the claim/counterclaim et al that happened when the government changed the definition of “vaccine.”
“For the definition of vaccine, the CDC has gone from stating that it is “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, thereby protecting against that disease”, to now stating that it is “a preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease”.
Oh the horrors when an attempt to be more accurate occurs. A vaccine is a vaccine. How it works is of no consequence. The flu vaccine, which also weakens and mutates, produces protection. The Covid vaccines does the same. If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, flies like a duck and quacks like a duck….it is a duck.