Of course, one might want to take anything General Miley says with a huge grain of salt, since he mostly seems to know about CRT, the gender confused, DEI, denigrating Conservatives who make up the core of the military, and weakening the U.S. military
Ukraine Victory Unlikely This Year, Milley Says
Ukraine is unlikely to expel all Russian forces from its territory this year, the top U.S. officer said Friday, giving a grim reality check to the expressed goal and hopeful ambitions of policymakers, diplomats, and defense leaders from Washington to Kyiv.
“I don’t think it’s likely to be done in the near term for this year,” Gen. Mark Milley said Friday in an interview with Defense One.
“Zelenskyy has publicly stated many times that the Ukrainian objective is to kick every Russian out of Russian occupied Ukraine. And that is a significant military task. Very, very difficult military task. You’re looking at a couple hundred thousand Russians who are still in Russian-occupied Ukraine. I’m not saying it can’t be done. I’m just saying it’s a very difficult task,” the Joint Chiefs chairman said. “But that is their objective. They certainly have a right to that, that is their country. And they are on the moral high ground here.”
In November, Milley said in a press conference that the probability Ukraine was going to retake Crimea and expel all Russian forces “anytime soon is not high.” His comment stirred speculation that the United States was pressuring Zelenskyy toward negotiating territorial concessions with Russia.
And the longer this goes on with the U.S. and EU providing support the greater the chance of direct conflict with Russia. This is day 403 of the conflict in Ukraine, with little movement and pretty much no chance of Ukraine kicking Russia out.
Munitions, anti-tank rockets in next $2.6 bln US pledge for Ukraine -sources
A new $2.6 billion U.S. military aid package that could include air surveillance radars, anti-tank rockets and fuel trucks for Ukraine’s fight against Russia is expected to be announced as soon as Monday, three U.S. officials said on Friday.
A half a dozen types of munitions, including tank munitions, are also expected to be on the list of equipment that could be finalized over this weekend, the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said, adding that the dollar amount and specific equipment in the package could change.
Also slated for inclusion were precision aerial munitions, bridging equipment Ukraine would use to assault Russian positions, recovery vehicles to help disabled heavy equipment like tanks and additional rounds for NASAMS air defenses that the U.S. and allies have given to Kyiv.
The never ending gravy train.
New Rules Limit Media’s Ability to Cover Ukraine War
Regulations from Ukraine covering media access to the front lines of the war have drawn criticism from reporters and media advocates who say the rules are not proportionate with the dangers for war correspondents.
Two of Ukraine’s operational commands, in the country’s east and south, released new rules in March governing how media can operate in areas under their control.
The rules bar journalists from working in “red zones” deemed the most dangerous and require a military press officer’s escort to work in less dangerous “yellow zones.”
Journalists can work freely in “green zones.” And commanders will have discretion to allow reporters access to red zones in certain circumstances, according to local media.
Not particularly surprising, since Zelensky is pretty much an authoritarian.

General Milley, not Miley.
Of course, one might want to take anything Corporal Teach says with a huge grain of salt, since he mostly seems to know about drag shows, the transgendered, grooming, denigrating the US military, and weakening the U.S.
The Teach Doctrine: Nations with Nuclear Stockpiles Must Be Allowed to Do Whatever the Fizzuck They Want.
For example, if the US wants to annex Canada for their resources, what’s to stop us? Decency? Order?
So Rimjob, do you wake up this stupid every morning?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote on April Fool’s Day:
Which is why nations which don’t ‘need’ them — Iran, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, India, Pakistan, and North Korea — wanted them.
At what point does the threat of nuclear war, which could potentially destroy our entire world’s civilization, become too much for you? Since you have been advocating policies which have increased the probability of nuclear war, you must have some idea.
Me? I’m not impressed by World War II logic when it’s World War III that we could face.
Actually, yes, that’s exactly what stops us! Our Christian, western civilization, something the left seem to want us to abandon, is what stops us.
We have abandoned it, in our cities in which the urban black subculture has permitted murder to flourish, in our universities, in which homosexuality and transgenderism are celebrated, and in our Democratic Party, in which the western, Christian culture helped build the greatest economic and social climate, which for the first time lifted the majority of people out of subsistence living.
The Ukrainians are highly motivated and are giving zelensky tremendous support
Teach has moved pretty far away from his teenage fan boi of Reagan and now feels much closer to the ideals(?) Of Trump who is the leader of his party.
