There’s going to be a lot said about this over the, well, next few years, because Comrade Bragg wants the trial in January 2024, right in the middle of the primaries
I have a feeling they're trying to jam up the system for 2 years of legal rangling, hoping that keeps Trump from being the candidate
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) April 4, 2023
What’s the underlying crime that allowed Bragg to elevate this to a felony? No one knows. Bragg won’t say, so, there should be some interesting motions in the next few weeks
Bragg’s Trump Indictment Folly
A long-standing progressive fantasy was fulfilled Tuesday afternoon when Donald Trump was arraigned on criminal charges in Manhattan.
The spectacle of a former president driving in a motorcade to the courthouse and sitting at a defense table surrounded by his attorneys will long be remembered as a symbol of the poisonous politics of the Trump era.
It’d be one thing if there were a clear felony violation that is consistently prosecuted, but the unsealed indictment is as weak as advertised. (snip)
Hush payments aren’t illegal. But the reimbursements from the Trump Organization to Trump fixer Michael Cohen were logged as legal expenses. This was misleading and is potentially a misdemeanor. Prosecuting Trump over misdemeanors would be too ridiculous even for Bragg, who campaigned on nailing Trump and showing leniency to street criminals. It would also run afoul of the fact that the statute of limitations has lapsed on any misdemeanor.
So Bragg needed a way to transform the misdemeanors into felonies, which he can do, in theory, if the false business accounting was in the service of another crime. There’s been a great deal of speculation about what that other crime is, and the much-anticipated indictment . . . doesn’t say.
He states he doesn’t have to say it, but, isn’t it required that the defendant be appraised of what they’re being charged with?
Asked why he didn’t mention the other alleged crime in the indictment at his post-arraignment press conference, Bragg said the law doesn’t require its being specified in the indictment. Even he must know that’s absurd. The purpose of an indictment is to put the accused on notice of what crimes he has committed, and this other “crime” that Trump allegedly concealed by misdemeanor records violations is essential to the case; the indictment fails its most basic function by failing to specify it.
At the press conference he held after his subordinates unsuccessfully sought a gag order against the defense, Bragg cited New York election law (which doesn’t apply to a federal race), a plan to make false statements to tax authorities (he didn’t say whether these alleged misrepresentations were ever actually made), and a violation of federal campaign-finance law (although it’s doubtful the payments constitute campaign expenses). If Bragg had evidence that Trump committed state tax or election-law crimes, he wouldn’t hesitate to charge them. And if he really thought he had jurisdiction to enforce federal laws, he’d have proudly cited campaign-finance offenses as the crimes Trump was supposedly concealing.
There should be a motion to dismiss over this very lax charging statement, which fails to lay out why this can be a felony when the statute of limitations ended for minor misdemeanors, and Bragg has no authority over what would be federal charges, which Los Federales all passed on. There are so many holes and issues, that, yeah, I think this is all about jamming up Trump to make sure he either cannot win the primary, or, baring that, can’t win the general, and then Bragg would just drop the case.
And, ignore that this is Trump for a moment: this is a political witch hunt and a perversion of the US justice system.

Seriously. This is all they have.

