March 4, 2023 – 10:30 am
He’s not even willing to give a mealy-mouthed politician style answer Biden dodges reporters after question on COVID-19 origin: ‘Will you hold China accountable?’ As President Biden left the White House Friday, he approached then swiftly turned his back on reporters after one asked him to comment on COVID-19’s origins. On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told […]
March 4, 2023 – 7:15 am
Very easy for her to say, as it’s easy for her to takes lots of fossil fueled flights, like the one she just took to Ukraine Center for Strategic and International Studies On February 9, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, urging the World Bank to “evolve” and be “bolder […]
March 4, 2023 – 7:00 am
Who’s next, Mayor Pete? Susan Rice (director of domestic policy council)? John Kerry? Deb Haaland (Sec Of Interior)? Tom Vilisak (Sec Of Agriculture)? Doesn’t the AG have better things to do, what with all the fentanyl streaming across the border, people attacking Jewish and Christian centers, and more? Attorney General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip […]
March 3, 2023 – 3:00 pm
So, are they forgoing all use of fossil fueled travel? No more car rides, bus rides? Ride bikes or walk to school? And to places to take their selfies? Significantly reduce their use of energy on their smartphones? Not get a new phone ever 2 years or less? No new clothes? Miami kids eager to […]
March 3, 2023 – 1:00 pm
…are carbon pollution driven bad weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post on white boy stories.
March 3, 2023 – 10:30 am
Should we be concerned when a Credentialed Media outlet runs an article like this? To survive nuclear apocalypse, you may have to eat nothing but mushrooms, rats, and insects An asteroid plummeted through Earth’s atmosphere and crashed into the sea floor about 66 million years ago, causing an explosion over 6,500 times more powerful than the nuclear […]
March 3, 2023 – 7:15 am
Now, wait a minute. How could this possibly happen? Despite all the spreading awareness by the Cult of Climastrology, all the pushing of “green” energy, rising use of EVs, and all the Warmists agitating to Do Something, demonizing fossil fuels, etc, one would have though that all those Warmists would have reduced their own carbon […]
March 3, 2023 – 7:00 am
Since this whole thing started, the Washington Post has been hot on demonizing anyone who dared suggest that Wuhan Flu came from a lab, not some rando eating a bat. In fairness, there have been a few pieces, most coming in 2022, that were Just Wondering about the chances of it coming from a lab. […]
March 2, 2023 – 3:00 pm
Why would the #LetsGoBrandon administration look to protect Chinese solar panel companies, which are backed by the Chinese government, allowing them to circumvent U.S. trade laws? Particularly when Brandon has been yammering on about building stuff in America, particularly “green” products Democrats, Republicans aim to block Biden admin’s action protecting Chinese solar companies Democratic and […]
March 2, 2023 – 1:00 pm
…are wonderful plants sucking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with it post on being their 14th Anniversary! Congratulations!