It’s just nag nag nag from the Cult of Climastrology. Why can’t they just mind their own damned business? Why are they always attempting to force their beliefs on everyone else? It’s almost like this who thing is about authoritarianism
The food we eat and its impact on climate change
How we grow food, consume it and waste it may play a big role in whether the world can avert a climate catastrophe, environmentalists and climate change analysts say. One big obstacle to changing the most damaging practices is that many of them are in fact encouraged and financially incentivized by countries — including the U.S. — possibly pushing us faster toward a world that’s too dangerously warm.
“If we do everything right — if we reduce energy-related emissions [and] transportation-related emissions as much as we all need, and we don’t address emissions from agriculture, we are still not going to avoid a climate catastrophe,” said Scott Faber, senior vice president for government affairs at the nonprofit Environmental Working Group.
Piss off, wanker.
The global food system — the growing, processing, transporting, distributing, consumption and disposal of food — makes up a third of greenhouse gas emissions every year. From cutting down trees for grazing cattle, to food waste in landfills, each stage of the food system creates greenhouse gases: a study published in March estimated that emissions from food production and waste alone could push global temperatures up by as much as 1.1 degrees Celsius (1.98 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century.
And we’re going to feed people with what, exactly?
But implementing new and climate-friendly practices may be costly and adversely affect yield, cutting into farmers’ bottom lines and making their crops or herds less attractive to investors and buyers. That reality, according to the World Economic Forum, has resulted in a cycle in the U.S. that rewards “the systems that are least regenerative, emit the most greenhouse gases, and result in the most land degradation.” These damaging systems, the World Economic Forum said, “are the most likely to have access to capital.”
Those would be rich folks flying into meetings on private jets and then having lavish meals, right?
Globally, leaders have agreed to dramatically decrease agriculture sector emissions. In 2021, 111 countries, making up 45% of global methane emissions, signed an agreement to reduce methane emissions 30% by 2030, and 145 countries signed on to reverse deforestation — which is mostly caused by cattle ranching — by 2030.
Do the peasant level Warmists realize that these leaders are signing said peasants up to be forced to practice this, while the leaders don’t themselves?
“When people think about climate the focus usually snaps to fossil fuels, renewable energy, and that makes sense because it’s the leading driver [of emissions], but food is this super underappreciated part of it. We eat three times a day, so it’s something that we can actually do something about,” said Richard Waite, senior research associate of the World Resources Institute’s food and climate programs.
Oh, F off. Just F right off.

China is turning nation after nation away from the DOLLAR and making the YUAN the established currency. How can they do this? Because they are willing to produce. The WEST is all about conservation and raping other countries for food, clothing, and energy.
A result of this is that they have all sent their power and dependency to the Middle East and China and Russia and only now they are wringing their hands.
Leave our resources in the ground and use THEIRS Cries the left in the West. Great. No problems even though China is now building 400 nuclear missile silos, sending satellites into space capable of shooting down everyone else’s satellites and the WEST says oh well they won’t do anything cause it’s not in their best interests.
The best interests of a country that killed 150,000,000 people during its civil war? Let 50,000,000 die during their great famine rather than ask the world for help. China has only one interst. Taking over the world.
The USA now has 285 naval ships to China’s 350 and China is building 3 ships per year. It takes the USA 10 years to build ONE SHIP. China is building islands claiming more and more international waters. So much so that the Philippines has begged the USA to move back into its country and Australia is now going to build nuclear submarines to defend international waters.
China says it will be ready to invade Taiwan in 2027…why? Because in 2027 it will have 400 intercontinental missiles with 4000 warheads to the USA’s 400 intercontinental missiles with 400 warheads. The Chinese Navy will have over 400 ships and has increased its supersonic missiles by 1000 percent.
They will utterly destroy the USA if they dare to sail past Hawaii to defend anyone.
Stupid, stupid, stupid government is more interested in Transvestites getting transition surgery in the military than they are in containing China which is now the 1970s USSR. The only real difference is in the number of people they are willing to watch die to accomplish their goal of RULING THE WORLD.
Toodles folks. Fortunately, we have google translate so you don’t have to learn Chinese to eat in the coming years ahead. By the way…. every time you Google you put money in Communist China’s favorite American company. GOOGLE!!
Our esteemed host asked:
Didn’t you know?
China is not as strong as you believe.
China’s navy is not a blue ester navy, more than 1/2 it’s “ships” are really boats not capable of extended range. Why is this important? Because the US Navy is in control of I trrnatiinsl shipping . China is not even self sufficient in good, it can’t feed itself. China imports 80%if it’s energy 75% of which comes over seas controlled by the US Navy
In aware, China runs out if gasoline in 2 months: their lights go out in 4 months.
We can go for years without what China assembles for us. It took 5 years for China to develope the technology and manufacturing capability to manufacture their own ball point pen tips
Technology MUST be supported by food and energy.China has neither. Also after 40 years of one child policy China’s demographics are an upside down pyramid. Very few Chinese are under 40 yo and in prime fighting/working age. Their population is falling quickly not enough young people to support all those old people
What will war with US get them but loss of consumer markets.
What will war with Russia get them? A resource rich uninhabitated Siberia
Iraq has agreed to join with The Saudis Russians and Iranians for further oil production cutbacks. This will drive US gasoline costs up 10%
And also slime profits
E be en bb though our f ok MN rustic o I’ll l production is up from wh Ed n Trump was fired from office
Damn, Hairy. You are getting as bad as Biden.
Too much carbon. Too much pollution. Too much agriculture. Too much climate change. Too much environment encroachment. Too much energy usage.
Bottom line: too many people. But we aren’t going to say out loud which people are too many. Hint: It’s not the ones with negative replacement birth rates.