Before another dime is spent on Ukraine there needs to be an accounting of where it’s all gone so far. Here’s Senator Josh Hawley
Where’s all the Ukraine money going? This person can help find the truth
Over the last year, our leaders have sent a mind-blowing amount of money to Ukraine. If Congress cares about making sure that cash is well spent, they should go on record about it.
This week, the Senate will vote on my amendment to set up an inspector general to track every single taxpayer dollar going to Ukraine. Who could oppose that?
Since Russia’s invasion began in February 2022, Congress has lavished Ukraine with $113 billion in aid spending – including both weapons and direct payments to the Ukrainian government. That’s almost four times the annual budget of my home state of Missouri. And it doesn’t look like they’re poised to turn off the spigot anytime soon.
To be clear, that’s the wrong call. America needs those resources elsewhere – to stop the cartels on our southern border; to deter China in the Pacific. It’s long past time for our European NATO allies to step up and take primary responsibility for Europe’s security. Continued spending on Ukraine isn’t serving the American interest.
But set that aside. Everyone – especially Washington Republicans – should at least agree that Americans deserve to know how their money is being spent.
Astoundingly, right now that isn’t the case. Despite repeatedly asking for more funding for Ukraine aid, the Biden administration hasn’t rigorously kept track of the money. That’s right: billions upon billions of American dollars are pouring into a war-torn country without any serious oversight.
Yes, we should know. His amendment would require a special inspector general to see where it all went and track any further allocations. The big question here is “will there be 60 votes to move it forward?” Will Democrats vote for it, or all vote against? Will all Republicans vote for it, or will a few of the squishes vote against it?

I bet that we’ll find out just who could oppose that!
Sounds reasonable.
Our only concern is that Sen Josh (Jogs for Trump) Hawley from MO is an asswipe. He is not the least bit concerned about accountability but wants to STOP any and all assistance to Ukraine, period. ‘Jogs’ is hoping this will stop the assistance.
Here’s his motivation:
Lucas Kunce for US Senate, 2024
Rimjob: Lucas Kunce for US Senate, 2024
Of course the chubby dumbfuck would support a candidate whose name rhymes with Cunts.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach’s InCel cowardly lapdog, Dumbfuck McStroke, is frightened by a name that even remotely reminds him of what he’s only seen in pictures!
Unlike the coward Josh (Jogs) Hawley who is literally ‘running’ for Senate, and that McStroke adores, Mr Kunce, a US Marine Major, served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. While Mr Hawley grew up in the lap of luxury Mr Kunce grew up dirt poor.
By working hard, Mr Kunce put himself through college and law school and after active duty served as the International Negotiations Officer on the Joint Staff of the Pentagon, where he represented the U.S. in arms negotiations with Russia and NATO. He joined the Council on Foreign Relations in June 2017. In 2019 he wrote an opinion article for The New York Times objecting to Big Tech’s reluctance to work with the US military.
I’ve never met Insurrection Josh but he comes off as cowardly asswipe. Having met Mr Kunce at a BBQ joint in Piedmont MO, I can tell you he’s the real deal. Donate here!
The Cowardly Hawley, with his plans to ‘run’ for president doesn’t come ’round here anymore. Missouri and America deserve better. Little McStroke can have Hawley.
Anyone can read the biased Wikipedia accounts which chubby quotes but does not cite.
If anyone is called the “real deal” by Rimjob it is safe to assume, considering his past, the opposite is probably true.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Lucas Cunts is so far left he could run for office in Havana so naturally the America hating dowd supports him. Cunts wants to enshrine baby murder into the Constitution because some states may vote to limit it and he/dowd can’t tolerate democracy when it disagrees with them.
Cunts, like dowd is so far off the reservation to the left anything even remotely “American” makes him break out in hives. Like dowd Cunts supports the CCP and hates Russians and of course Putin, but only since they left the communist party behind. And it looks like they both love the dancing leather pants faggot Uke and Christian persecutor. Makes sense. The left always supports the Nazi when there’s no commie in the fight..
L’Roy Cunt typed:
L’Roy Cunt is just lying, as he knows nothing of Mr Kunce.
Listen, a Trump Cunt like L’Roy would never vote for a Dem anyway.
No regular Trump Cunt commenting or reading here would ever vote for a Dem anywhere, let along MO.
Like most Cuntservatives, LRoy Cunt despises democracy and President Zelenskyy. The Camden Cunt also loves him some Putin.
BTW, LeRoy is a white conservative who does not live in Camden NJ.