So, it’s not actually happening? It’ll just be doom in the future?
Rising Antarctic ice melt will dramatically slow global ocean flows – study
Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world’s oceans, and could have a disastrous impact on global climate, the marine food chain and even the stability of ice shelves, new research has found.
The “overturning circulation” of the oceans, driven by the movement of denser water towards the sea floor, helps deliver heat, carbon, oxygen and vital nutrients around the globe.
But deep ocean water flows from the Antarctic could decline by 40% by 2050, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature.
“That’s stunning to see that happen so quickly,” said Alan Mix, a paleoclimatologist at Oregon State University and co-author on the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments, who was not involved in the study. “It appears to be kicking into gear right now. That’s headline news.”
In reality, this tends to happen during warm periods, which can lead then to cooling periods, it’s just a part of the complex systems on Earth. No reason to drag witchcraft into it. But, do they really know what’s going on? Because I’ve blogged this doomy stuff several times, and we have headlines like
- Global warming is speeding up ocean currents. Here’s why (April 2022)
- Ocean Currents Are Speeding Up, Driven by Faster Winds (Feb 2020)
- Global warming speeds up currents in the ocean’s abyss (March 2022)
Oh, and
Ocean currents drive climate patterns – so what happens when they speed up?
Yeah, that was March 29, 2023.

they can’t even accurately forecast next months weather. what makes you believe they can predict what will be happening 30 years from now??
Forty years ago climate scientists predicted the world would be warmer now. So there is that.
Weather is quite variable. It was 40F here this morning, and expected 70F this afternoon! That’s 30F increase in just 8 hrs!! In a year that equates to almost 33,000F increase!!!! OMG. It’s sunny and clear today with a tornado watch tomorrow! That’s weather for you.
Climate predictions are made over longer time frames. It’s not difficult to predict the impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 on the mean surface temperature. But understand that the greenhouse effect is not the only factor influencing climate, which is why although CO2 is increasingly steadily the mean surface temperature varies from year to year – a bump in the early 40s, a trough in the 60s and 70s and a steady increase since the 80s.
So, although ‘they’ can’t predict the afternoon temperature in Little Rock on 11 August 2051 (i.e, the weather) ‘they’ can reasonably predict what the mean global surface temperature will be in the 2050s (the climate), given no major changes (asteroid strike, thermonuclear war, supervolcanoes, alien invasion, Sun supernova etc). Over the past 40 years the Earth has been warming at about 0.2 degrees C per decade. In 30 years (3 x 0.2 = 0.6 C) you’d expect the mean global surface temp to be about 0.6 C (1.1F) greater than now.
“…could decline by 40%….”
COULD is a qualifier.
Another shot to scare us into complying.