Do they realize who will end up paying for this if they win? Yeah, mostly the middle and working classes
Can Nations Be Sued for Weak Climate Action? We’ll Soon Get an Answer.
A tiny Pacific island nation has pulled off the kind of diplomatic win that can elude global superpowers.
On Wednesday, Vanuatu, population 300,000, rallied countries to ask the world’s highest court to weigh in on a high-stakes question: Can countries be sued under international law for failing to slow down climate change?
The measure passed by consensus, meaning none of the 193 member states requested a vote. The General Assembly Hall erupted in applause.
That it was adopted by consensus reflects widespread frustration over the fact that the greenhouse gas emissions warming the planet and wreaking havoc on the poorest nations are not being reduced quickly enough.
The United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, said the move “would assist the General Assembly, the U.N. and member states to take the bolder and stronger climate action that our world so desperately needs.”
Will Vanuata be sued for all the airports on the island? Where the seas are barely rising?
In essence, with this resolution, the world’s nations are asking the International Court of Justice, based in The Hague, to issue an opinion on whether governments have “legal obligations” to protect people from climate hazards and, more crucially, whether failure to meet those obligations could bring “legal consequences.”
Well, good luck forcing nations to comply, especially when the majority of the Elites pushing this refuse to practice what they preach.
Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin’s Voters Refused To Support 2030 Climate Neutrality
Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA.
Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support.
Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback.
The cultists will ignore the results, and keep pushing, and the Elites will back them, regardless of what the citizens say.
Temperatures in February 2023:
???? – warmer than average
???? – colder than averageOverall, the average February global air temperature was +0.97°C above 1951-1980 climate baseline (+1.26°C above the 1880-1920 baseline).
— Zack Labe (@ZLabe) March 30, 2023
As I replied to this nut (who then blocked me), the baseline being used was during a slight cooling period, except for 1978-1980, which caused the media to go into hysterics about a coming ice age.

Why climate change zealots use anomalies instead of actual temperatures.
Number one is actual weather temperatures are not measured at a thousandth (or even a hundreth) of a degree.
More below.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Who then blocked me”. Funny, real scientists would be happy to defend their positions.