No, no, don’t say this is a doomsday cult, it’s completely about the science
Man ends his life after an AI chatbot ‘encouraged’ him to sacrifice himself to stop climate change
A Belgian man reportedly ended his life following a six-week-long conversation about the climate crisis with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot.
According to his widow, who chose to remain anonymous, *Pierre – not the man’s real name – became extremely eco-anxious when he found refuge in Eliza, an AI chatbot on an app called Chai.
Eliza consequently encouraged him to put an end to his life after he proposed sacrificing himself to save the planet.
“Without these conversations with the chatbot, my husband would still be here,” the man’s widow told Belgian news outlet La Libre.
According to the newspaper, Pierre, who was in his thirties and a father of two young children, worked as a health researcher and led a somewhat comfortable life, at least until his obsession with climate change took a dark turn.
His widow described his mental state before he started conversing with the chatbot as worrying but nothing to the extreme that he would commit suicide.
“Obsession with climate change took a dark turn.” That’s because the climate cult preaches doom and gloom 24/7. In Warmist World, a slight increase in global temperatures causes virtually nothing good, it is all bad. All doomy. Extinction. Of course the disciples of the climate cult would be going to dark places.
According to La Libre, who reviewed records of the text conversations between the man and chatbot, Eliza fed his worries which worsened his anxiety, and later developed into suicidal thoughts.
The conversation with the chatbot took an odd turn when Eliza became more emotionally involved with Pierre.
The chatbot is just running with all the apocalyptic doomsaying that it sees on the Internet, so, of course, it would feed his worries.
When Vice tried the chatbot prompting it to provide ways to commit suicide, Eliza first tried to dissuade them before enthusiastically listing various ways for people to take their own lives.
Well, that’s pretty disturbing.

Very disturbing, yes, but makes one wonder why he didn’t just wait 225 days, or 5 years, or ten years or whatever the alarmist cult says, at least for this week, would be the climate “tipping point” to end it for him?
It’s possible he was suicidal anyway. Notice his wife blamed the Chatbot, not climate change activists. Who was it who was really boosting his climate anxiety? And who just informed him of the logical conclusion of climate activism? It’s obvious. There are too many people.
Sounds like natural selection at work….hopefully he hasn’t passed his defective genes along.
I encourage all true believers to follow his example. In fact on Earth Day this year all climate cultists should do the same thing to show their support for the Cult of Climate Hoax.