I’m going to take this study with a big grain of salt, as it comes from Chinese researchers, but, it makes a whole lot more sense than it coming from first bats, then pangolins, then raccoon dogs
Humans may have spread Covid to Wuhan market as raccoon dogs ‘not to blame’, say scientists
Humans may have brought Covid-19 to the Wuhan market where the virus first emerged, scientists have said, after finding no proof that raccoon dogs were to blame for the outbreak.
It comes after a controversial study suggested last month that raccoon dog DNA found at the Huanan Seafood Market in January 2020 provided “strong evidence” that the virus was transmitted to humans at the site.
But on Wednesday, the Chinese scientists released their study in the journal Nature and said there was no way of knowing if the raccoon dogs were infected. They also cautioned that the origins of Covid-19 could not be determined from their samples.
Writing in the journal, the authors, which include George Gao, the former head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (DCD), said: “These environmental samples cannot prove that the animals were infected.
“Furthermore, even if the animals were infected, our study does not rule out that human-to-animal transmission occurred, considering the sampling time was after the human infection within the market as reported retrospectively.
Remember, data suggests that people were infected with COVID19 as early as November 2019, hence why it is COVID-19, not COVID-20
But the researchers pointed out that humans had already been infected by the time they first took swabs in January 2020, so even if the animals were infected they could have caught the virus from humans.
Meaning humans already had it before raccoon dogs after the Wuhan lab leak
The team also found traces of Covid-19 in sewers, suggesting that infected humans or animals may have helped spread the virus. Previous studies have pointed out that the largest concentration of Covid-19 was found near the market’s toilets.
I wonder what the sewers near the Wuhan lab show. We’ll probably never know. But, any rational person will point the fingers at the laboratory doing research in bat coronaviruses right up the road, releasing it either by accident or on purpose.

As said earlier, the environmental samples showing both animal and Covid genetic materials was consistent with, but was not proof that, an animal in the Huanan Market was the source.
The new paper in Nature doesn’t change that conclusion.
The authors say:
That’s still true. The reference to ‘cold chain products’ is tribute to the early hypothesis that the virus entered China on imported frozen foods or packages. As an example, the US sends hundreds of millions pounds of frozen pork to China! Note too, the Chinese originally accused the US of sending SARS-CoV-2 from US military laboratories to China.
However it was started, we all know that, in the end, it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.
Probably. One rumor is he had his doctor, Ronnie Jackson, and NSA chief, Michael Flynn, direct research on a SARS virus to slip to Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, Nancy Pelosi, Ivana, Liz Cheney, AOC, Fani Willis and E. Jean Carroll, but they lost control.
The christian God may have sent the virus to punish humans for their sins, especially sins of the flesh.
He had priors for doing such things in the past
If that were true you’d be dead.
Carbon boy-you mean as opposed to the Muslim god who wants gays killed for being gay? Nice job, Johnny…
Even Jon Stewart gets it.
More obfuscation here, just muddy the water to delay the process. COVID-19 was engineered using US taxpayer funded gain of function research (that we never, ever did, oh no, no, no) and intentionally spread around the world by the CCP with full cooperation and assistance from the UN, CDC, WHO, WEF and others. It did not “break out” or “leak” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and it didn’t “jump species” from a dirty food court.
An accident and an associated cover-up were staged in the lab to provide a cover story in the event that they were eventually forced to admit that the lab was the source. When the CCP can no longer deflect and are pressed for an explanation, they will miraculously “uncover” the “evidence” and play the bewildered victims. That’s coming up soon, stalling or not.
The theater did not begin with the fake body bags and actors falling down in the streets, it’s all been theater all along up to and including the “vaccines” and it won’t end any time soon.
I don’t believe for a minute that Trump’s CDC and NIH did this!!