Monthly Archives: March 2023

Hershey Chocolate Erases Women In Ad For Women’s Month

I’d love to know the thought process behind this .@Hersheys is putting the face of a trans-"woman" on chocolate bar wrappers with "HerShe" highlighted in honor of international women's day.Hershey's is erasing women. — Leftism (@LeftismForU) March 1, 2023 Did Hershey discuss this in a meeting, planning it out? Did their ad department, or […]

NC DOT Wants Your Input On A Plan To Push EVs

I’m interested to see what the responses are, especially since we know that the bureaucrats will just do whatever they want if you darned peasants do not agree NCDOT has a plan to cut pollution, promote electric vehicles. It wants your feedback. The N.C. Department of Transportation should form a dedicated team to help the […]

Biden Admin Upset Over You Pesky Citizens Losing Faith In Arming Ukraine

You peasants should be listening to your betters, doing as you’re told, and just staying out of the way Biden Challenged by Softening Public Support for Arming Ukraine When he made his surprise wartime trip to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv last week, President Biden reassured that country with great confidence that “the Americans stand with […]

Lake Levels Are Rising And This Is All Your Fault

This was just a few months ago Bodies of water all over North America are drying up due to drought, climate change: Experts And there are plenty blaming climate apocalypse on rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes drying up. Now Lake levels are rising across the world and climate change is to blame ON THE shores […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon mode of transportation, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post on some mask failure news.

FBI Director Says They’ve Assessed For Some Time That COVID Came From A Lab Leak

What, exactly, is “assessed for some time”? How long has the FBI thought this? That would be an extremely important time frame, since anyone who said that it came from the Wuhan lab and was then shut down, blocked on social media, and treated like a nutty conspiracy theorist deserves an apology ‘Potential lab incident’: […]

House Republicans Question Pentagon On Ukraine Funding

Obviously, they didn’t get particularly satisfying or open answers, and, interestingly, some Democrats were also interested in protecting The People’s money and wondering just what’s going on Lawmakers Question Pentagon on Ukraine Funds, Signaling Fresh Doubts Republicans in Congress sharply questioned senior Pentagon officials on Tuesday about the tens of billions of dollars in military […]

Pirate's Cove