A little story. So, I have an ancient Tmobile plan, with an add on that gives unlimited data, including 5G, with no slowdowns. The add on was supposed to end in 2016. It didn’t. Last year I was looking to see if any of the newer plans made sense, since you could get Netflix free. They didn’t. I would have paid a lot more.
I happened to be looking again yesterday to see if anything change, do a comparison. With the Magenta Max you get Netflix basic free (you can pay a little more to get higher teers, I do not need), Apple TV, unlimited everything, the ability to stream up to 4K (my old plan would only give up to 720p), tons of international and flight perks and freebies and such, Scam Shield Premium for free (I do use the non-premium version now), and voicemail to text for free (that’s nice).
Now, that would be $85 a month with autodraft, taxes included. But, add $16 for the phone insurance. Not sure why I keep that, I have never broken a phone since my first in 1994, even when they were company owned and I did not care about them. But, here’s where the sad comes into play: they have a MagentaMax 55+ plan, which is just $65 a month (plus the $16), with autodraft. So, I’m paying just about the same for a lot more stuff.
Great deal, right? But, my first discount for being 55
Now I have to figure out who else has 55 discounts

Our esteemed host whined:
Given that I turn 70 later this month, I might not have that much sympathy for you hitting 55.
One thing: I am never afraid to ask about a senior citizen’s discount. PNC Bank actually gave me one when I turned 50!
I have to ask for stuff more.
Check out 5g unlimited business for $50/mo. from T-Mobile.
I just did the same exact thing a few months ago, Teach. It is a shocker to think that you are now closer to true retirement, than you are to when you were middle age. Make use of anything that helps you save money, esp in these Marxist times. And seeing as how our economy should be tanking soon, we may all be going back to letter writing.