It’s still pretty early, a lot can happen between now and November 2024, but, I don’t think this was the result the Trump Deranged were looking for
New post-indictment polling data from former President Donald Trump’s campaign shows that not only does he hold a commanding lead in the GOP primary and a lead over Democrat President Joe Biden in a likely general election matchup but that more voters in both the primary and the general election say they are now going to vote for Trump because of it.
The poll from Trump’s pollster John McLaughlin—who is widely regarded as one of the best GOP pollsters in the business—is some of the most in-depth data gathered since the news broke on Thursday that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump.
The survey of 1,000 general election voters, conducted on Friday March 31 and Saturday April 1—the immediate aftermath of the indictment news—with a margin of error of 3.1 percent, found Trump leading Biden 47 percent to 43 percent. In a memo accompanying the release of the data, McLaughin noted that the indictment did not seem to change the top lines from a survey he conducted earlier in March.
But in the GOP primary, Trump has taken a commanding lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. When polling a full 14-candidate field, Trump has majority support at 51 percent and DeSantis has experienced a double digit drop down to 21 percent. Since McLaughlin’s January polling, that means the race has swung a net 18 points away from DeSantis towards Trump.
“In a full-field ballot test of 14 potential Republican candidates, President Trump leads with 51%, DeSantis 21%, Mike Pence 6%, Nikki Haley 4%, and everyone else is at 2% or less,” McLaughlin wrote in the memo. “In our January survey, President Trump led the field with 43%, and DeSantis was at 31%. Trump’s lead has gone from 12 points to 30 points.”
Unless Bragg really has a coup-de-grace in his indictment, it’s going to simply look like political retribution, the kind of thing that happens in banana republics and places like Venezuela and Russia.
In a general election audience, too, a plurality—48 percent—agreed when asked if they agree Biden “and the radical left have weaponized the justice system to prosecute their political opponents.” Only 39 percent disagreed, and 14 percent did not know or refused to answer. (snip)
An even bigger majority, 56 percent, of general election voters agreed when asked if they think Biden and “the radical left are making things worse and keeping the country divided” by “continuing to attack President Trump.” Only 34 percent disagreed, and 10 percent did not know or refused to answer. Again among Republicans, that shoots up to 86 percent agreeing, just nine percent disagreeing, and five percent did not know or refused to answer.
Democrats should remember that they started this, so, if it turns around to bite people like Biden when he’s out of office, don’t be surprised. Heck, don’t be surprised when the GOP run House starts going full hardcore after Biden. And potentially some state AGs.

McLaughlin has a very poor rating as a pollster rated him C/D having called only 70% of all races correctly
Zero out if the last 4 other posters have Trump winning.
Vegas has Biden as the fav
Was your poll published April 1 an April fool’s Joke ??
Plus our control of Italian satellites which control all voting machines guarantees us Victory
Long Live SOROS
Wonderful post
Carbon boy-remember they’re Ukrainian satellites, not Italian…
I didn’t know we had THEM also!
Why did I know that the McLaughlin poll was sketchy?
Because post said he was one of the Republicans favorite pollsters.
Of course he is. They pay him and he gives him the polls they WANT.
Critical analysis demands that you be more skeptical of any data that you WANT to believe.
Jl. Were you willing to accept the results of this poll as accurate? Apparently Teach was.
Johnny-I don’t believe I commented on the polls at all, however, I view all polls with a hefty dose of skepticism…
If President Biden has committed crimes, why shouldn’t he be prosecuted? The next GOPher prez should install Marjorie Taylor-Greene as the AG. She would NEVER let common sense, the good of the nation, precedent or logic stop her!!
The GOP is terrified of Trump. One bad word from him can sink a career! A Trump endorsement gets more crazies on board. They all are wetting their panties. They suffer from TIS, Trump Ingratiating Syndrome.
In evaluating risk, one must balance the probability of an action with the possible seriousness of the outcome. It is unlikely that Trump could win a general election, but the damage if he would win is incalculable. No one thought he could win in 2016, but a weak Dem candidate and help from Russia, Russia, Russia got Trump the win, and the nation and world is still suffering for it.
You are saying that Hillary was a “weak Dem candidate”? Hilarious! The fake Russia shit has been settled or is that another area you will never admit you were wrong with?
The only thing the nation is suffering from is you leftists not being able to get over the Trump win. Even after stealing the elections of 2020 and 2022 and holding almost total political power in America the mere idea that Trump can even breathe drives you into hysterics.
Being a Trump supporter in America is living under the same threat as a Jew in 1938 Germany. At any time you can loose your job, your business, your freedom or even your life as the pervert democrat assin showed in the latest commie assault against Christians.
You keep throwing us in jail and shooting us but we’re still here commie boy.
Commenter: Being a Trump supporter in America is living under the same threat as a Jew in 1938 Germany.
Waah! Waah! Poor whiny titty babies! The Nazis killed several million Jews – children, women and men. They tortured, vivisected and gassed them. Only a moronic, idiotic, lying sack of shit would compare the state of American MAGAts to the Jews under the Nazis. How dare you!
If you were actually a Black man you’d understand that Blacks and Native Americans had it much worse than you whiny MAGAts. WTF is wrong with you?
You pathetic MAGAts are reincarnated Birchers/militiamen/Tea Baggers from the Clinton and Obama eras, when you created the conspiracies that the liberal gubmint was monitoring your movements with black helicopters and building FEMA internment camps for housing you.
Rimjob using the race card against a black guy.
It doesnt get any more pathetic than that.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Many people found Hillary “unlikeable”
Of course she still was able to win the popular vote by quite a bit
Yes, Mr White your life sucks. It really sounds horrible. Is it even really worth living?
The daily stress must be killing you !
No wonder that republicans don’t live as long. Oooops maybe even just mentioning that will stress you out even more
Why would you say my life “sucks”? Because I’m black? Because you are a privileged white cracker? Because you’re a racist white motherfucker who hates black people and wants us all back in chains?
Like any black person in America I am the luckiest of all the blacks who ever lived on this planet.
I live in a free country (so far) because white men died to make it so. I am grateful to be here. I only wish you commie motherfuckers were too.