Horary, yet another crazy prognostication from the cult. How many have we seen? More hurricanes, fewer hurricanes, fewer but more powerful, climate change causing trade winds to kill them in the Atlantic, category 6 hurricanes, more rainfall, less rainfall, more flooding, faster moving, slower moving. Remember when they said the big 2005 season would be the new normal, then the US went through it’s longest period since the Civil War era without a landfalling major hurricane? And even landfalling low level hurricanes barely happened for 10 years. The U.S. east and gulf coasts barely saw tropical storms make landfall. And now
Climate change may drive more hurricanes towards the US east coast
The winds that steer hurricanes may shift due to climate change, sending more storms over the eastern and southern coasts of the US. The change in wind patterns – driven by warmer waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean – could also make the storms stronger.
Each year, around 10 hurricanes form over the western Atlantic Ocean, but only two on average make landfall over the eastern US. Whether or not they do is decided by large-scale wind patterns around each storm. Models of how winds would change under various climate change scenarios have produced mixed results, and the limited record of actual storms making landfall shows no obvious trends of changes with warming so far.
So, they’re portending based on computer models that do not agree, but, going with the worst case scenario, which really has nothing to do with ‘climate change’ but, the potential for an El Nino in 2023. A completely natural occurrence, which happens off and on again and again and again. And scientists really do not understand why the Pacific flips between it and La Nina.
Karthik Balaguru at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington state and his colleagues have now used the latest climate models to simulate hurricane paths with warming under a high-emissions scenario.
They project that the number of hurricanes making landfall over the eastern US would increase by around 37 per cent by the end of the century, with the greatest increase over the Gulf of Mexico and the US east coast south of Virginia. They found there would be a small decrease in hurricanes making landfall further north.
Ah, so they are fortelling for the future. In just under 80 years. Because all the heralding from the Cult of Climastrology have worked out so well. If the news media had any work ethic, they would demand all these “scientists” declare what will happen over the next 5 years and see how close they can get, rather than let them get away with making prophesies 50-100 years in the future, when no one will remember them and no one can be held accountable for scaremongering.

Many christians believe that natural disasters are God’s way of punishing us.
Also that “science” is wrong and that the Earth is only 6000 years as the Bible says.
How many pagans believe that natural disasters are caused by “man made global warming” and that humans can control the weather and even nature itself? Also that political science is actually “science” and therefore any political claim made by mentally disabled leftists is actual scientific fact, like the Wuhan vaccine sops Covid and its spread or that cloth and paper masks stop viruses.
Now some comedy from Takimag.com:
Of course, it wouldn’t be The Week without checking in on the war between fast-food employees and reparations enthusiasts.
And what a war it is! A great battlefield spanning a continent…a regular Gourmandy, an Ant-eatum, a Gettysburger.
First up: Mama’s Restaurant drive-through in Opelousas, Louisiana (76 percent black). A female passenger in a car full of hungry peanut butter inventors got into an argument with a female cashier (the transcript of the exchange has not been released, but it likely involved cries of “Oh no you dih-int”). As the ladies exited the vehicle to brawl, the male driver exited with a gun, where he was met on the field of battle (the parking lot) by a male cashier…with a gun. Many bullets fired, zero direct hits, and everyone hauled away for some free jail food, just like Mama used to make.
Next: a Burger King drive-through, Ellenwood, Georgia (80 percent enrichers). A customer who received the wrong sauce with his order reacted the only way a rational man could—he barged into the restaurant and started beating everyone. 16-year-old employee Tyarius Wilcox responded to the saucy pugilist by gunning him down. The customer’s bereaved family is requesting BBQ sauce in lieu of flowers.
Finally, to a Chipotle in Columbus, Ohio, where two blacktose intolerants decided that their meal didn’t have enough cheese. So they did the only thing noble descendants of kings would do: They started beating the employees, shouting “Brie at last, brie at last!” When the pummeling failed to produce the desired bro’quefort, one of the brawlers pulled a gun and tried to execute the cowering camemberts. Fortunately the gun jammed, and Lawrence Stilton Jacobs was forced to flee.
Police have yet to arrest the suspects, who are described as parmed and dangerous.
Ah yes, the hilarious Taki, the aged Greek ex-con playboy, who refers to Black men and women as ‘niggers’ and ‘sambos’! There’s never a Jew or Puerto Rican or Negro he won’t ridicule.
L’Roy: I don’t think anyone denies that there are both bad Black and white people. Have you ever ventured out of Camden and lived for a while in rural Kentucky, Arkansas or Missouri? Or Tennessee, West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio or Pennsylvania?
Dear Elwood:
Having read your numerous insults to Christians, Republicians and rural residents in general I find your complaint laughable.
If you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.
I got that too, James Lewis. As a black guy who finds Taki bothe funny and interesting I must be crazy. Elwood constantly insults Christians, other white people, Republicans, conservatives and just about anyone he disagrees with politically.
Plus in his typical haughty, entitled, rich and condescending way, Dowd then infers I’ve never been out of the ghetto. Well, surprise Dowd. I’ve been to seven countries and almost every state. And you thought us ghetto niggas never travelled!
Rimjob like all leftist wannabes has transitioned from stupid to stupid and evil.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I have no idea what you are talking about!
Hurricanes are no longer afraid since Trump left the White House they were terrified yo approach after Trump said he ess going to bike them
You libs are still afraid of him, carbon boy. That and evil CO2