Bwaha! Lolgf
But?? Teach you already posted that the indictments were going to HELP Trump win the election.
And not even one word about the real victim: pitiful Melania who will again be humiliated by Trump’s affair with a porn star. While she was pregnant and carrying his son
Stormy Daniels said they had an affair
Trump said they didn’t
Who are you going to be believe ? The one with the dyed blonde hair and shitty tits?
Or, Stormy Daniels
Bragg won’t drop the charges even after the election. Democrats have too much invested in the dream of punishing trump and having him die in prison.
Mr Trump announced his candidacy to be able to claim they were after him politically! He was hoping running for president would immunize him against prosecution.
He will have his time in court over these charges, and will later be able to defend himself against his alleged crimes related to the Georgia vote, Jan 6 mob action and the classified documents cases.
Regardless of whether Mr Trump was running for president in 2024 these cases would have proceeded. Why? So that subsequent US presidents wouldn’t do these things.
As expected, Mr Trump attacked DA Bragg, the Judge Merchan, and the judge’s family.
Mr Trump is raising money, drawing attention from the other candidates and activating his base. Other than exposing more of Trump’s offensive actions, this helps The Teflon Don.
He is accused of paying a porn star lover ($130K to Stormy), a Playboy playmate lover ($150K to McDougal) and a Trump Tower doorman, all just before the 2016 election, to keep quiet about alleged actions by The Don and his associates. Did these actions help him get elected in 2016? We’ll never know. Anyway, understand that The Donald, a virile man, had a pregnant wife/ mother of newborn during those times and was entitled to sex.
It’s hardly surprising that Trump and his supporters (like Teach and the NR) dismiss this as bologna. Unfortunately for The Teflon Don this won’t be litigated online.
Has anyone noticed that Alvin Bragg looks like a mocha-colored Rimjob?

…and makes about as much sense.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Get a free Trump NOT GUILTY! T-shirt for only $47 or more!!
A billionaire with his own 757 who lives in a massive resort needs your $47 to defend himself from a negro and illegal in Manhattan.
Trump is the Pied Piper leading gophers to their ruin.
Only one Republican cannot win in 2024, and the GOP won’t stand up to him.
Is allegiance to Trump more important than winning? Cult.
So what are you so afraid of, chubby?

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The clown show continues..
ex-President Donald J. Trump:
Translation from Trump’s hamster-wheel brain to right-winglish:
Gateway, Breitbart, Don Jr, Eric, Don Sr etc realize that Big Don is in trouble and not just from DA Bragg. Senior is also looking down the barrel of the “Box Hoax”, “Georgia and the More Perfect Phone Call” and VP Pence testifying about Jan 6. There is no way out but seizing power.
Throughout his life, The Teflon Don has been able to buy and bluster his way out of trouble.
How did this rake and roue, this bullshit artist, this thrice married with at least 5 children from at least 3 baby mamas, pro-abortion, Russian groomed, draft-dodging, Epstein buddied, pussy grabbing, woman assaulting, union busting, casino tanking, tax avoiding, repeat adulterer, riot inciting, chronic prevaricator and arrestee take dominion over the evangelical Christians, fundamentalists, rightists AND the GOP? Yes, yes, he’s a horrible, dreadful, disgusting human being but he shed his skin, becoming a pro-life, Bible wielding, liberal-hating, white power defending, Great Father figure who ended Roe vs Wade and delivered a right-wing SCOTUS for decades! He has entered the souls of the right. Prosecuting Trump is like crucifying Jesus. And he knows it.
Again the question must be asked of Rimjob:

Do you start out every day this stupid?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Your seething hatred and mental illness has completely taken over the little rational thought you may have once had. You ramble unsubstantiated accusations and childish insults like they mean something. They don’t.
But thank you for revealing the inner workings of the deranged leftist mind.
Unsubstantiated accusations? You need to get out more.
Do you believe that Mr Trump is moral person?
Or do you accept that Christians who support MAGAtism are hypocrites?
Mr Trump and his disciples probably are intending to destroy the American democratic republic; it’s just a casualty of their lust for dominance.
Silly liberals believed that if the conservatives got a taste of power they woulc ban all abortions. Are/were they wrong? The alliance between Christian fundamentalism and Republicanism is a danger to America and American democracy.
J-is this Trump derangement syndrome in the room with you now?
“Mr. Trump and his disciples are probably intending to destroy the American democratic republic..” Well, J, at least you’re not being a Drama Queen this time….
Yes, those evil ones are probably planning to stop government censorship (what were you saying about destroying the republic?), tame inflation, get the groomers out of 3rd grade classes, stop the invasion at the southern border, etc. Horrible things like that. Maybe even hire people based on alleged competency instead of filling a “diversity” square!