If All You See…

…is an Evil 1% pool on top of a building, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on another gender confused going postal.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out The First Street Journal, with a post on Biden and his gender confused derangement

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18 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. ST says:

    A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas) – Video

  2. […] Cove PLAYS IF ALL YOU SEE once, then again, THEN, […]

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    In general, transgender women should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports that rely on strength and size, soccer, rugby, weight-lifting, basketball, swimming, track and field, tennis, volleyball etc. This can be adjudicated on a case by case basis.

    But establishing common sense rules to keep the playing field level does not justify right-wing attempts to ban transgenderism.

    The conservative feeling/belief that the transgendered are mentally ill is not supported by biology. But you knew that. Please read up on biological intersex.

    You may be shocked to hear that a sizable minority of adult Americans believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 election!

    We get it, conservatives are repulsed* by gay men and the transgendered, but conservative snowflakeism is not a good enough reason to persecute the transgendered.

    *Surprisingly conservative men are tolerant of lesbian pornography.

    • The Lord of St Louis wrote:

      In general, transgender women should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports that rely on strength and size, soccer, rugby, weight-lifting, basketball, swimming, track and field, tennis, volleyball etc. This can be adjudicated on a case by case basis.

      OMG, common sense from the distinguished Mr Dowd?

      But establishing common sense rules to keep the playing field level does not justify right-wing attempts to ban transgenderism.

      That you got wrong: conservatives are attempting to prohibit the physical mutilation of children, not whatever idiocy the ‘transgendered’ wish to do after they become legal adults are are of age to take such decisions for themselves. If someone wants to call himself by names and pronouns which apply to the opposite sex, that’s his business. When he attempts to use the power of the state to force other people to go along with his delusions, he makes it other people’s business.

      The conservative feeling/belief that the transgendered are mentally ill is not supported by biology. But you knew that. Please read up on biological intersex.

      When you have to base your arguments on birth defects, you know you have a problem. And of course they’re mentally ill: they are experiencing a delusion, that they are really something that they aren’t.

      “Dear deluded, dear deluded, you have no complaint,
      You are what you are, and you ain’t what you ain’t.” — John Prine, Dear Abby.

  4. Jl says:

    Actually, the DSM lists gender dysphoria as a mental disorder

  5. Jl says:

    Geeez…”persecute the transgendered”. More made-up drama. Conservatives, if anything, are against children not yet at the age of consent having their dicks cut off. I know, how terrible. Here’s how it works-if a man wants to pretend he’s a woman, that’s up to him. If a man wants us to pretend that he’s a woman, that’s up to us. Doesn’t sound so drama-queenish, now does it?

  6. drowningpuppies says:

    Self defense is now a prosecutable for Soros appointed DAs if it involves BLM.

    And if he had been shot and killed!?
    Would anyone on the rioters side been charged?
    I’m so sick of this shit!


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Dear Abby as imagined by the late, great John Prine. Entertaining but hardly instructive!

    Did you read the article on intersex individuals? What did you think?

    It is estimated that up to 1.7 percent of the population has an intersex trait and that approximately 0.5 percent of people have clinically identifiable sexual or reproductive variations.

    That means there are millions of intersex individuals – either physically and/or based on effects on gene expression and hormone levels/sensitivities.

    Mistreatment of intersex individuals begins early in life, with intersex infants and children commonly subjected to nonconsensual, medically unnecessary interventions to alter natural variations in genital appearance or reproductive anatomy with the aim of conforming their bodies to binary sex stereotypes. These procedures on intersex infants and children, such as clitoral reductions and sterilizing gonadectomies, are often justified by discriminatory attitudes about healthy variations in sex characteristics. They have high complication rates and lifelong consequences such as infertility, reduced sexual function, and other physical and mental health impacts.

    Is this the kind of mutilation that conservatives are trying to ban? And how about circumcision? Would you ban that too?

    According to CAP’s nationally representative 2020 survey data of LGBTQI+ adults, LGBTQ+ intersex individuals, when compared with their LGBTQ+ peers who are not intersex, experience higher rates of stigma and discrimination and high rates of engaging in behavior to avoid exposure to discriminatory treatment, such as avoiding going to the doctor.

