This is an amazing ruling, considering that the 9th Circuit court is the the most Progressive moonbat in the country, even with Trump adding more conservatives, though, it sure helped
Ninth Circuit Throws Out Berkeley Ban on Gas Stoves
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit tossed a Berkeley, California, ban on gas stoves on Monday, saying that the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempted state and local authorities in regulating natural gas.
The Courthouse News Service reported:
The three-judge panel’s ruling reverses a federal judge’s dismissal of a lawsuit by the California Restaurant Association claiming the Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempts the San Francisco Bay Area city’s ban. The group said the ordinance would affect chefs’ ability to prepare food the way they are typically trained — using natural gas stoves.
[Donald Trump appointee U.S. Circuit Judge Patrick Bumatay wrote:] “States and localities can’t skirt the text of broad preemption provisions by doing indirectly what Congress says they can’t do directly. Berkeley can’t evade preemption by merely moving up one step in the energy chain and banning natural gas piping within those buildings.”
In other words, Berkeley cannot play games with the law, even to Save Us From Climate Doom. Oh, and, hey, remember how banning gas stoves was just a Republican myth?
Pentagon Sounds Alarm Over Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Sites
The Pentagon is sounding alarms over Biden administration plans to advance offshore wind projects along the central Atlantic US coast, warning that almost all of the new terrain eyed for development conflicts with military operations.
Maps shared with industry stakeholders and seen by Bloomberg News show vast red areas that the Navy and Air Force have deemed “highly problematic,” covering prime real estate the Interior Department last year earmarked for leasing off the coasts of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.
The Defense Department’s concerns, which come on top of other conflicts identified by the US Coast Guard, have spooked renewable power developers and US East Coast states counting on mid-Atlantic wind farms to meet clean energy and climate goals.
The breadth of the Pentagon’s opposition could imperil President Joe Biden’s bid to install 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power — equivalent to 30 nuclear reactors — by the end of the decade, newly bolstered state goals for the development and planned manufacturing facilities in Maryland and Virginia tied to the nascent US industry.
See, the Woke Pentagon, which has gone all in on Doing Something about ‘climate change’ since Obama was president, suddenly actually has to deal with their stated Beliefs interfering with their operations, and do not like that. It’s all fun and games until someone smacks you in the mouth and you have to deal with the fallout. When you are forced to practice what you preach.

It seems to me that a location that is prone to earthquakes, and has suffered massive fires in the wake of such things would have a strong case to be made to use local zoning and building codes to restrict pipes filled with flammable gasses from snaking through every building. It’s actually a good idea. Too bad they tried to tie it to climate scam instead of to public safety. Even with all the required gas shut-offs currently in place, eliminating the further risk of explosive fires seems a useful long term goal.
I wasn’t aware that the central Atlantic coast region was prone to earthquakes.
More likely, the of shore wind projects, windmills I guess, would impact underwater listing devices in place to identify and track submarines.
DC, Norfolk metro and Jacksonville are major military installations.
The Navy doesn’t want to have to thread their way through a fence of wind turbines in order to reach the Atlantic ocean.
Amongst its many other boondoggles (i.e. Afghanistan), clearly the Brandon administration didn’t quite think thi$ one through.

Bwaha! Lolgf