They are attempting to scare voters who tend to vote Democrat in the first place, and have been indoctrinated into letting government run their lives
This Part of the U.S. Will Suffer Most from Climate Change
Industrialized communities in the Deep South are the most vulnerable in the U.S. to climate change, according to a new index created by the Environmental Defense Fund and Texas A&M University that analyzes climate impacts and neighborhood conditions such as poverty and health.
Almost all of the most vulnerable communities are located along the Gulf Coast from Mobile, Ala., to Corpus Christi, Texas — a flood- and hurricane-prone region with deep pockets of poverty, poor health and economic and racial inequities. Communities in Memphis, Tenn., Birmingham, Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn., also scored high on the index.
“Black communities in the Deep South are in the fight of their lives to protect their community from years of environmental racism, and we need every tool available to showcase what years of pollution look like in our communities,” said Beverly Wright, founder and executive director of the New Orleans-based Deep South Center for Environmental Justice.
Wright applauded the new index, saying in an email that the “data is pivotal to ensuring those federal resources reach the communities they are intended to.”
Is this Science or social science? Or just straight politics? As it does not look like science.
The index is the latest in a series of new or newly updated interactive tools that rate environmental and climate risks in more than 70,000 small geographic areas known as census tracts, each with just a few thousand residents. The effort comes as the Biden administration is prioritizing “disadvantaged communities” in allocating billions of dollars in new environmental and community-building spending.
Ah, so it’s all about the free money, redistributed from the earners to the poor black folks that Democrats like keeping down on the plantations under control of Democrat run government. This isn’t racist in the least, right? Thinking that blacks are incapable of surviving without the helpful hand of government?
The new index will help “ensure that adaptation efforts are targeted to those most in need,” Grace Tee Lewis, lead author and senior health scientist in EDF’s Climate and Health program, co-wrote in a blog post.
Other interactive tools include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Environmental Justice Index, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Risk Index of Natural Hazards and EPA’s EJScreen, launched in 2015 and updated in 2022. The White House recently published the Climate and Economic Justice Screening tool to help guide federal spending on climate and environmental protection under the Biden administration’s Justice40 Initiative.
More than a dozen states including California, New York and Pennsylvania have their own screening tools, which are sometimes used to prioritize funding and protect vulnerable areas.
The most interesting thing is how they keep trotting out these studies and “tools”, yet, the people doing so mostly do not practice what they preach.

Texas A&M is a well known commie liberal school. Nothing they publish can be taken seriously
At this point of the corruption and destruction of America all schools except a handful regardless of their location are commie leftist schools. (Liberals now are Republicans as the once liberal dems have gone full on commie).
Besides, once the Environmental Defense Fund teams up with any school even Texas A&M University the leftist fix is in. The EDF is a radical left environmental NGO and non profit with revenue of 97million. Their goal is to use science, economics and LAW to find, promote and force environmental “solutions” that harm the American nation.
IOW, environazi organization using legal power and tax payer money to force compliance to their religious beliefs on our citizens.
Nothing published by or in association with the EDF can be taken seriously in a free society.
Deniers of Mr Teach’s ilk agree the Earth is warming as predicted and decry any attempts to slow the warming.
Then they bitch and moan about efforts to adapt to warming as described in this article.
In other words, ignore global warming and let non-nature take its course!
Funny-any attempts to slow the warming..” Why should we? No evidence. By the way, any papers or articles or whatever to show that if we cooled one degree or so back to the alleged “norm” would things would be any different? Of course not
Problem is that the people of the South are smarter than the average Yankee and can see a hoax and an attempt to destroy our way of life.
Yep, it’s confederate genius that makes southern states the poorest in America.
Confederates are not dumber than Yankees but they do subscribe to self-defeating conservatism.
Funny-any attempts to slow the warming..” Why should we? No evidence. By the way, any papers or articles or whatever to show that if we cooled one degree or so back to the alleged “norm” would things would be any different? Of course not
The only confederates around today are the America hating commie democrats.
BTW, being educated does not make you smart. You prove that every time you comment you moron.
You’re a white supremacist and a racist and project you hatred to others. Well, we ain’t fools you filthy commie.
That time of the month?
Yes, that why people are leaving the “rich”states such as NY, California and Illinois and moving to the southern states of Texas, Florida, and North and South Carolina. And do you believe it? People are actually moving to where it’s warmer!