…are shoes made of horrible petroleum, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Outside The Beltway, with a post on making cheap booze expensive.
It’s fit girls week.

…are shoes made of horrible petroleum, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Outside The Beltway, with a post on making cheap booze expensive.
It’s fit girls week.
At least three grade-school kids murdered this morning at an elementary school in Nashville TN. Police killed the shooter.
Murdered children: a small price we pay for freedom.
The only nation where this regularly occurs says ‘nothing can be done to prevent’ the murders. If only thoughts and prayers were effective.
Their little bodies aren’t even cold yet Rimjob is standing on their graves bleating about disarming law abiding Americans with his sarcasm.

Does that make you feel proud, ya dumbfuck?
Have you nothing substantive to comment about anymore?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Waah!! Listen to that dumbfuck CumBreath pretend to care about dead children.
Stick your thoughts and prayers up your ass, you sick dumbfuck puppy.
Must school shooters use ‘legal’ guns for murdering children. Does that make dumbfucks like you and Teach proud?
How would you prevent school murders, ya dumbfuck?
Feel better now after your unsubstantive rant, Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
So what do you suggest to prevent the murders?
Why do these school murders happen so rarely in Canada, Japan, S Korea, Germany, Finland, Italy, France, UK, Belgium, Australia, Spain, Norway, New Zealand, Israel, Switzerland etc? How does every other advanced nation of Earth prevent these murders?
It’s possible that Americans are the most mentally ill and violent people among the developed nations. Maybe we have the worst community mental health support among these nations. Perhaps all those other nations do a much better job of ‘hardening’ schools, malls, businesses and stores. The US press talks a lot about climate doom so maybe that has made gun-toters crazy. Maybe it’s a combination of those factors.
We do know that the US has the least restrictive firearms laws in the industrialized world, but since more guns make for less crime, that can’t really be a factor. Although if you ever see a person carrying an assault-type rifle heading for a school please kill them.
The murderer in this case was a 28 yr old white female who lived in the Nashville area. The police chief said she had been a student at the Covenant school. She had a handgun and two assault-style rifles.
You ask that and then name countries that are mostly homogeneous. Countries that don’t have a political party that preaches CRT and DIE to stir up hate and separatism. Plus, out of all those nations Germany is the highest population at about 85 million. We are at least 4 times their population.
Now just pointing that out means nothing especially since at this point we don’t have enough info on the koller herself. One thing is I don’t think other nations “prevent” these types of killings. I think thay have no propensity either because of ethnic reasons or cultural or some other reason.
We do know that putting “GUN FREE ZONE SIGNS” up around places make them targets.
She obviously had a mental problem. Beyond that being a Christian school perhaps she had as much hate for Christians as you. We here know that you have no love lost for Christians and couldn’t care less about them After all they are Trump voters and Republicans.
Really we need to wait and get more facts about this Christian murderer. Is she a democrat? A BLM racist? An anti American hater and Antifa nut? Is she anti White?
We just don’t know her or her motivations.
Carol Ann,
Should we do anything to prevent the murders?
Is so, what do you suggest?
The with the school shootings is our expectations. I blame it on the wussification of the modern Americans.
In the 19th and 20th centuries children died all the time. Communicable disease was rampant. Kids on farms were killed in accident. Children were abused to death and no one cared.
Now we have angst, sturm and drang just because a little darling is riddled with .223 bullets at 3000/ft/sec! OK parents, put it in perspective.
Dead children are the price we pay for our freedoms!
Our society is very ill.

Liberalism is to blame.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
We should make a law that it is against the law to kill people with scary weapons that look like assault guns. But the woman did break the law in bring guns to an anti weapon school zone
Of course the liberals desire laws to eliminate guns so that only law abiding citizens are disarmed.
Mr david7134 repeats Mr Teach’s lie that AR-15 style rifles are just scary looking with no characteristics that make them the weapon of choice of mass murderers. They are weapons of war – just semi-auto action instead of the 3 shot auto burst of the M4.
They are designed for the wholesale killing of humans. They are shorter and lighter than hunting rifles.
They come with high-capacity, easily switched magazines. A hunting rifle firing 30 rounds in under a minute will overheat. The AR-15 is designed not to overheat! They have low recoil (try to shoot 30 rounds rapidly with a 7 mm mag or 30-.06!), and lower muzzle flash (the better to see your ‘prey’).
The semi-auto action permits the shooter to fire a round with each trigger pull.
The .223 or 5.56 mm cartridge propels the bullet at 3000 ft/sec which causes massive tissue damage. A 9 year old child hit in the face or torso will likely die.
The AR-15 is not the best choice for home-defense since the bullets penetrate walls as well as bad guys. Get yourself a tactical shotgun instead – you’ll be better protected.
The ‘look’ of the AR-15 probably DOES contribute to its allure – for the same reason that ‘little’ men buy big, ‘manly’ trucks.
So yes, Congress needs to ban AR-15s nationwide. They have no valid civilian purpose.
Some commenters will argue that mass murders are rare, that ‘animals’ in ghettos are the real murderers and use semi-auto pistols rather than AR-15s. True dat! Yet, for some unexplained reason some refuse to acknowledge that people are more upset by three 9-year old children being slaughtered than by a gang-banger ‘animal’ being killed daily.
Keep them out of the hands of trannys.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dead children are the price we pay for our freedoms!
I wonder?
What price are you willing to pay for freedom?
What price? Not dead children. Not military scale arms. We pay our taxes without complaint. We don’t attack government buildings. We do support our democratic processes.
Do you think Americans are free?
He was quoting what you posted, dumbass.
Deflection, thy name is Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf