No one should be surprised by CNN making this all about raaaaacism, are they? They shouldn’t, as this is not about science, but, implementing more and bigger government
People of color in the US face heightened risks of harm from climate-induced disasters. Now, non-profits are pushing to remedy that disparity with more equitable approaches to disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
“Until we really address the root issues of climate injustice, we’re going to continue to see a disproportionate impact as it relates to disasters in Black and historically excluded communities,” said Abre’ Conner, Director of Environmental and Climate Justice for the NAACP.
In other words, grifting
A report by the EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs looked at four vulnerable social groups: people living on low-income, racial minorities, those with no high school diploma, and seniors over age 65. Of those four groups, the study found minorities are most likely to live in areas projected to be impacted by climate change.
Moreover, Black people are 40% more likely than non-African-Americans to live in areas with the highest projected increases in mortality rates due to changes in extreme temperatures.
It’s a dire warning for the future, based on an inequitable past.
They received the exact outcome they wanted from the study.
Many marginalized people, Black in particular, have faced socioeconomic factors that relegate them to living in environmentally hazardous areas or substandard housing structures. So, when a natural disaster hits, they are ill-equipped to withstand the impact.
Well, why could that be? It’s not like Democrats attempt to stick blacks in slum areas, promising to take care of the blacks, making them reliant on government. Slum areas that have poverty, crime, pollution, and, are far away from the white Democrat voters. Look at Hurricane Katrina: a goodly chunk of the blacks in New Orleans government plantations did nothing but wait for the government to help them as the hurricane approached.
That was the situation this past March 24 when a severe tornado leveled much of the Black-majority rural town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi, killing 26 people. Racial disparities existed in Rolling Fork for decades. Many residents there were poor, had low access to information or internet service, were priced out of insurance coverage, and lived in mobile homes that weren’t retrofitted to withstand severe weather conditions. With the nearest tornado shelter over 15 miles away, it set the perfect storm to leave people displaced and scrambling for aid and assistance, which was very slow to arrive.
So, the government didn’t really care? Isn’t FEMA run by Democrat Joe Biden?
It’s a long piece chock full of exactly the type of race baiting you’d expect from CNN, linking it all to the climate crisis scam.

In case you were wondering how this works.

ESG Hurts
Bwaha! Lolgf
NYT, WaPo Helped Biden Admin ‘Cover Up’ Fallout From Leaked Pentagon Docs, Tucker Carlson Says – Rumble Video
Yeah, it’s kind of difficult to be resilient when you live beyond your means, waste money on poor financial decisions, and show ZERO self reliance, but instead COUNT on government to bail you out at every turn. Not racism…just poor people behaving in the same manner that always creates poor people. When government incentivizes failure and dependency, that’s what you get…especially from folks who see government as their savior.
Everything can be reduced to climate change except when it can be reduced to racism…
Importantly, them negroes love them watermelons!
Now, non-profits are pushing to remedy that disparity with more equitable approaches to disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Racial disparities are working against disaster recovery for people of color.Eblogazine