One would have thought this would be bigger news, wouldn’t you? It’s rather important after the last three years. I first ran across it on Yahoo News on the tablet app, which curates. Imagine my surprise when this NY Times article is way, way, way down the page
AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine May Have Posed a Higher Heart Risk for Young Women, Study Shows
Young women who received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine made by AstraZeneca might have been more likely to die of a heart problem in the 12 weeks after their vaccination, according to an analysis of immunization and death records in Britain released on Monday.
Those findings carry a big caveat: Britain withdrew AstraZeneca’s vaccine use for young people under 30 in April 2021, citing the risk of rare but dangerous blood clots. By that time, the young women who were immunized would have been mainly health care workers or those who were medically vulnerable, because people at high risk of Covid from their age, health or employment were vaccinated first. So the results of the study may not apply to the general population.
“It could be that the people who are clinically extremely vulnerable are more susceptible to side effects from vaccination,” said Vahé Nafilyan, a senior statistician for Britain’s Office for National Statistics and one of the lead researchers on the study. The results were published on Monday in the journal Nature Communications.
The AstraZeneca vaccine was never authorized for use in the United States. But more than 3 billion doses of the vaccine had been delivered worldwide as of November 2022. It is cleared for use in more than 170 countries, although in recent months, some have relied only on bivalent mRNA vaccines for the latest round of booster shots because of Omicron’s dominance.
Yet another problem with the vaccines. I can certainly understand why they were rushed, as many things were rushed in 2020, since they just didn’t know. But, since they were experimental, the powers that be should have been doing more research and study before allowing any sort of mandates, any calls for vaccine passports (which were implemented), requirements to be vaccinated to go places, and so forth.
The researchers did not find a significantly elevated risk of death in any other subgroup or with the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, which was also widely used in Britain. And the study did not prove that the vaccines caused the deaths.
The benefits of Covid vaccines still vastly outweigh the risks, and the incidence of harmful events after vaccination remains very low, the researchers and other experts emphasized.
In fairness, you sit there and watch commercials for all sorts of medications on TV and the radio/streaming, and half the time it’s about the side effects, right? But, no one was forcing you to take those.

On this date in history
April 30 2020
Trump said
“Stay calm it will go away. You know it- you know it will go away, and we are going to have a great victory *
At that point less than 10,000 had been killed by COVID
Trump, having great faith in America and the lying motherfucker Fauci was sadly proven wrong. Don’t be fooled like Trump was. Anything a leftist says must be treated as a lie until verified by 20 independent sources.
The same people who lied to us about Wuhan Flu are now lying to us about global warming, fake women/men and guns. They also support all America’s enemies both foreign and domestic.
Trump was tricked by these liars. Don’t be like Trump.
Actually, if people and the government had followed Trumps advice, we would be much better off. The communist in our country love to point out that more than one million have died, but much of that was due to the poor medical care forced on us by Fauci and group. As far as I can see, the death rate was fairly low.
Mr H wrote:
And, in the end, he was proven to be right.
Too many people died, at least in part by government requirements in some states that nursing homes accept those elderly discharged from the hospital who were still COVID positive, effectively warehousing them with the most vulnerable populations, but COVID is now a somewhat seasonable disease, which, like the flu, does kill a small percentage of victims, but is mostly mild, like the flu.
Even the ‘experts’ are now suggesting a once-a-year vaccine booster, while we are concomitantly being told that the vaccines and boosters provide about four months of protection.
Yes, it almost went away after killing some 1.2 million Americans.
The seasonal flu has never killed a million Americans in just two years. Covid is still killing a couple hundred Americans per day.
My experience with AS has been very poor. I would not trust anything coming from that company.
Just as I have pointed out about the studies so beloved by the man made warming folks…
” ….might have been more likely….
Are qualifiers used to protect the folks doing the study.
They mean that they really don’t know for sure.