This is going to make vehicles a great deal more expensive, making it harder for the working class and middle class afford vehicles, even used ones. Of course this is being pushed by rich folks who do not have to worry about all this. Oh, and many of them, like Joe Biden, are not even driving compliant vehicles
EPA MPG Rules for 2027–32 Cars, Trucks, SUVs Getting (Way) Tougher
Cleaner air and more electric vehicles are the goals of a move expected next week when the Biden Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reportedly will announce what insiders are already calling the toughest-ever emissions rules for new cars and light trucks. The Associated Press reported on the planned announcement, having talked to people familiar with details of the proposal and who asked not to be named because it hasn’t yet been made public.
What the new rules won’t do is ban new internal-combustion-engine vehicles outright or force people to buy electric vehicles. Instead, they’d the next logical step in the U.S. government’s overall push to clean up our transportation system. President Biden’s official target is for half of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. by 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, which for the government means all-electric, plug-in-hybrid, or fuel-cell vehicles.
The stricter rules will affect model year 2027–2032 vehicles and deal with carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Los Angeles Times, automakers have been pushing behind the scenes to delay implementation of the new emission limits for “a few years,” but we won’t learn more until the proposed rules are released this week.
Automakers know the customer base. They know what people can afford, and have already been pushed too far since the start of COVID. Will their own banks start doing 7 years plus loans as business as usual? This will destroy leasing for the average American, and making financing costs too high for most to afford.
This couldn’t possibly be the next step in forcing the peasants out of their privately owned vehicles and onto mass transit, could it? Nah, that would be a crazy thought.
Biden makes huge personal sacrifice to fight climatechange by downsizing his 85 car motorcade in Rome to just 75 cars in Canada. (All the 747's and choppers used before the motorcades don't count).
F-ing clown.— Sue (@SueJ2024) March 26, 2023
You can bet that the White House’s vehicles will be exempt.

[…] Also see: William Teach: Good News: Brandon’s CAFE Standards To Drastically Increase […]
Large urban areas are the only places mass trans actually kinda works, if you don’t mind the muggings & getting pushed into a train.
Agreed. The system in Manhattan is great. Same in DC. Atlanta. SF. Boston was scary, but that was decades ago. Chicago, yikes! St Louis version is OK but limited in reach but it’s the best way to attend Cardinals’ games.
These rail/bus systems are expensive to build and maintain but can reduce pollution and urban congestion.
One of the sports our family watch is bicycle racing, and one thing has been very noticeable. At least in Scotland, France, and Italy, towns and villages suddenly spring up out of rural farmland, with two and three storey houses right at the edge, with the towns being fairly densely built. What they don’t seem to have much of are suburbs of gradually decreasing density and larger individual lots.
The towns look walkable, though they seem to not have large front yards, and mass transit can work there, something which isn’t as easy in our suburbs.
Italy and much of France was devastated in World War II, but Scotland was not, so it can’t all be postwar municipal planning.
New York’s subways have a single fare, period, while the Washington Metro charges by destination.
The Southeast Pennsylvania Transit Authority, SEPTA, has commuter trains, buses, subways and elevated tracks, and though it has been decently planned, it suffers from all of the junkies using the SEPTA stations as shooting galleries. Complaints about crime and discarded needles are frequent.
Part of the problem is that the Market Street station, at the intersection of Allegheny and Kensington Avenues is junkie central, with the homeless, junkies and dealers all out in the open. It’s so bad that the Mexican government used footage of Kensington in ads telling citizens that drugs are a bad thing, and the city doesn’t even try to clean it up.
Philadelphia’s last Republican mayor left office while Harry Truman was still President!
Teach told us the cost of electricity would “skyrocket” because of solar and wind.
But over the last 20years electric prices nationally have averaged only 2% increase each year. Now he is predicting a drastic price increase in ICE cars solely because if new CAFE standards. Meh.
In Jan EVs registered represented 7% of all new cars registered with long waiting lists holding back sales
Auto manufacturers should offer a Level 7* bullet resistant glass option!
Also, metal detectors may be a great investment opportunity. Insurance companies should insist that all businesses, schools, malls, stores, theaters, parks, churches etc have armored, instant activatable lockable doors with linked metal detectors. Of course, Repubicuns will oppose this as an affront to the Second Amendment and the nuSupremes will back them up. Ban metal detectors!!
*Level 7 glasses stop multiple AR-15 5.56mm rounds (3080 ft/sec). Lower protection glasses only stop 9 mm, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, .30 rifle rounds, 7.62mm rifle rounds. Glass levels above 4 are designed to stop multiple high-velocity assault weapon and rifle rounds.
The EVs are so good that they have to be basically mandated. Freedom!
Another well thought-out proposal from the Brandon administration.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dems can’t be bothered with those silly little…

Details, details, details…
Bwaha! Lolgf