The Daily Beast thought this was a totally awesome idea from Che. This is the type of serious thought you’d expect from the gun grabbers
Michael Che Just Solved Gun Violence With One Instagram Post
Comedian Michael Che has a history of deleting his social media posts. But he might want to keep his latest one up.
On Tuesday, the co-anchor of Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” posted a message on Instagram that read, “ya kno… a lot of people are not drinking bud light, cause the company used a trans person in their ad.. and these mostly right wing bud light customers have tossed all their bud lights in the trash in a blind rage.. and it got me ta’thinkin.. just hear me out..”
On the next slide, Che concluded the thought with, “what if we got trans people.. hear me out.. to do ads for guns..?” (snip)
Che’s post, meanwhile, received enthusiastic praise from celebrities like comedian Patton Oswalt and The Roots bandleader Questlove, as well as trans pop star Kim Petras.
“Did you just end gun crimes?” one follower wrote in response. “I think so.”
Hmm, did Michael consider that the building they film SNL in has armed security? Does he really think that firearms makers will have some mentally deranged trans nutter do their ads? And, would this make any difference, since the criminals couldn’t give a damn, but, they’d really love if Americans disarmed themselves?
(Breitbart) Kentucky House Rep. Morgan McGarvey (D) pushed for more background checks Tuesday, the day after a portfolio banker shot and killed five people with a gun he acquired via a background check at a local gun store in Louisville, Kentucky.
Breitbart News reported that Metropolitan Louisville Police Department Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel said the portfolio banker got his gun “legally” from a Louisville dealer on April 4, 2023. Passing a background check is a federal requirement for getting a gun from a dealer.
Another Breitbart piece notes that 29 different mass killings made after people passed a federal backgrounds check. So, expanding them would do nothing. Perhaps if the laws were followed and people with issues were reported via the system so that they would fail a background check? Of course, right after the gun grabbers say they aren’t trying to gun grab they’ll say the U.S. needs to ban all private ownership of guns.

Teach should people who lied on gun buying applications be allowed to own guns?
Depends on what the lie was. If it was about a shop lifting beef when he was 16 it shouldn’t matter. If it was about being a member of BLM or Antifa yes, ban him. When Hunter lied on his app they still allowed him, a known psychopath and drug addict to buy a gun. Sorry, forgot he is both a left wing democrat an a protected biden.
Any American should have the right to buy a gun except: radical democrat leftists, members of any black radical group like Panthers, BLM etc., atheists, Muslims, trannies and homos, people who committed a class one felony, Or any other person or persons who harbor a hate against America, its people, its history or its culture.
Almost all murderers and mass shooters are men. Therefore, any male found with a firearm should be put to death immediately and painfully by a woman with a .22 caliber pistol. It may take several rounds.
70% of suicides in the U.S. are white men. The majority by firearms.
Women can keep and bear Arms ad libitum since they are more reasonable and stable than men.
Typical democommie half-truth. It is not true that “almost all” but it is true that “mostly” men are murderers. Murderers use many other means than guns you know. It is also mostly true that most murderers are democrats and/or minorities. So apply your remedies there.
Suicides are of no consequence since they are self penalizing offences. Wouldn’t matter if all suicides were men and all by guns. Plus if all guns went away they could still hang themselves or find other ways.
As I read your comments here I frequently wonder if you are an American. You don’t talk or think like one. In fact I often wonder if you’re from earth because you seem detached from earthy facts, reality and life itself. You are in that well known leftist bubble which nothing but CNN can penetrate and where facts and common sense never matter. For example is Dylan Mulvaney a woman? Is Richard Levine a “she”? Can men get pregnant? If 0.05% of humans are born with genital birth defects does that create new sexes or are they still just birth defects? If a five year old kid demands to have a hand removed and fitted with a hook, a leg removed and replaced with a peg and an eye removed and covered with a patch is he really now a pirate because he says so?
I also find your ideas on gun control fascinating. We should be able to own any firearm you approve of and no others. You are the arbiter of the correct gun.
Yes, I was born and have always lived in United States of America. In fact, I’ve only lived in conservative Missouri!! Have worked since I was a teen, been married 50+, have grown and successful children and guhreaat grandkids. We’ve very fortunate.
BTW, 90% of convicted murderers are male. Is that not almost all? OK.
Suicide victims are as dead as homicide victims and attempting taking one’s life by firearm is much more effective than other means. So keeping guns out of the hands of the depressed will reduce suicide success.
The right oft repeats the myth that our guns save millions of lives each year! The only evidence is from gun toters who swear their guns protect them daily.
And yes, my ideas on firearms will save lives and reduce suffering, but these proposals are hardly original.
Is a female who cannot get pregnant still a female?
Why do you care how Dylan Mulvaney or Admiral Levine refer to themselves?
Do you know of many 5 year olds having elective surgeries to become a pirate, mermaid or the opposite sex? Or are you just being silly?
Intersex babies (with ambiguous genitalia) often receive surgery to make them more boy or more girl. Do you approve of these genital mutilation surgeries? Do you approve the mutilation of circumcision?
Commenter typed:
Yes. They also use knives, fists, golf clubs, automobiles, pushing out of windows, strangling, poison, skillets, candlestick, lead pipe, wrench, and horseshoe. Yet, with all those options, 81% of murderers use firearms.
