Was it particularly wise of Nike to feature an unhinged lunatic playing at being a “girl”, really, making a mockery of women, to advertise women’s clothing? Did they consider that it would drive away at least half the customer base, who can purchase Under Armor, New Balance, Brooks, and a myriad number of brands instead of Nike? They already have a reputation of using child labor. So, what too do? Double down!
Athletic apparel giant Nike doubled down on its decision to use transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in marketing campaigns to promote the company’s female clothing.
In a pinned comment to Nike’s verified Instagram account, the company instructed customers to “Be kind, be inclusive … Encourage each other.”
The response came amid calls for a boycott of the company shortly after Mulvaney, who identifies as female, appeared in paid social media content dancing in Nike women’s sportswear.
Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies has been one of the athletes leading calls for customers to stop buying Nike’s products. (snip)
“The ad feels like a parody of what women are. In the past, it was always seen as an insult to say ‘run like a girl,’ and here we’ve got someone behaving in a way that’s very unsporty and very unathletic. And it’s so frustrating when only 1% of the USA sponsorship dollar goes to females in sport. That Nike would do this feels like a kick in the teeth.”
So, of course
In Friday’s social media response, Nike vowed to remove any comments that were not “in the spirit of a diverse and inclusive community.”
“You are an essential component to the success of your community! We welcome comments that contribute to a positive and constructive discussion: Be kind… Be inclusive… Encourage each other… Hate speech, bullying, or other behaviors that are not in the spirit of a diverse and inclusive community will be deleted,” Nike wrote.
Nike was really just starting to get sales back after their unhinged support of hater Colin Kapernick, so, let’s see what happens to their sales and stock now.

Nikes stock is up 50% since Colin Kaepernick.it was around 80$ then, now around 125$
Teach you are now no longer part of the customer demographic that Nike are most concerned about. You are old. They are gearing sales to younger customers. 55+ are not where Nike is looking to increase sales. for political validation try a different brand, maybe Members Only?
No one can seriously believe that ‘Dylan Mulvaney’ is actually transgender. His shtick is so obviously an over-the-top caricature of what girls are like that it seems far more likely that it is a deliberate, if badly done, parody. If by chance I’m wrong, and he really does believe he’s a girl, then he’s far, far loonier than the few ‘transgender girls’ we’ve seen before.
What I have difficulty with is seeing how Nike’s executives could miss the over-the-top nature of his act, and think that this is a good idea. There is the old saying that all publicity is good publicity, but being an old saying doesn’t mean that it’s always true.
How dare Nike post:
This is an outrage!! That’s censorship!! Boycott Nike!! Buy Nike clothing and video yourself burning them!!
How is Dylan Mulvaney harming anyone? In which sport is she abusing women? Soccer? Rugby? Swimming? Track and field? Weight-lifting? Boxing? Greco-Roman wrestling? Basketball? Tennis?
Conservatives not only find the transgendered disgusting but importantly want them harmed. The existence of Ms Mulvaney offends snowflake connies.
To quote Mr Teach: Mind your own f’ing business! Piss off!
Mr Teach and his hapless readers should buy their sports bras from another company. That’s how capitalism works.
In real news: The Tennessee House ousted two Black Democratic representatives for protesting. The white Democratic representative protesting with them was not ousted.
In more real news: A Trump appointed judge in Texas killed FDA approval of mifepristone, an inhibitor of the progesterone receptor. The FDA approved mifepristone 23 years ago. When the MAGAts take over America, conservative judges should review ALL FDA approvals and remove all approved drugs that offend them!
When authoritarians tell you who they are, believe them.
The Wizard of the Ozarks asked:
I’ve been saying all along that I don’t believe that Mr Mulvaney is truly ‘transgendered,’ but is wholly mocking via parody the whole ‘transgender’ movement. Not even the furthest left wokester could possibly believe that his act is anything seriously like girls behave.
But I have to admit: it is possible that he really does think he’s a girl. But if he does, his shtick is such an over-the-top parody that if that’s how he thinks real girls behave, his problem is greater than just gender dysphoria. It does, however, illustrate a huge problem for the ‘transgendered’: they don’t know how the opposite sex actually think, never grew up as the sex that they want to be were reared, and can only have a male’s idea of how females think and behave, or a female’s idea about how males think and behave. They were never socialized as the sex they want to be. I’ve used the line before: Bruce Jenner thinks he’s a woman, but all of his concepts of womanhood come from the Kardashians!
Even someone like Jaron Bloshinsky, who goes by the name “Jazz Jennings,” reared as a girl from before puberty by his money-grubbing parents, can’t understand: he never had a period, he never had to worry about getting pregnant, never went through puberty at all, and as much as he was trying to be a girl, he also whined that none of the boys in his high school wanted to date him. Well, duhhh!
All of the hormones and all of the surgical interventions possible still can’t make females out of males or males out of females. Boys and girls are reared differently, and the experiences we all have growing up just can’t be washed away.
Harmed? As long as they mind their own business, then they’re none of my business. But when they try to use the power of the state to compel others to call them by fake names or the inappropriate pronouns, they make it other people’s business. That you referred to him as “Ms Mulvaney” is humorous, because I’m pretty sure that, deep down, you don’t see him as a female either.
Mr Mulvaney doesn’t offend me, because he’s a comedy act, albeit not a very good one.
That really is how capitalism works, as it should. I cannot speak for our distinguished host, but it doesn’t seem to me to be a particularly wise advertising move. I guess that we’ll see how sales go.
The liberal left of Illinois wrote:
That shouldn’t have been done, though it certainly falls in line with Democrats’ calls to unseat Republicans they claim were part of the Capitol kerfuffle. What goes around, comes around.
Say what you really mean: the abortion drug.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has long complained about district court judges issuing nationwide injunctions, saying that they should not have the authority to issue injunctions outside the scope of their own jurisdictions. Yet, oddly enough, the left never combitched about liberal judges issuing nationwide injunctions against Trump Administration policies.
Justice Thomas is, as usual, right on this subject, but the Supreme Court has never issued a ruling on it. It would greatly reduce judge-shopping and lawfare.
Says the guy who applauded the murder of six Christians in a Christian school, three of whom were kids. TARGETED!!!! BY a Tranny killer.
In real news: The Tennessee House ousted two Black Democratic representatives for protesting. The white Democratic representative protesting with them was not ousted.
Says the guy who applauded the murder of six Christians in a Christian school, three of whom were kids. TARGETED!!!! BY a Tranny killer.
In real news: The Tennessee House ousted two Black Democratic representatives for protesting. The white Democratic representative protesting with them was not ousted.
Now that’s funny-“conservatives not only find the transgendered disgusting but importantly want them harmed..”. You conveniently ignore the fact that they’re harming themselves when they cut their dicks off, but ok..
Actually, conservatives want them treated for the mental illness that they have, not celebrated as hero’s…
Nike takes its marching orders from CHINA and makes a huge chunk of its money from overseas. The USA is a pawn in which the rest of the world is now laughing at them under Biden.
Saudia Arabia just signs with China. Brazil. Argentina, Chile.
China Brokered a peace deal between Saudia Arabia and Iran and the MSM ignored it.
Say your goodbyes, everyone. The world is abandoning the WOKE USA. They want none of this shit we are serving.
That’s because we unlike our radical left opponents realize deliberately dickless or balless morons are mental.
[…] hired Mr Mulvaney to sell sports bras when he has “nothing to put in the sports bra, when actually it’s […]