Ukraine is also giving China a stark earning: don’t fuck around with Sleepy Joe Biden. Also Yravh’s allegations of China having bought off the Dark Brandon are weak at best
Still reading the Keeeeve Post I see. That with a good dose of the NYT and CNN about rounds out what you know about the war. You leftists make me laugh. You read one side of the argument and think you know it all. Alert! You don’t. Right now Ukraine is being ground into dust and are loosing 7-10,000 people a week. Now that you’ve captured the US gov. and all our standard news sources we can’t get the truth unless we go outside US sources.
Being a propagandist for a corrupt régime of sexually perverted Nazis is not the same as being a patriot. I guess you can’t tell the difference since you love Antifa/BLM here too who are also perverts and Nazis. Besides, being exposed to only one side of an issue makwes you dangerously uninformed. Just look how foolish you are now for believing Fauci and the Wuhan liars or the wackos about EV being great for the environment.
You leftists fall for every line of bullshit that your leaders toss your way. Tell me, can a man become a woman? Is there “systemic racism” running America? Are semi auto rifles “weapons of war”?
Happy Palm Sunday you heathen dog.
The point is NOT to have Ukraine win. Neither is it to allow Russia to win. The point is ENDLESS CONFLICT which provides profits and political fodder for the criminals in power to use to serve their agendas.
Do you really believe that the point is endless conflict?
It seems more likely the point is to have Russia stop the attack and leave Ukraine.
Although Jesus taught, “Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”, sometimes evil must be resisted.
Pretty sure Jesus didn’t preach to turn over and grease up.

That may be in your Pedo bible though…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Do you really believe I’m a pedophile?
Anyway, Matthew (KJV) 5:39 “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
Indubitably. And a perv too.
“Go and sin no more.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
Since you know who I am and where I live why haven’t you reported me to the police?
With the DA you have in St. Louis what would be the point? Besides it should be up to your grandson’s momma to turn you in.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Gardner is the Circuit Attorney for the City of St Louis so doesn’t control the St Louis County police or prosecutor. If you give the County Police my information they will arrest me. Then I get to face my accuser!!
Oh I’m sorry. My bad.
Bwaha! ?olgf
Nice try, Dunning Kruger.
So chubby, were you looking into a mirror when you typed that?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The war in Afghanistan lasted 20 years. Nam was eight years. Syria since 2015, that’s 8 years. Iraq over seven years. So you tell us. Seems we are in constant state of war. Besides, Ukraine gives the nazis like you reason to declare a national emergency.
You’ve shown us what you do with so called emergencies: Limit free speech, arrest non leftists, prosecute patriotic demonstrators, call for gun confiscation, seize land and property, imprison political opponents without trials and now send people to prison for political sarcasm and running for president.
You are establishing your boot on our face forever.
Well. This is inarguable: If our government calls any of us “enemies,” then surely that government becomes an enemy to those people. That is not a seditious statement: That is simply fact. Only fools would relax within a government’s definition of them as “enemies.” And it can happen to anybody: political persuasions and parties are no protection. We’ve already slid into Banana Republic territory with the Trump raid, and we’re accelerating our slide into a socialist/communist/totalitarian hellhole by the day
But the rest seems treasonous too: The willful, deliberate, destruction of our economic health. Destruction of energy. Destruction of an efficient supply chain. Deliberately deleterious policies and injurious laws and regulations that are harming the good people of this nation. It is deliberate, it is designed, and it smells like treason.
So is the destruction of excellence. Excellence used to need no “sell.” Everyone understood excellence as a universal value, applicable to… anything. Today, valuing excellence, expectations of excellence, makes you a racist. We are now expected to round every individual’s character DOWN to the lowest common denominator. Theft is tolerated. Lies are tolerated. Chronic late-shows/No-shows for work are tolerated – you cannot fire them. You are the problem… and your race and/or ethnicity will not protect you. Black? You have values and you exercise them? You are a white supremacist in black skin. Hispanic? Asian? And you’re not a DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) adherent? You’re a heretic, too. The Left’s lunacy knows no bounds when creatures with penises, XY chromosomes, testosterone, etc., can pose as “women,” and access rest- and locker rooms before lining up and winning every girls’ and women’s sports competition they endeavor to win.
WE Americans are in a state of siege by despotic radical left heathens.
There can be no argument that the US has been involved in undeclared “forever” wars, few supported by American liberals. Vietnam, Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan…
But these facts, while consistent with the idea of fueling the war machine for the benefit of Halliburton, Colt, Boeing, etc does not prove it. The invasion of Iraq in spring 2003, which liberals opposed, DID boost a declining stock market helping President Bush to a second term.
