The NY Times has run an interesting piece on just how bad foreign policy is, but, stops short of actually blaming Biden. Peter Baker almost made it, but, either pulled back or the editors forced him to pull back. Now, just imagine how it would go if Trump was president (Times piece here, I’m using a reprint which is not behind the paywall)
Biden faces an era when treaties are more likely to be broken than brokered
President Biden leaves today for Northern Ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of sectarian violence. But the commemoration also serves as an unspoken reminder that such diplomatic breakthroughs have become a thing of the past.
At a time of ferocious warfare in Europe and crackling tension elsewhere around the globe, the sort of bold, painstaking negotiation that brought peace to the Emerald Isle a quarter-century ago has largely disappeared from the scene. Bargaining tables sit empty these days. Shuttle diplomacy planes have been grounded. Treaties are more likely to be broken than brokered.
It would be too much to call it the death of diplomacy, but there certainly is a dearth of diplomacy for now. While Biden fervently believes in deal making, his efforts to revive the Iran nuclear accord have collapsed, and it is widely considered futile to even try to end the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict or negotiate with North Korea at this point. The Russians have suspended the New START treaty, the last major Russian-American arms control agreement, and there appears to be little prospect for diplomacy to halt the fighting in Ukraine in the near term.
As Michael Goodwin writes about the article
The real questions are ones that Baker never touches: Why is this happening on Biden’s watch? And don’t great leaders write history instead of being victims of it?
After all, Baker concedes that Donald Trump secured the historic Abraham Accords in the Mideast and a new and improved NAFTA trade deal, while failing to get a new trade deal with China.
That’s far more than Biden has done or even tried.
For all the caterwauling about Trump, he at least attempted diplomacy, be it with North Korea’s wackjob leader (yeah, I did think the way he went about it was dumb, but, hey, nothing else worked, right?) or Russia. Remember, no new wars under Trump. He worked to end them.
The answer is something else Baker can’t or won’t say: Biden is the weakest president America has had since Jimmy Carter and the world knows it.
That single fact explains why China, Russia and Iran are making common cause like never before.
They refuse to make deals with the US because they don’t see any reason to make concessions to what they view as a declining power.
If you keep up with the news, you see all the countries that are getting into bed with Russia and China, who are ignoring the U.S. (such as Saudi Arabia). Nations are starting to blow off the US dollar, and allowing the use of other currency, such as from India. French president Macron is blowing of Joe to deal with China.
Mostly what Joe has done is show his weakness, particularly with his Afghanistan debacle, leading to Russia invading Ukraine, and, rather than peace, it’s a slow grind towards WWIII.

This line caught my eye:
The Constitution requires that the ratification of treaties receive the approval of a 2/3 majority in the Senate, which is why Presidents almost never submit them to the Senate for ratification if they are even remotely controversial. The last truly controversial treaty that I can recall which was submitted, and ratified, was the Panama Canal Treaty, which gave the canal we built to Panama. The opposition among conservatives was strong, but President Carter worked and lobbied hard, and got it ratified.
The Kyoto Accords? President Clinton sent the numbskull from Nashville to Japan to sign the thing, but never submitted it to the Senate, knowing it would be rejected; the Senate had previously passed, unanimously, a ‘sense of the Senate’ resolution stating that the Accords should not be signed as they were then written.
President Obama was smarter: he had the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate agreement written in language which did not require ratification, which meant they were, in the United States, policy but not law. I have argued that then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should have pulled them out and had the Senate hold a ratification vote anyway, because there’s no constitutional requirement that the Senate sit and wait for the President to submit treaties for ratification to have the vote.
With the Iran nuclear deal especially, from which President Trump withdrew us, President Biden tried to reinstate it, but if the Senate had declared it a treaty, and voted and rejected it, it would have tied Mr Biden’s hands some.
There is a provision under international law — and I write this for the sake of argument, because I do not accept that international law exists in the first place — that a nation which has signed a treaty but not yet ratified it refrain from any actions which would undermine that treaty prior to ratification. If the Senate takes those treaties on its own, and rejects them, that provision is ended.
Biden is the weakest POTUS since Carter?
I thought he easthe Dark Brandon ready to start a unclear ear over Ukraine??
Which is it?
He has unified NATO/Europe like never before.
He has shown both Russia and China the cost to fuck with the USA.
The Americans who have died with Russia/China/Iran would rather support other countries than the foreign policy by the POTUS. They are openly parroting the propaganda of our enemies and seeking appeasement of the global bullies. They spread fear and doom about the fu to u’re
“Thousands of Germans will freeze to death”
“Americans will starve to death as our farmlands are converted to solar”
“35 transgender athletes (out of 4888000!) Will somehow take over college sports”
“Windmills cause cancer’
“Electricity costs will skyrocket from green energy”
Since you can’t have a written foreign policy of “squeeze everything you can from Ukraine to enrich a few politically connected families and their friends in the USA” then the official policy does look a little disconnected from the reality of what is happening on the ground.
It’s now obvious that Brandon lured Russia into invading/destroying Ukraine to cover-up (literally) all evidence implicating Brandon and Hunter in their financial crimes there!!
CIA agents were also dispatched to destroy any hard-drives potentially associated with Hunter and Burisma.
This was the Brandon crime family’s insurance policy just in case their bribes of President ZZeelleennsskkyy were insufficient!!
Sarcasm and hyperbole are not considered proof.

Another provable error (lie) by the Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgf
‘Mr’ Teach (he/him?) missed this part of the article:
Perhaps President Biden should engage Jared “The Great Negotiator” Kushner who “solved” the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while pocketing at least $2 BILLION from the Saudis!!
Kind of like his DNA on a rape victim’s dress, what Donald Jesus Trump leaves behind has lasting impacts!
Rimjob spews another provable error, in this case a lie.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil Skeeter spews another provable error, in this case a lie.
He never explained why his saliva DNA test was an admixture of human (his + 1 male and 1 female) and canine DNA. But no raccoon dog DNA. It could just be a mistake by 23andMe. The ‘other’ human DNAs were described as ‘close relatives’.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Another downgrade for lack of proof and particularly, lack of originality.

Chubby tries so hard.
Bwaha! Lolgf
No doubt a lonely, depressed, insecure MAGAt… Anyway, Trump probably declassified the docs by just thinking about them. All that said, should the U.S. be keeping this kind of information from the people? Of course, we need to keep military movements and strategy secret, but opinions and evals on the Russians?
You’ve been told already that sarcasm and hyperbole are not proof of anything except maybe your stupidity.

Another provable error (lie) on your part.
Bwaha! Lolgf
That lonely, depressed, insecure, MAGAt incel, The Lil Skeeter, uses the words ‘proof’ and ‘provable’ but never disproves a thing!!
#Never. Disproves. Anything.
How can the U.S. intelligence agencies be so porous to allow an Air National Guard punk access to sensitive files? Clearly the U.S. overclassifies, and just as clearly the U.S. is too cavalier with so-called secrets.
What are the odds we’d know so much about the leaker if he was a tranny (LGBTQA)?
Just asking.
Bwaha! Lolgf?
That’s right!
Did ‘THEY’ ever reveal who disclosed to WikiLeaks in 2010 nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents related to the Iraq invasion? These were the so-called Iraq War Logs leaked to the infamous Julian Assange.
Perhaps the leaker was transgendered, so we’ll probably never know!!
[…] regime is driving away and into the arms of China with their terrible, no-good foreign policy. What little foreign policy there is. He’s just working magic all over the place. As American influence in the world under Biden […]