Even though they are here illegally, what is known as “unlawfully present”, because they are “documented” via an un-Constitutional means Biden and the DHS thinks they have the authority to use taxpayer funds to give them even more perks of being in the country illegally
Biden moves to expand Obamacare and Medicaid for Dreamers
While the fate of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Act is currently in limbo, the Biden administration announced Thursday that it would expand health care coverage for DACA recipients — commonly known as Dreamers — by allowing them to enroll in a health care plan through Obamacare or Medicaid.
“Health care should be a right, not a privilege,” President Joe Biden said in his announcement. “My administration has worked hard to expand health care. And today, more Americans have health insurance than ever. Today’s announcement is about giving DACA recipients the same opportunity.”
DACA, which was put into place by then-President Barack Obama in 2012, shields undocumented individuals who were brought into the country as children from deportation and allows them to obtain work authorization. Recipients are currently barred from accessing the health care marketplace, as they do not qualify for most federal benefits.
The only ones he’s worked to expand it too are illegals. They do not have the right to the fruits of someone else’s labor.
Roughly 34% of Dreamers currently lack health care coverage, according to the National Immigration Law Center.
Through Biden’s proposal, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would propose a rule that amends its definition of “lawful presence” to allow DACA recipients to qualify. Those who qualify may also be eligible for financial assistance based on income and their state Medicaid agency, and all eligibility information will be verified electronically, according to a White House fact sheet.
They’re welcome to get it through their jobs or some other method, rather than have the legal residents of the U.S. pay for it.
(Breitbart) While DACA, created by former President Obama through executive action, has helped shield close to a million illegal aliens from deportation through the years, the Migration Policy Institute states that about 600,000 are currently enrolled in the program.
Previously, Center for Immigration Studies researchers estimated that the cost of opening Obamacare and Medicaid rolls to illegal aliens would cost American taxpayers about $4,600 per illegal alien.
At this rate, Biden’s Obamacare and Medicaid for DACA illegal aliens has the potential to cost American taxpayers roughly $2.8 billion every year.
This surely won’t entice more illegals to cross the border, especially those who are going to use their children as a means to stay, right? I wonder how many parents of the “Dreamers” will then end up on Medicaid and Ocare?

So, just like the rest of Americans on average.
Polls show overwhelming 80% support for the dreamers to have both protections from deportation and a pathway to US citizenship.
Dems will be happy to run against the radical right on this issue.
Professor unsure of where that 34% uninsured figure came from
When I googled it, I found that in 2022 the uninsured rate had fallen to a record low of 8%.
New HHS Report Shows National Uninsured Rate Reached All Time Record Low In 2022
I think maybe you are confused. About 30 million Americans have no coverage. Of course the highest rates of uninsured ate in the poor red states.
I guess that’s because those poor red states as usual are being oppressed by the rich 1% in the blue states. Figures. The leftist slave owning democommies now control everything so why not murder the poor while they smirk at them. You people are just plain evil.
Why don’t you just start a progrom like the nazis you are and get it over with? Or do you derive your pleasure from torturing us with scamdemics, stolen elections, EV’s we can’t afford, taxing us to pay reparations for your slavery and all the other shit you pull?
You seem upset today, Mr White. Has it been a trying week for you? I “can feel you pain”. Does posting with us give you relief? Do you feel that you have lost all control over your own life?
These are all symptoms of declining mental health. Perhaps you should consider speaking with a mental health specialist. Do you have health insurance ?
Typical, show the weakness and selfishness of the left get called names. I guess now I’m insane. LOL
johnnie boy diagnosing mental health issues in others. Thanks for the faux concern. That’s a laugh. Back to the hookah for you and praise Buddha.

Again please share your insight into how EVs will save the world from global warming.
Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] Pirates Cove- Covers more Biden FREE STUFF! […]
Carbon boy-you mean the red states that people are moving to? To escape blue state high taxes and shit hole big cities?
Yes jl exactly
That is all part of our dear leader SOROS plan to turn those red states first purple then blue. This has/is happened to VA AZ AL NC
VA and NY have plenty of extra Dem voters to spare. Is your state under attack?
Interestingly, the state that lost the highest percent of it’s population was deep red West Virginia
People will also continue to move from rural red areas to blue cities, especially the young. Rural areas have suicide rates about 2x as high as metropolitan areas.
And HIGH TAXES!! Know what I hate most about them?
That the high taxes on our high blue state earnings get sent to the poor RED STATES
MS gets half it’s budget from federal states. Why should my taxes money go there? Is that the crime of socialist?
And instead of those red states giving us a proper thank you, instead they call us bad names
LOL So now you hear voices? The voices of red states? Wow. You do realize red states supply the food and the trucks and drivers to get it to you? Red states supply almost all of our military personnel. But most importantly red states are filled with Americans. I know they are Americans you hate in your selfish communist enclaves but Americans nonetheless.
Beside, who would you oppress if not for red states?
No moron, that’s the crime of Federalism. Or were your red diaper parents too busy teaching you to hate your fellow Americans to teach you what federalism means? Commie dog.
Carbon Boy-but you guys love to pay high taxes, so why would it matter where they go? Just keep paying them, and don’t forget your “carbon offset” taxes!
“Get sent to poor red states..” Don’t worry about red states-at least they’re citizens. But a typical liberal-worries about money going to red state citizens while looking the other way as taxes go to illegal invaders crossing the border. Lib “logic:
But socialism is helping poor people
People working together for the common good
Surely you don’t expect me to believe that now you are in favor of that!
Ohhhh looks like someone was badly triggered.
That always happens when I point out that it is the red states who are always ducking hardest at the DC tests. Need that rich blue state money to get by
How would red states survive with their richer blue states?
As far as enlistments Georgia provides the most and that is turning blue thanks to Trump
Carbon boy-still waiting for you to come up with proof of your “trillions in tax cuts only to the elites”
In. 2016 the state with the most enlistments was Cali
The state that had the highest enlistments per number if people in the 18-24 age group was Hawaii
Ahh, but per capita they had one of the lowest!! That’s how your bullshit “per capita” works.
You’re funny. You realize Cali has the most population so IT SHOULD HAVE THE MOST ENLISTMENTS EVERY FUKIN YEAR if they are pulling their weight. But since they are full of chickenshit leftists like you they leave the heavy lifting to the red(patriotic) states.
Commie cowards.
And what happens to those “real Americans” who do enlist?
Well we only take from the top 10/20%
But after 4years we end up thatsame top20% now having higher divorce rates higher substance abuse rates higher suicide rates and after any combat higher rates of incarceration than the average “non patriotic” Americans
Is that caused by toxic masculinity it wokeness?
More BB….”Parents just relieved that teen who came home drunk wasn’t drinking Bud Light”