I’ve noted before that Democrats love the idea of Democracy, right up till they lose votes. They love the courts, right up till they lose a case. At those points, things must change, otherwise it means The End Of Democracy. And now they suggest ignoring court rulings
Ignore the courts? Some Democrats say Texas abortion pill ruling demands it.
The Biden administration has rushed to appeal a Texas judge’s ruling that could suspend the approval of abortion pills nationwide and jeopardize access to the most common method of terminating a pregnancy.
Some Democrats say that’s not enough.
The judge appointed by former President Donald Trump sided with anti-abortion groups who said the FDA’s two-decade old approval of the drug mifepristone is unlawful and should be tossed, but the ruling won’t go into effect for a week to give the administration time to seek an emergency stay from higher courts.
Now, senators, representatives, state officials and advocacy groups are calling on President Joe Biden to defy the U.S. District Court judge and use his executive powers to protect the drugs’ availability even before the case is heard by the conservative-leaning 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
“I believe the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to ignore this ruling, which is why I’m again calling on President Biden and the FDA to do just that,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said Friday. “The FDA, doctors, and pharmacies can and must go about their jobs like nothing has changed and keep mifepristone accessible to women across America. If they don’t, the consequences of banning the most common method of abortion in every single state will be devastating.”
Regardless of whether this is a correct or incorrect ruling, the courts are there to determine the legality and Constitutionality of laws passed by the Legislative Branch and things coming from the Executive Branch. That’s the way the system is set up. Democrats just cannot abide losing
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) backed Wyden’s call in a CNN interview Friday, arguing that the “deeply partisan and unfounded nature” of the court’s decision undermines its own legitimacy and the White House should “ignore” it.
So, it would be just fine for Donald Trump to ignore the hyper-partisan prosecution by Alvin Bragg? Ignore the NY legal system? How about the other ones attempting to go after him? She and the other Democrats would be fine with that, right?
Cool. So we will be ignoring all rulings on gun laws from here on out.
Nice chat… https://t.co/krSOHXqeXu
— Governor Dill (@TheGreenOldDill) April 8, 2023
Democrats might want to rethink this strategy, hence it boomerang back on them at the state level and next time a Republican wins the White House.

If an 18 yr old husband drives his 16 yr old wife to Montana for an abortion, he can get 2 to 5 yrs in prison? They were married in Montana and moved to Idaho.
The only way a 16-year-old can marry in Montana is with parental consent, or the consent of a juvenile court judge. Let’s get real here: those things are only coming if she is already pregnant and is going to have the baby.
Does it strike any libertarian/conservative as government overreach to dictate how people move around the country??
Idaho will punish anyone who helps a minor female travel out of Idaho for an abortion.
How will this work? How will they know if a 17 yr old girl is pregnant?
We get it. Christian conservatives believe abortion is murder and will do anything to keep it from happening. The majority of Americans disagree.
In 2024 there will be House, Senate and WH elections… legal abortion will be on the ballot. Good luck.
That never happened. Why are you making shit up?
BIG GOVERNMENT must be obeyed in all matters of sexuality
Christians seem to have forgotten what is written in their own Bible about abortion.
That it is allowed under “The Trial of Bitter Herbs”
That the penalty is 2 shekels ( about 12$) to be paid to the father.
Do ye christians think that is appropriate? Ate those to he e to itten be words of your God?
As usual being a heathen you know nothing about the Christian Bible. There is no explicit reference to abortion in the Bible. The Trial of Bitter Water which I assume you are referencing is in the Talmud not the Bible and directed at adultery among Israelites, not Christians. Neither the Hebrew nor Greek words for abortion appear in either the Old or New Testament of the Bible. The topic in just not directly mentioned. But God says “Thou shalt not commit murder” and as you may know that means the deliberate killing of another human at any age without just cause.
The Bible did however warn us about listening to the lies of Satan as he uses moron pagans like you to broadcast LIES!!!
Taking a pagan’s interpretation of the Bible as Truth is like taking a radical leftist’ interpretation of the Constitution as fact.
Hi CarolAnn,
So, God is agnostic concerning abortion? Why didn’t He explicitly let us know it was the worst wrong? Was it because He kills more fetuses in the womb (miscarriages, both detected and undetected) than do doctors?
Do you oppose birth control methods that interfere with endometrial implantation of a fertilized ovum? Read on…
It’s been known for thousands of years (and confirmed by recent research) that extracts of the middle eastern plant, Commiphora molmol, act as a contraceptive and an abortifacient! C. molmol is more commonly known as myrrh.
And how do you interpret Exodus 21:22-24, where a person causing a miscarriage (killing a fetus) is to pay the offended husband whatever he demands. Shouldn’t the offender be put to death?
Since you oppose God on this issue, maybe you’re right – It’s not a religious issue.
What is it with you constantly either misquoting people or totally lying about what they said? I never said God is agnostic about anything. Please stop putting words in my mouth. You can never make a point by lying and you should know that. God said “Thou shalt not murder” and the He knew us before we were born now does that sound like he’s agnostic about killing babies at any age? What God does and who He choses to live or die is not your business. That’s just a silly argument. Also, if a miscarriage is undetected did it actually happen? How would you know if it’s undetected?
