One would think this would have been big news, rather than a piece at Axios, and a discussion of it at The UK Telegraph. According to WHO, there have been 6.9 million deaths around the world, and you know Russia and especially China under-reported their numbers (while the US numbers are surely inflated, where people died with COVID, not of COVID)
Covid pandemic sparked by accidental leak from Wuhan lab, US investigation concludes
The pandemic was probably the result of a “research-related incident” at a laboratory in Wuhan, China, a lengthy US Senate report concluded.
It said the theory that Covid-19 jumped from animals to humans in a market no longer deserved the “presumption of accuracy”.
The 300-page report, released to Axios, was the full version of a 35-page summary published in October by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
It said: “The Covid-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.
“New information, made publicly available and independently verifiable, could change this assessment.
“However, the hypothesis of a natural zoonotic origin no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, or the presumption of accuracy.”
It went on to say that those pimping the spillover theory needed to pony up some evidence, rather than just making claims
The report said there were “anomalies” between Covid-19 and other diseases that have spilled over naturally from animals to humans.
And it said, three years on, no critical evidence had been found proving there was a natural spillover.
It added that there had not been spillovers of the virus in numerous places at numerous times, as might be expected if that was the cause.
We’ve heard a few times that there have been some jumps to deer, and I read about testing of bears and a few other animals, but, if it was so potent, why not a lot? And why aren’t we seeing lots of bats, pangolins, or racoon dogs (the latest scapegoat) with it?
The report also noted that the type of bats carrying the closest virus to Covid-19 lived over 1,000 miles away from Wuhan.
However, the lab had collected over 200 coronaviruses, and employees had been photographed handling bats with inadequate protective gear, the report said.
That lab has had plenty of leaks, and didn’t exactly follow proper scientific protocols. Lefties will refuse to even consider this, because Trump did say it was most likely a lab leak. They’ll always take the the other side. Seriously, we all thought the most likely starting point was the lab, whether by accident or intentional. A virus that mostly targeted the old and with pre-existing conditions, but, not the young? Chinese may revered the old, but, the Communist leaders did not. If they weren’t productive, they were a drain.
Anyhow, another “conspiracy theory” that is most likely the truth.

Nothing “accidental” about the RELEASE. It was planned. A conspiracy between the CCP and the American Communist Party nee Demonrats. The intent was to create a reason to impose widespread “mail in voting” and other actions that facilitated the lefts THEFT of the White House in 2020. TINVOWOOT
Dan, are you suggesting that the crime syndicate known as the democrat party would actually lie, cheat and steal to win an election? I’m shocked, SHOCKED!
Wait till you see the shit show they pull with AI starting Aug. of 2024 for the election.
Accidental is the most likely cause. It was known that corrupt China would have relaxed safeguards and corner cutting at every step of operations in this lab. China does not benefit from intentionally releasing a potentially deadly disease in their own lands. They did benefit greatly by letting it spread to other lands once it was out, while at the same time restricting the internal movements of their own population.
Dan forgot to implicate SOROS.
SOROS knew that more Trump voters being both old old and obese would fie despite/because of their near religious belief in ivermectin and the fabled hydroxychlorquine
All influenza viruses and previously all coronaviruses were formed in the rice paddy environment of East Asia, where wild animal, micratory bird, chicken, cattle, and human viruses mix, match, recombine, and evolve. So the reasonable assumption is that Covid-19 did, too.
The alternative assumption that it is a lab creation needs proof.
Just to make your day, Ron Unz over at the Unz review maintains that Covid-19 was created at the US Army’s biowarfare laboratory at Ft. Detrick, MD, and planted in Wuhan during the International Military Games in 2019. It was a biological warfare attack on China by the US. The previous two years the US had attacked Chinese poultry and swine with engineering bird and swine flu viruses.
Russia is saying that it has discovered several American germ warfare labs in both Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Carbon boy-any evidence yet of your “trillions of tax cuts just for the elites”?
Should be easy, right? By the way, what are the “elites”?
‘Mr’ Teach inadvertently left out that this was a Minority Report (i.e., Repubicuns).
Don’t forget Dr Fauci, Mr Soros, Pfizer and the rest of the New World Order Consortium (NWOC). The objective WASN’T Covid infections, it was the wide distribution of Covid mRNA vaccine. Certainly we’ve all noticed how the U.S. populace has become even more docile in the past few years. Yes, the vaccines DO generate SARS-CoV-2 antigens but there are suspicions they have testosterone and adrenaline receptor antagonist sequences as well as cannabinoid receptor agonist sequences inserted. This is why the NWOC insisted the mRNA was the only path forward. Whereas the antibody recognition of the changing Covid virus decreases with time, not so the testosterone and adrenaline blockers or the cannabinoid stimulation. The vaccines are designed to give us a generation of passive soy boys – the easier to CONTROL. This also explains why so many young men now claim they are young women!!
The money line:
Right now, China is backing Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, negotiating with Iran, and starting to pay for Saudi oil not with dollars but Chinese yuan, in their attempts to overthrow the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Everything China does is aimed at attacking the United States!
Not very evidence based Mr Dana!
It is possible it was a laboratory leak, although there is precious little evidence to support that assertion. The FBI, the Senate Repubicun report in October, and the DOE hint they have secret evidence of a laboratory leak.
Just as possible is the much less newsworthy idea that, like most viral breakouts, the virus jumped from another species to humans. Contrary to ‘Mr’ Teach’s claim, Covid has been isolated from dozens of species including Cynomolgus and Rhesus monkeys, dogs, cats, mink, ferrets, deer, hyenas, hippos, bats, anteater, hamsters, lion, tigers, manatees, leopards, coatamundi, marmoset, brown rat, beaver, bobcat, rabbit, eastern gray squirrel, gorilla, raccoon, raccoon dog, skunk, red fox, opossum, mouse… Many from wild populations, many from zoos etc.
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to a a broad range of mammalian ACE2 receptors. That’s a pretty sloppy design but none of this proves that an animal reservoir was the source for the human pandemic.
Not quite true. More accurately, everything China does is aimed at improving the condition of China, Chinese people, and in particular, the top people and families of the Chinese Communist party leadership. The Chinese have strayed from true communism back into Mandarism. To the extent that China wants to weaken America, it is so that they can exploit America for their own benefit even more than they already are. They have no interest in killing the goose that lays golden eggs, only to put a chain on it’s neck and assign it an egg quota.
The very idea that a virus coming from Wuhan China would originate anywhere but the huge Institute of Virology where those experiments are conducted daily proves how stupid, stubborn, gullible with lack of common sense leftists are. That’s why regardless of how wrong they are about any given subject they refuse to take responsibility.
Have any of you heard apologies from lockdowns, vaccinations that were not vaccinations, worthless masking, school closings, business shutdowns and all the rest of the BS they touted as absolute truth but later was shown to be false and in many cases outright lies?
And that is partly why nobody trusts them. Lying and refusing accountability. The DNA of haughty, ignorant leftists.
The very idea that a virus coming from Wuhan China could only originate anywhere but the huge Institute of Virology where experiments are conducted daily proves how stupid, stubborn, partisan, bigoted with a lack of common sense rightists are. That’s why regardless of how wrong they are about any given subject they refuse to take responsibility.
And that is partly why nobody trusts them. Lying and refusing accountability. The DNA of dishonest, ignorant rightists.
Another “credible” Rimjob retort with provable errors (lies).

Bwaha! Lolgf
MethMouth has yet to disprove anything
Like most Deniers he just denies everything! It’s as if Teach has the StupoBot3000 to auto-answer. StupoBot3000 has 69 preprogrammed rando Denier responses!