Do people really care that much anymore? It’s barely in the news and people have other concerns. What’s happening in Ukraine really doesn’t affect them that much
U.S. aims to rally allies to up pressure on Russia, shore up Ukraine support
The U.S. government will seek to rally allies this week to ratchet up economic pressure on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, and shore up support for Kyiv, a top U.S. Treasury official is slated to say on Monday.
I love how it’s “the US government”, rather than the Biden administration. It’s almost like the media forgets who’s president
Treasury Undersecretary Jay Shambaugh will underscore the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine in a speech at the Brookings Institution as global finance officials gather in Washington for the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, according to excerpts obtained by Reuters.
It’s wavering. We The People have mostly checked out on sending money and arms
Shambaugh, who traveled to Kyiv with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in February, said current inflationary pressures could not be separated from the war and its economic spillovers.
It barely makes a difference for the U.S. All that money could have been used to help Americans. Well, except for quite a few of the sanctions on Russia, which do not really seem to be hurting Russia, just nations that deal with Russia.
“The United States is redoubling our efforts to rally our global coalition of allies at the Spring Meetings on Treasury’s two lines of effort as part of the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine,” he said in the prepared remarks. That means “shoring up economic support for Ukraine’s government and people, and … continuing to deny (Russian President Vladimir) Putin the revenue and military equipment he needs to further his illegal war.”
In other words, the allies in this are getting squishy.
“Looking ahead, Ukraine will need support from a broad set of donors as its recovers and rebuilds. As an international community, we can coalesce around meeting the most urgent and concrete needs — high-impact areas that can help Ukraine restart its economy and bring home displaced Ukrainians as conditions permit,” he said.
Um, Ukraine hasn’t won, and they are nowhere close to winning. Not by a longshot.

Indeed. They are losing ground on every front of the battle and have been for months. Despite those military scholars who comment here saying otherwise, Russia is have no trouble supplying their war effort. Ukraine is running on fumes. The Russian economy is doing fine. Ours is suffering from high inflation. A treasury secretary should know that wars in other countries don’t cause inflation. Increasing the money supply at home (by creating more from thin air) does that. Doing that is a deliberate choice as a matter of US (Biden administration) policy to spend as much as they like with no thought to where the money will come from. They will just make more.
Americans don’t care anymore? Even after being told NUCLEAR WAR is just moments away? Trach must feel like a modern day Cassandra
Inflation is more likely to have happened because if energy prices from Trump’s good friends the Saudis and Russians.
Also record high profits going to our elites.
The largest egg producer had their profits go up 700%
Russia has run out of modern tanks. They are refurbishing tank hulls from the 60sthe Russian army morale is disappearing. Ukraine is getting up for a spring offensive. My money is on the ukes.