I wonder if this applies to Gov Kathy Hochul’s home, along with the Elites in the NY general assembly?
New York climate law defines ritzy communities with million-dollar homes as ‘disadvantaged’
New York state officials determined that multiple high-income villages that boast million-dollar homes are “disadvantaged,” opening the door for the areas to enjoy increased energy development funding.
In late March, the so-called Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) — which consists of nine environmental justice advocates and four state government officials — released a list of disadvantaged communities as mandated under the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Under the 2019 law, historically disadvantaged areas defined by the CJWG are required to receive no less than 35% of clean energy program funding. (snip)
However, the working group included the villages of Tuckahoe and Shinnecock, two ritzy neighborhoods located in the Hamptons on Long Island, New York.
The median home price in Tuckahoe, for example, is $4.2 million, according to the real estate firm Redfin. One home located in the village was sold for $4.4 million in December.
The town of Southampton, New York, which encapsulates multiple villages including Tuckahoe and Shinnecock, boasts a median income of $108,545, about 57% higher than the median income nationwide, U.S. Census Bureau data showed.
Good grief. Are they disadvantaged because they’re near the ocean? The NY state government people do not even have the good grace to be embarrassed by this, and do not care. They’ll be spreading some of that sweet, sweet taxpayer cash around in the rich areas, helping out big donors, probably sprucing up their homes and neighborhoods. Increasing the price of their homes.

It’s simple: the state wants to protect the wealthy from the direct costs to them for the
global warmingclimate change regulations they’ll put in place. But, not to worry, the state will also impose higher taxes on the top producers, so they’ll wind up paying for it anyway.It’s just another form of bait-and-switch.
It should be no surprise that in a plutocracy the government protects its own and the political donor class.
In general, U.S. policies on taxes, labor, fiscal and monetary actions, healthcare, policing, trade, defense, poverty, agriculture and on and on favor the wealthy at the expense of workers.
It’s natural. Wealthy donors finance campaigns of politicians who become wealthy in office and after. They take care of their own.
The “only cure” for inflation is government-mandated recession and unemployment for the working class.
Should we all forget the TWO TRILLION dollar tax cuts for the elites that Trump signed?
Remember the more benefits we give to our elites, the job creators, the more they will trickle down on us.
Teach? Do you know longer want to be trickled down on?
Nice try, Johnny-all brackets received tax cuts. The “elites” pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill when rates are lower. Do you want the “elites” to pay a smaller share with higher taxes? Is this still over your head?
America was great when businesses and the rich paid higher taxes.
And bags and straws were made of paper