Whatever happened to the war in Ukraine? It’s no longer top news at the big outlets. You might get one way down the webpage article. It’s war, right? A big war? One about The Future Of Democracy, right?
Ukraine to export electricity again after months of Russian attacks
Ukraine is able to export electricity for the first time in six months as its energy infrastructure recovers from months of repeated Russian attacks.
Russia began its lengthy and deliberate assault on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure last October.
It led to power cuts and scheduled blackouts, leaving towns and cities in darkness during winter.
Ukraine was forced to stop electricity exports – but will now be able to sell its excess power again.
Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko signed an executive order authorising the exports, although local customers remain the priority.
He said the system had been producing extra capacity for almost two months and that Ukrainians were not facing restrictions.
This is confusing. They’re at war. Yet, they’re going to export power? Combine this with Ukraine exporting grain via an agreement with the nation they’re at war with, and this looks less like a war and more like a scam. Yes, yes, they are fighting, but, are we hearing about vast amounts of people being killed, especially civilians? Vast amounts of damage? Is Russia going hard after the nation? It’s not like they have a small military that’s matched with Ukraine. Could the Russian military be that bad? Or, could this be a plan to bleed the West of money and arms? To distract them? Because most nations aren’t bothering with sanctions except the West. And now Japan is going to be buying oil from Russia.
Could this all be a big scam? Because it’s not looking like Russia really wants to win.
Meanwhile, at our Woke Pentagon
Pentagon investigating how Ukraine war document marked top-secret appeared online
A document marked “top secret” that depicts the daily disposition of forces in Ukraine was leaked and has shown up on social media, a U.S. official confirmed.
This official said that someone apparently took a picture of the document and posted it on Telegram, a social media platform that has over 500 million users, and from there, it was picked up on Twitter. Pentagon officials are working to remove the classified information from social media.
A second official said the Pentagon is trying to determine how the material leaked and how serious the leak is.
And then, on Friday, classified government documents covering not only Ukraine, but other parts of the world started showing up on social media, suggesting that there has been a major compromise of Pentagon secrets.
Perhaps the Pentagon should worry less about Woke and more on security. Perhaps they should be a little more cautious in who they bring in, retain, and put in positions of security.

Ask the Russians to target your electric power plants without asking the Russians to attack your power plants.
Are the Russians so inept that they don’t know any of this? Does Russia depend on the BBC for intelligence?
I would have thought the America-hating U.S far-right would at least see Ukraine successes as favorable. No? Perhaps we’re correct in assuming the America-hating U.S. far-right DOES support Russia? But why? Is it because Donald Jesus Trump supported/supports Russia? Sounds like Cult behavior to us.
Mr Teach suggests Russia is not really trying. Is this a conspiracy between Russia and a secretly pro-Russia Ukraine to bilk American taxpayers and NATO? Are Presidents Putin and Zelenskyy and their minions laughing at the West as they count their booty?
A year in, the increasingly irrational Mr Teach posits that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a conspiracy to extort money and materiel from the West!! Brilliant!
Mr Teach:
Does he feel/believe that Ukraine faked the destruction, the dead citizens and the exodus?
And why shouldn’t Ukraine sell electricity and grain?
We get it. The arrest of Donald Jesus Trump rocked the TrumpKult to its core. Take a deep breath. Everything will be OK. Your leader will win your nomination. He will lose the general election, and you can go back to bitching and moaning about Big Lie II, and trying to build a nuAmerica in his image. Hundreds of the insurrectionists he incited to attack the Capitol are in jail but Dear Leader will be OK. By hook, crook, cash and lawyers he has slithered out of tight spot after tight spot.
Mr Teach:
Again, Mr Teach (with nuCons in general) attacks the US military and our troops.
If only we could find an American with access to classified documents and contacts to Russia!
We have an entire gaggle of them: the biden crime family.
Ha Ha! That is soooo funny!
Russia with a population of less than 1/2 the USA has lost 200/250000 troops in 1 year.
Isn’t telegram a right of center platform?
Russia has been shown to have a shitty army with and equipment and low morale. They have had to empty prisons and draft men as old as 60.
Russia ran so low on AK-47 ammo they had to buy from China. Remember Teach they can not put 100% of their army in the Ukraine invasion. They must keep Frontline units ready to oppose the NATO armies. Armies that are well trained well armed and have high morale.
You can only even consider the invasion to be a scam if you also believe like Trump the invasion was a “genius” move by Putin. The Dark Brandon now has enlisted 2 more members into his NATO. coalition. He has bloodied Putin so bad that the Russians have been forced to refurbish tank hulls built in the 60s and stored outside. And then put untrained unmotivated draftees inside. They sabotage the shitty transmissions in the tanks and sometimes even sell them to the Ukrainians. The Ujraisns will buy old tanks for 10k, jets for up to 1 million.
The Ujraisns may start selling demilitarized captured Russian shit on eBay .
Slow Joe still sending them money to protect their borders while he allows our southern border to be invaded? Sounds about right….
Dear Elwood:
“I would have thought the America-hating U.S far-right would at least see Ukraine successes as favorable.
You know, the question has to be, “How is this possible?”
Russia has missiles and aircraft that could easily destroy electric power structure which would cripple Ukraine.
And the don’t??
Tell me why.
Russia tried their hardest and are now begging for materiel from North Korea and Iran. They’re trying to work a deal with China.
Russia may not be as big and strong as the anti-American far-rightists believe. The blockade of oil and gas shipments out of Russia is likely hurting them. They are counting on their brothers in the triangle of terror (Iran and NK) to give them stuff.
Also, if Putin’s plan is to conquer an intact Ukraine, destroying it is counter productive. Remember, Russia is not fighting a defensive war but invaded Ukraine. Too, it could be Putin is ready to call it a draw and leave, trying to save face from this emasculating, humiliating episode.
Dear Elwood:
The problem is that doesn’t mesh. Russia is much larger, stronger, etc., than Ukraine.
If he wanted to leave he could destroy the electric grid and leave Ukraine crippled for years to come.
It is likely as the story said. Hurculean efforts by foreigners. Paid by by Americans. That increases the supply. Plus winter is over so demand is lower.
Add to that Russia hasn’t destroyed the whole electrical grid… only the parts that mattered to Russia.
It’s asking a lot of a busy, unbiased, independent journalist such as William Teach to try to find answers but here’s a summary from a news agency calling itself Reuters.
And another update.
Many US reporters have been breathlessly covering the Trump arrest and arraignment.
Well jl one reason is that if you destroy a country completely to Han there isn’t much of any reason to win if it is no longer see krth anything. Also Russia has lost a lot of it’s airforce. Remember it must keep reserves in case the Dark Brandon unleash his new NATO alliance.
Also remember amateurs discuss tactics professionals discuss logistics. Russia can’t supply it’s forced now let alone a larger force
Dear H:
See what I told Elwood.
And Russia has the airpower/missile power to destroy Ukraine’s generating capability without destroying its capability to distribute.
Despite the ridiculous comments here by people who get their mal-information from CNN and MSNBC, there really is a war in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine, acting as a proxy for America. The war was started by neo-cons in the democratic party who have been itching for war with Russia since Hillary was SecState.
The correct numbers from reliable sources is 200k Ukrainians dead. 40-50k Russians dead. That is about 250k dead people in a war that didn’t need to happen and would not have happened without the US govt stiring it up. What for? Because a lot of American politicians and connected people are making a whole lot of money in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. Democrats impeached Trump when he suggested the Ukrainian govt look into that corruption.