I interpret it as God’s judgement. Whatever His reasoning I don’t know. So you disagree with Him, I’m stunned!
Why didn’t God mention abortion? The one time it’s in the Bible the punishment is in shekels to the offended husband! It seems conservatives label abortions murder even when God doesn’t!!
But Gods work in mysterious ways.
It’s known that many fertilized eggs do not implant. These ‘deaths’ go unreported and likely get flushed, are resorbed or go in the trash stuck to pads or tampons. Not a glorious end to one of God’s children.
We get that conservatives exist in a swamp of cognitive dissonance. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, loving God permits rape, murder, torture, abortions, pain, suffering. He kills ‘persons’ in the womb and fallopian tubes but permits Hitlers, Maos, Pol Pots and Stalins to flourish. He promises you everlasting fiery torment unless you worship and obey Him!!
When speaking with a Lutheran minister once he told me we mere humans just can’t begin to understand God’s plans. We were in a discussion group and a woman at our table said that God’s rules were without exception. I proposed this scenario… a young couple, devout, decent, devoted church going Christians, were on their way to Sunday service to have their newborn baptized. Tragically, they were broadsided by a car, and their precious baby couldn’t be saved. My question was: would the baby’s soul go to heaven or hell. The lady’s answer required contemplation, and in a instant she said, Hell! Rules are rules!! That’s when I called the pastor over and received the above response.
Maybe Donald Jesus Trump is an arm of God sent to ban abortions.
But I concede your point that anti-abortionists are not necessarily acting out of religious doctrine.
Can a Christian drag queen get into heaven? Can a gay Christian? How about a mean-spirited crook like Trump?
So, let’s see. An anti-abortion Christian activist federal judge in Texas, Matthew Kacsmaryk, appointed by Donald Jesus Trump 2017, was approached by a reactionary Christian anti-abortion alliance* to ban a medicine the FDA evaluated and approved in 2000. Kacsmaryk is the only federal judge in his district and as such is often sought by right-wing groups for his favorable rulings. Kacsmaryk has been a busy right-wing bee having ruled against asylum seekers in 2021 (overruled by right-wing SCOTUS) and the transgendered in 2022 (twice!). Mifepristone has been administered to millions of women.
Should the judge review all 19,000 FDA approved drugs and 1600 FDA approved medical devices?
A ruling by district judge Thomas Rice of Washington blocked the FDA from restricting the availability of mifepristone.
So what happens if and when the American right-wing authoritarians ban mifepristone? Have Americans been good actors when it comes to banned substances? If you read the FDA label (attached) for mifepristone it must be administered under very defined conditions under a physician’s care. That will no longer be the case once the American right-wing authoritarians ban it. Banning the medicine will kill women AND fetuses! Great job, right-wing authoritarians!
What SHOULD happen is a legal moratorium on the TX judge’s ruling until the greater court can rule. The American far-right doesn’t favor this since they know the outcome.
Anyway, this is why American right-wing authoritarians such as Mr Teach hold their nose and continue to support Donald Jesus Trump. He breathes life into their authoritarian Christian desires.
*The Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
By 2050 there will 75 million more Residents in California, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico according to estimates by the government and the Colorado river authority. The reason? Illegal immigration.
At the same time, the left is encouraging foreign immigrants from south of our border to flood the country, they advocate for Americans to have abortions. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the agenda of the left. More immigrants, fewer Blacks, and White people to prevent the Drug Cartels from taking over America too.
If China doesn’t take over the world by then, it is almost certain Central and South American Drug cartels will, and the people of the USA will be defenseless given the left wants to get rid of the police.
Dowd is a Chinese agent paid to destroy America. Pure and simple.
‘They’ can’t even predict the weather next week, so how can ‘they’ predict the population 27 years from now!
Currently there are approx 50 million living in CA (40 million), NV, NM and AZ and DotC predicts a 50% increase from Brown’s moving in. Uh-huh, sure. He expects Drug Cartels to be running the U.S. by 2050. President Barron Trump won’t allow that to happen!!
Down on the Corner is a Russian agent paid to destroy America. Pure and simple, right comrade?
Trump running in 2024 combined with the nuGOP’s issues being against abortion, the transgendered, drag shows, democracy and supporting mass shootings will be the end of the nuGOP and will till the soil for growing GOPII (no MAGAts allowed). Good luck!
Happy GFY!!
Look up the word “if”.
It makes sense that a partisan judge in Amarillo knows more about medicines than the unelected FDA professionals!
Defund the FDA!!! (and the DOJ, FBI, EPA, NIH, CDC, DOE, GFY, NASA, NOAA, BIA, HHS, CIA, ETC) But especially the FDA!!
10 Dowd posts on this page. 4 from other people. I consider H a dowd clone.
I would post here but 95 out of 100 of my posts never show up….perhaps this one will or it won’t but I am tired of posting my thoughts only to see them never printed on these pages.
Its pretty clear, that DOWD owns this website, runs this website.
Well Rimjob sure thinks he does.

Bwaha! Lolgf