That’s a welcome change. They normally toss them out their car windows.
The 500$ special stamp required for automatic weapons, is that an infringement on gun rights?
Can we have RPGs?
We would need RPGs to take on a tyrannical government.
Waddaya mean “we” commie? Americans own about 300 million personal firearms and a trillion rounds of ammo. A tyrannical gubmint would control about half the states (all the blue ones full of queers and leftists) and they have given all their equipment to Ukraine. Once we cut off the food and power you would crumble like the little girls you are. Who do you think has manned the military all these years, leftist college boys and tranny radicals? Just cause they put a uniform on Levine doesn’t make the fag a warrior.
Sounds as if you have plans! When do you plan to start destroying power plants and electrical infrastructure?
Is your plan to seal the borders of Repubicunt-dominated states and keep the food and energy you produce within your borders. Are you sure all your AR-15 bro’s will go to war with the United States of America?
The toughest of your tough guys attacked America on Jan 6 – now they all sobbingly admit they were wrong or mistaken!! They’re all crying like little boys and girls.
Do you really believe that only right-wingers join the military? When did you, Teach and the other tough ‘men’ here, serve? I think you’re all a bunch of whining incels!!
Asks the chubby little weasel who lied about “joining” the Army in !971 “ya know, during the Vietnam war…” Such a hero.

Hypocrite much, tough guy?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Hey Shawty, for what war did you volunteer?
I don’t recall ever having seen a gun advertisement. I doubt Michael Che has either. Maybe in gun magazines. Typical leftist. Knows nothing about guns but wants to ban them. But not ban the ones the government has, or the ones police have, or the ones private security has.
Smith and Wesson is still recovering from their cooperation with the Clinton administration. I doubt they could survive another marketing blunder.
Michael Che is a comedian. They make jokes. Many really good comedians such as Che (like Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, Chapelle, David Sedaris, John Stewar) unearth truths through their comedy.
As proved by transgender child killer Aiden Hale, the trans community loves AR-15s.
The transgender Jan 6 insurrectionist, Jessica Watkins, was found guilty of conspiracy. Her weapon of choice? Guess.
The Odious jimhoft loves ‘him’ some AR-15. Nuff said.
How many of those who keep and bear AR-15s are are confused about their gender? So many it’s hard to tell who is and who isn’t.
It’s been said that ‘men’, in their deep psyche, holding their AR-15s, are handling either their own penis or that of other ‘men’. They are sexually aroused as the ejaculate their bullets into children.
Daniel Defense DDM4®V7®: The Discriminating Trannies Choice!!
The Bud Light that Kid Rock drinks is Budweiser diluted with purified water added USP ethanol added to bring the final concentration to 4.2% by volume (ABV). Bud Light is as fake as Kid Rock’s manhood. Hey Kid, The lady doth protest too much, methinks. LOL.
Liberal land-we can’t have a black woman on a bottle of syrup but we can have a fake woman on a beer can..
Whine on!
That’s capitalism in a free land!! Actually, there are no laws prohibiting using the Aunt Jemima mascot or having a trans woman drink cheap, watered-down beer.
Aunt Jemima represented the ‘mammy’ stereotype from the days of legal slavery. The mass of American society has moved on. We’re surprised Kid Rock didn’t shoot his bottle of
Aunt Jemima syrup when Quaker pulled the plug on the picture. Today, NuCons hate the transgendered more than they love Black subjugation.
Said one writer:
Our NuCon brothers and sisters have a very low bar for grievance! You would rather draw attention to being faux-offended, “Well, I never!”, than drinking your favorite bad, cheap beer. You could have chosen to ignore the ad! But no, you had right-wing ‘virtue signalling’ to perform! The NuRight is snowflakier than the NuWoke!! LOL.
Anheuser-Busch encourages you to keep shooting your Bud Light and posting on social media. And Ms Mulvaney greatly appreciates your attentions! $ Cha-ching! $
Sorry, you spelled “Ms” wrong. It’s Mr.
Teach typed:
Just Teach propaganda.
Perhaps ‘Mr’ Teach should familiarize ‘him’self with the 2nd and 1st Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd protects ‘Mr’ Teach’s right to keep and bear Arms, including ‘his’ AR-15. The 1st protects the right of gun grabbers to say whatever the fizzuck they want.
Given the LGBTQ’s love of assault weapons, we have to question the gender mentality of ALL AR-15 keepers and bearers.
Search ‘Michael Che stand-up’ on YouTube. He’s more conservative than most of you; just not as crazy. If you don’t know, he’s a comedian. He finds it ironic that he has a news gig on SNL but never watches the news!! But then, he’s a comedian.
Waddaya mean “we” commie? Americans own about 300 million personal firearms and a trillion rounds of ammo. A tyrannical gubmint would control about half the states (all the blue ones full of queers and leftists) and they have given all their equipment to Ukraine. Once we cut off the food and power you would crumble like the little girls you are. Who do you think has manned the military all these years, leftist college boys and tranny radicals? Just cause they put a uniform on Levine doesn’t make the fag a warrior.
America’s newspaper: ‘I’m a victim!’ Yells trans activist while punching a woman in the face….