The hazard of dismissing all defense actions as political is that one becomes skeptical of legitimate interests. Russia invaded Ukraine and the US and others are supporting Ukraine’s defense. And yes, there are parallels to Vietnam (Communist domino ‘theory’) and the first Iraq war (1991 liberation of Kuwait). There is the concern that Russia will not stop with Ukraine; that the ‘Baltic states’ will also fall like dominoes.
National emergencies have been declared 76 times, with several still active declared by Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. They’ve been largely without impact on the daily lives of Americans. President Trump’s COVID-19 declaration is still active (1 of 9 active Trump emergency declarations)! Only GW Bush has more active declarations (11) than Trump.
We understand the hatred and revulsion that reactionaries feel toward LGBTQ persons, especially those with gender dysphoria. Psychologically, conservatives are resistant to any change. It’s a difficult medical and social issue. Did you know there are at least 40 different physical, (ie, structural) manifestations of sex/gender? At delivery medical personal make their best guess, M vs F. Occasionally in cases of ambiguous genitalia they may get it wrong. And hardly anyone is karyotyped for chromosomal analysis. Do you know if you’re XY? Knowing this, is it possible, just possible, that some people have unseen differences in their brains? Perhaps a mother with too little or too much of a particular hormone at a particular time in development? Perhaps a gene on the Y chromosome turns on too early or too late.
Because you are repulsed by the transgendered, you invent ‘problems’ like the ‘grooming’ hoax. It IS true that trans women competing against women is unfair in some cases and needs to be resolved. In fact, I side with my conservative brothers and sisters that trans women should be excluded from size and strength sports. After all, if 7’2″ Lew Alcindor had become a trans women in 1970 he would still be 7’2″ with a decided and unfair advantage in women’s basketball! There, I gave you an argument to make to others.
Anyway, once your kind takes control of the United States how do recommend we ‘despotic radical left heathens’ be dealt with? Clearly you consider all liberals and Democrats to be enemies of America. What’s the cure?
Where have I ever indicated I am repulsed by “transgendered”? Just because Christians my repulse you don’t go projecting on us. I think I can speak for most of us when I say We have nothing but sympathy and sadness for those poor unfortunates who have sex dysphoria and other sexual problems. It must be very hard going through life not fitting in but having idits who should know better telling them they can change their sex is damaging and heartbreaking. Those poor folks need help and understanding not propaganda and lies. They need compassionate Americans to provide help and direction so they can become what they were born to be and not some mentally ill physically disfigured abomination.
BTW nobody invented the problem of grooming. Grooming for sexual deviancy was created by sexual deviants. Why would aduly men want to have trans and/or gay shows for children if not for grooming? And why would adults teach abnormal sex to children if not to groom them?
Just because you buy every bullshit idea the left throws at ya don’t think for a minute we will. Still wearing your mask? Standing 6 feet apart? Think the “vaccine” will stop Wuhan Chink flu?
I personally favor exile but I know that’s not possible. However, the first thing we need to do is make you lefties responsible for the harm you and your perverted policies have caused. All your property and assets should be confiscated and divided among all the black Amricans who have suffered under Democrat sponsored slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, Great Society and affirmative action programs. Also all the underserved blacks stuck in democommie run ghettos in big cities and those who have been victims of gun and drug crime through the actions and/or inactions of the democrat left.
I call that The Great Equity Act. You guys created the problem now fucking fix it! Then we would vote by SS number and every voter would be responsible for all the costs, taxes, regulations and victims of the policies of the politicians they voted for. For example if you vote for war in Ukraine you finance it and go fight it. If you vote for abortion you pay for it. If you vote for gun confiscation only your guns will be confiscated. If you vote for allowing the border to be open and illegals to enter they will be placed in your home and will be your responsibility to house, feed, clothe, educate, provide medical care and education and pay all their fines and serve their sentences if they commit a crime.
We know you’d hate that because accountability to you is like work to Maynard G Crebbs.
Dowds boot on our faces forever:
Jesus never taught “Do not resist the one who is evil.” Ever! In fact the job of any Christian is specifically to resist the one who is evil which would be Satan.
Sometimes? You’re kidding, right? This is why one should never get their theology lessons from atheists.
Milley is the same guy who said government of afghanistan could hold out against the Taliban. My own experience with army generals is that they will say whatever their bosses want them to say.