…is a wonderful exercise bike making people more fit, because being fat is bad for climate change, but, saying this is also fatphobia, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on your DaleyGator Daley Thought of the day.
Totally forgot to schedule, just saved to draft.

The new ‘woke’ far-right has finally come to realize that there’s a two-tiered justice system in America!!! Hallelujah!!
One for the poor and resourceless, and one for the wealthy and powerful!
Oh what’s that? It’s not what I think? The far-right think the wealthy and powerful are getting the shit end of the stick!!
LOL. If Donald Trump’s name wasn’t Donald Trump he would ALREADY BE IN JAIL!
When his family was accused of embezzlement from the family charity and the kids had to get ‘don’t embezzle’ classes and they paid a $2 million fine. The Trump foundation money was intended for kids with cancer. Kids with Cancer!!
Trump cheated Trump U students out of millions. He paid some money. But he has billions and his supporters are sending him millions more!
And these crooked elites take care of each other. One guy was convicted for 18 criminal charges, including illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering in 2005 and was sent to the big house. President Trump pardoned him in 2020. The crooks name: Charles Kushner; Ivanka’s daddy in law.
The superwealthy are cheating Americans out of billions, hiding their ill-gotten gains and throwing poor people in private prisons making other superwealthy folks super wealthier! It’s a great system, if you’re rich. And Congress passes (or doesn’t pass) laws making it hard to catch the super rich! The US has the worlds largest prison system and prison population and more guns that are making us safer!!
The wealthy elites are afraid that We the People will catch on and toss them out on their asses. That is why they massage and terrify white Christian conservatives to keep them in office by pimping ‘grooming’, black criminals, critical race theory, drag shows, Muslims, Chinese and the brown invasion.
This is Minnesota’s Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan wearing a T-shirt with the image of a combat knife above the legend “Protect Trans Kids.”
From what it doesn’t say.
Seems the so-called transgender movement is aligning itself with antifa in calling for violence against all who do not support their perversity.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Grooming, black criminals, crt, drag shows, Muslims, Chinese and the brown invasion…” Yes, all those things are happening, but thanks
“Guns that are making us safer..”
Saw a post the other day that said the US is 3rd throughout the world in murders. However, if one removes Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St. Louis and New Orleans (all with relatively strict gun control laws) then the US falls to 189 out of 193 countries
Good point. Homicides seem to occur where there are people AND guns!
The greatest homicide rates by state shows, Top Ten Least Safe States (2020):
Mississippi (least safe), Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Illinois, New Mexico…
Safest states (2020):
…Minnesota, Iowa, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Utah, Massachusetts, Idaho, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire (most safe)
States with greatest number of homicides: CA, TX, FL…
It seems state and local gun control laws do not work very well.
Globally, the US has the highest homicide rate of any advanced nation, being 2 to 20 times more homicidal than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea S, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Norway, Oman, Poland, no Q, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, Vietnam, no X, no Y, Zambia!
Conservatives would ban Negroes in the US!!
African nations with lower homicide rates than the United States:
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
São Tomé and Príncipe
The most homicidal regions are in the Western Hemisphere: The Caribbean, Central America, South America.
[…] Pirates Cove PLAYS IF ALL YOU SEE once, then again, THEN, again! […]
“Seems stale and local gun control laws don’t work very well..” No, they don’t, but the libs, want more of them.
More interesting gun info-surprisingly (only to liberals), the US ranked 56th in rate of attacks and 61st in mass public shooting murder rates of the 86 countries that reported mass shootings on a per capita basis.
Read this.
The fun with statistics is that a low population nation like Norway with ONE mass shooting ever (right-wing terrorist Anders Breivik murdered 69 children) yielded the greatest deaths/million population!! In contrast, the US had 199 attacks over the same time period.
Only France even comes close to the US.