    Because people with intersex traits do not conform to binary sex and gender norms, they can encounter significant stigma and discrimination when accessing health care. According to the CAP survey, 88 percent of LGBTQ+ intersex respondents reported experiencing some form of discrimination from a doctor or health care provider in the year prior to CAP’s survey—including refusal of care, harsh language, or physical abuse—compared with 19 percent of LGBTQ+ non-intersex respondents.

    Blow up your TV, throw away your paper
    Go to the country, build you a home
    Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
    Try and find Jesus on your own — John Prine; Spanish Pipedream

    But my favorite was about Kentucky!!

    When I was a child my family would travel
    Down to Western Kentucky where my parents were born
    And there’s a backwards old town that’s often remembered
    So many times that my memories are worn.

    And daddy won’t you take me back to Muhlenberg County
    Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
    Well, I’m sorry my son, but you’re too late in asking
    Mister Peabody’s coal train has hauled it away

    — John Prine; Paradise

  8. H says:

    There are about 488000 athletes competing in the NCAA
    At last count there were 32 yra MN sc sgendered competing in NCAA sports. How big of a problem is this?
    Is this a “problem” that the right-wing nutz think is a battle that will ensure electoral victory? Appealing to the most radical of the right-wing base hasn’t seemed to work out all that well in elections.
    Maybe they must move further to the right and arrest all women who have had abortion. Try them all for MURDER!!
    Dems will be happy to run again on culture issues, we are on a winning streak
    TRUMP 2024!!

    • Jl says:

      We can always count on Johnny for humor. “How big a problem is this”? It’s a huge problem because what does “32 yra MN sc sgendered” even mean? I suppose you were trying to make some kind of point….

  9. CarolAnn says:

    Another explosion of idiocy from Elwood. Your “facts” are in error.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Maybe your beliefs are.

      Even the far-right reactionary Christian authoritarian medical group, The Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (they approached the far-right reactionary Christian authoritarian judge to shelve mifepristone) makes allowances for intersex individuals asserting:

      Sanctity of the body asserting no difference between biological sex and gender except in the case of rare, diagnosable disorders of sexual development

      • Jl says:

        Which does nothing to refute the fact that gender dysphoria is classified as a mental disorder.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          dysphoria: a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life

          People are often dysphoric when a loved one dies. A bad marriage. Money problems. A lost election.

          Dysphoria is not schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, Capgras, OCD, sociopathy, delusional disorders or psychopathy.

          Don’t conflate the symptoms (dysphoria) with the cause (gender misalignment – yes, it’s real and biological).

          These kids are no more delusional than believers of the Big Lie.

  10. Elwood P. Dowd says:


    Should doctors operate on infants with indeterminant genitals to make them into “girls” or “boys”? These are babies that God made.

  11. CarolAnn says:

    Well, it had to be either God or Trump to blame, right? GFY.

    Doctors should operate for the same reasons they should prescribe medicine: to help people. Indiscriminately cutting off dicks, balls and tits helps no one. If a kid came in and said he believed he is a pirate and a doctor replaced his hand with a hook, his eye with a patch and his leg with a peg it would cause less mental harm than making the kid sexless. Because let’s face it a person with the fake sex organs of their oppisite sex is a fucking freak just like dsaid pirate.

    Stop being stupid dowd. These nuts want to live a lie which is their business but it’s our duty not to encourage them.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      What does GFY mean?

      So you agree that an infant with both testicles and ovaries should not be mutilated? How about no obvious testicles but what appears to be penis? How about fused labial folds that resemble a scrotum?

      Gender dysphoria is not a delusion and is a real condition and in most cases has a biological genesis. You’re claiming that a physician’s decision at birth is final, while ignoring the thousands of infants with ambiguous genitalia? You and conservatives consider them freaks for life!

      Some 2000 infants with ambiguous genitalia are borne in the U.S. every year. In addition there are children with internal, humoral, neurological cues that your ilk refuse to consider preferring to just call them freaks. You should be ashamed of yourself.

      How does the Bible address ambiguous genitalia? How does the Constitution? The AMA?

      Right now, approx 1.6 million Americans identify as transgendered. Each one a human being worthy of respect and dignity. Yes, yes, some people are nuts. Just as at least 1.6 million MAGAts are nuts.

  12. Professor Hale says:

    That’s a very nice pool. Makes one want to become a 1%.

Pirate's Cove