They really weren’t thinking about what they were doing, just playing it by ear, and the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence
Great Resignation becomes Great Regret as workers long for their pre-Covid jobs
Most office workers who quit their jobs during the pandemic now regret the decision, with almost three quarters pining for their pre-Covid roles.
A survey of 3,000 white collar workers who moved jobs during the pandemic found that 71pc wanted to return to their pre-pandemic employer.
The finding suggests that the so-called Great Resignation is now leading to a Great Regret, according to recruiter Robert Walters, which conducted the research.
Thousands of workers began quitting their jobs in early 2021 amid dissatisfaction over pay and working conditions during Covid lockdowns.
Things just didn’t work out that well as time went by, especially as inflation ate the increased pay at the new jobs
Toby Fowlston, chief executive of Robert Walters, said: “Across 2021 we saw record pay rises offered to professionals, with promises of an uber flexible and hybrid culture.
“Come 2023, and these pay rises now pale in comparison to the rising cost of living and inflation – with those new starters who were offered inflated salaries being much less likely to have received a pay increase this year.
“It appears that workers are realising that the grass may not have been greener after all.”
New folks are less likely to get raises, right? Also
Dissatisfaction in the workplace sparked a new trend dubbed “quiet quitting” last year. The phrase captured the idea of putting in the minimum effort required at work.
However, rounds of deep lay-offs in the tech sector and warnings of looming recessions appear to have ended this trend.
That, and people realizing they need the job with inflation raging.

Inflation has. Been going down for 8 straight months.
It is now less than wage incresses
The distinguished Mr H wrote:
From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Also from BLS:
Last time I heard, the 6.0% price increase for all items, along with the 5.5% increase for all items less food and energy, as well as the 5.5% increase in the energy index, would all be greater than the 4.6% increase in average hourly earnings.
Perhaps you just meant the monthly, rather than annualized inflation rate. Even with my Jethro Bodine sixth-grade education, I can cipher out that the 0.4% all items increase is greater than the 0.2% wage increase.
So, no, inflation is not “now less than wage incresses (sic)”.
Your breath must smell like a stinky fart, because you are always talking out your ass.
The excremental Mr Dana believes his effluvia don’t reek!!
Oh, someone got triggered early this morning.
Whats the matter, chubby?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dana, he’s just doing what all commies have done since the invention of commiedom….LIE. It’s their SOP.
Look now at what their lies have done to America. We are living the total destruction of our once great republic. All based on their hate.
I can tell you ain’t been to the grocery store lately!
Jezus I was there a couple of days ago and left the store with 4 small plastic sacks. The cost was over 100 bucks.
I bought 1 gallon of milk, 3 bananas, 6 small cans of cat food, 1 TINY bag of Fritos, a 24-count box of cat food, 2 large potatoes, 1 loaf of bread, 1 6 ct bag of bagels, 1 small container of Philly creme cheese, 1 small carton of potato salad, and 1 small carton of macaroni salad and the cost was 101.83.
The government is simply lying out their asses when they say stuff is cheaper and inflation is coming down.
Remember one simple Rule. Once Fritos are 6.00 a bag and inflation returns to 1 percent….Fritos will still be 6.00 per bag. Cat food that was 65 cents pre covid is now 1.12 and will still be 1.12 when inflation is reduced.
IN the meantime businesses will have to contend with super high prices, high wages and China who is one by one picking off countries and removing them from the DOLLAR to the YUAN.
Welcome to pre Venzuela folks. We are 10-15 years away from being a clone of Post USSR Russia.
TYRANNY led by deep state actors who have enriched themselves and do not give a shit about anyone else.
Does anyone not drinking Dowd and H’s kool-aide think that this country will ever return to a wonderful economy again?
Wages creeping up, inflation creeping down. Trump arraigned. To the consternation of the doom and gloom rightists, things are getting better.
Mr. Dana provided a citation to back his claims.
So are you disputing the BLS numbers, chubby?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
No one gives a shit as to the price 3 months ago… They remember what they were in 2019 and 2020.
FYI, this AM I did some shopping at Walmart.
I picked up a bag of Lays Potato chips which had been around $2.00 ….the current price?? $4.98. That matches well with $1.70 gas then and $3.18 now.
You can blame the oil patch boys… you can blame the Arabs… but…..
The fact is the Biden has been in charge.
Given that inflation is driven by oil and greed we now find that the Democratic party doesn’t care because they see high petro prices as a way to force people into EV’s and thus placate their nutso base.
So we have no one looking out for us…except Trump.
And your NY buddy can’t get rid of him.
It’s kinda like Andy has left town and Barney is in charge.

(The young’uns might not get that reference.)
Bwaha! Lolgf
How did Brandon cause global inflation?
You should send money to the billionaire Don to help him look out for you!! Lyndsay Graham was on TV yesterday, crying, really crying, asking you to send $5 or $10 to Don.
I know; you know; we all know that candidate Trump paid two former inamoratas to keep quiet before the election because he thought their disclosures could hurt his chances against Hillary. He attempted to hide the transactions and has been accused of falsifying business records.
I don’t have any NY buddies that I recall. I have a nephew in NYC who’s a singer-songwriter and his fiance.
Sorry, chubby, the answer would involve a discussion of economics and degradation of the dollar, subjects of which you obviously have no clue.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
As usual, whatever Johnny says the opposite is usually true…