Sorry, people with medical issues and breathing problems, you are simply inconvenient for ‘climate change’, and will just have to suck it up
Are inhalers contributing to climate change?
When you think of climate change you might not think about people who suffer from asthma, but many of the inhalers that help people with lung issues breathe can create greenhouse gasses.
St. Luke’s Regional Health System is holding a series of talks on medicine and climate change and the first one, “Climate Smart Asthma Care” is happening on Wednesday and will include some possible alternatives that might reduce the carbon footprint of folks with asthma.
In fairness, many studies show that dry powder inhaler better than pressurised metered dose inhalers, and the dry are supposedly better than pressurised for Hotcoldwetdry. But, not for all, and, regardless, the climate cult doesn’t care about people with asthma, and dry ones are much more expensive.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday pushed back against a GOP congressman who voiced skepticism about the threat of climate change, suggesting the issue was being used by the Biden administration to secure funding and was not a serious concern.
“Can you provide to me, or do you know any research on your own to justify this drastic climate change that we have to do today or the next four or five years this world’s going to come to an end?” Rep Jerry Carl (R-Ala.) asked Yellen at a hearing on the banking system.
When Yellen pointed to an “enormous amount of research” summarized by a United Nations group about the threat of climate change, Carl claimed that the global organization “makes a lot of money off the climate change scenario.”
Perhaps she should be worried about her job, which on the treasury.
‘How do you laugh about death?’: the comedians tackling climate change
When David Perdue applied to be part of a climate comedy program, he felt a little out of his element: “I couldn’t recall one time I’d ever had a conversation with my friends about climate change,” said the Atlanta-based comic. Perdue, who is Black, added, “But I knew it was an issue that was going to affect people who look like me, so I wanted to use comedy to address that.”
Perdue was one of nine comedians who took part in a nine-month fellowship where they learned about climate science and solutions and collaborated on new, climate-related material. The Climate Comedy Cohort produced shorts, toured together, and pitched ideas to television networks. Their work is part of a broader effort to bring some levity to a topic that is increasingly present in everyday life.
For Perdue, that meant bringing race into the conversation about sustainability and clean energy. “[Solar power] is free labor, and the most American thing to do is to use free labor,” he says in one of his sets. “We just have to tell people the sun is Black.”
The cult even has to ruin comedy.

Janet Yelled has a net worth of 20MM
What drastic climate change. Does she mean the transition from the ice age?
The inhaler discharges into the lung and is metabolized. I think the Dems are using all this to squeeze people for money before they are thrown out.