Biden’s foreign policy is just working wonders, eh?
Spurned by Biden, Israel Asks China to Help Contain Iran Threat
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen asked China to “influence” Iran to cease developing its illegal nuclear weapons program, inviting Beijing to play a bigger role in the Middle East as relations with the United States under leftist President Joe Biden have deteriorated.
Cohen made the request in a conversation on Monday with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, a day before held a massive parade to mark its annual “Army Day” in which it once again threatened to destroy Israel. President Ebrahim Raisi specifically vowed “the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv” and debuted what appeared to be new military hardware, a drone model not yet seen in public.
Qin reportedly spoke to both Cohen and Palestinian Authority diplomat Riyad al-Maliki on Monday, apparently seeking a mediation role for China in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian terrorists. Qin’s overtures follow a shock announcement in March that the Chinese Communist Party had intervened in the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, leading talks between the rivals’ respective governments that resulted in the two sides agreeing to reopen embassies in their countries and restore commercial flights to each other. (snip)
Describing the talk with Qin on Twitter, Cohen said that he had encouraged Qin to have China participate in convincing Iran to cease developing nuclear weapons.
“I spoke today with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang. I called on him to exert his influence on Iran to stop the progress of the nuclear program,” his statement read, “which poses a danger to many countries in the Middle East and the world.”
“The State of Israel will act in any way to prevent the terrorist regime in Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” Cohen concluded.
Obviously, the Biden admin, just like the Obama admin, are not fans of Israel. Dare I say they are Israel haters, and even Jew haters, like so many of the Democratic party base. Regardless, this is just another nation that the Biden regime is driving away and into the arms of China with their terrible, no-good foreign policy. What little foreign policy there is. He’s just working magic all over the place. As American influence in the world under Biden fails, the PRC’s influence grows.

Israel is one of the more than 30 nations giving military aid to Ukraine.
American Jews string support the Democratic Party. Teach finds that VERY upsetting. How could they be REAL AMERICANS if they always vote Dem?
[…] Also see: William Teach: Yet Another Ally, Israel, Turns To China […]
Our esteemed host mused:
“Jew haters”? Probably not, but it seems to me that most of them just don’t understand the importance of Israel. That’s actually a somewhat common failing, even among American Jews, who certainly support the continued existence of Israel, but there’s a vast cultural difference between American and Israeli Jews.
Really, Democrats want Israeli Jews to be just like American Jews, but their circumstances are wholly different. American Jews grew up in a safe, secure, and prosperous nation, while Israeli Jews, the sons and daughters of the survivors of the Shoah, have had to build their nation from the desert and scrubland of the Levant, surrounded by Arabs who hate them. American Jews are the occasional victims of anti-Semitic words, while Israeli Jews are the occasional victims of anti-Semitic rockets and gunfire. To use an expression from Robert E Howard, the lives of Israelis are nailed to their spines.
American Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, believe that there must be some accommodation for the Palestinians, and that they could all Just Get Along; Israelis know that a Palestinian hand extended in friendship is just as likely to hold a gun.
Israel made a huge, huge mistake in 1967-68. Israel should have rounded up every last Arab and expelled them all into Jordan and Syria after the conclusion of the Six Day War, annexed all of the territory they captured, and created an Israel with shortened, more defensible borders. It would have been a humanitarian nightmare, but it would have been over decades ago, and we wouldn’t have a situation with the Palestinian Arabs living under Israeli occupation and rule. The Israelis have been, alas!, piss-poor conquerors.
I would point out, however, that there are some Democrats, most particularly the Squadristi, who are definitely anti-Semites.
Squadristi? They started calling themselves the “Squad” back in 2019, but I prefer the term Squadristi, which was the Italian name for Benito Mussolini’s ‘Black Shirts.’ Squadristi is plural, with Squadrista being the singular.
It is intellectually possible for someone to be opposed to Zionism and Israeli policy toward the Arabs in the Occupied Territories without being anti-Semitic, but I’ve never actually seen such a thing accomplished in real life.
Thanks, China Joe!
I would like to lint out that there are also anti semites on the right. Perhaps you are unaware of that or just choose to overlook it.
Israel has apparently chosen to ask China to try to influence Iran. I have no problem with that. Russia China and Iran are all involved in the Ukraine war. Israel is also but helping to arm Ukraine.erican Jews strongly support the Dems. The right-wing of both our political parties have always historically disliked Jews. The KKK did they were Dems but since 1968 have voted GOP.
Who here thinks they know best how Jews should vote?
The thoughtful Mr Dana:
Many U.S. Jews and even some Israel Jews oppose the current treatment of the Arabs by Israel. Are they anti-Semitic?
About 50% of Israeli Jews support the expulsion of ALL Arabs (21% of population; nearly 2 million Israelis) from Israel!
Reflected in Israel are the problems associated with any religious state, whether Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, atheism or Judaism. That said, nations vary greatly in the their enforcement of religious doctrines within their boundaries. The UK (Anglican) is certainly different from Iran (Shia Islam). The malleable U.S. Constitution does not allow for a state religion (so far).
It would be as if the U.S. would expel all but Christians! We know, we know, that most U.S. fundamentalist Conservatives favor this in spirit. How nice it would be to have a homogeneous society where everyone has largely the same beliefs! Absolute abortion ban. No LGBTQ individuals. School prayer. Creation “science”. Biblical inerrancy. Ten Commandments (well, sort of).
Sadly, a lot of Jews, in both the United States and Israel, are not very, or even at all, religious, but are Jewish primarily by ethnicity and ancestry.
The Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross, is an actual set of streets in the Old City in Jerusalem, and the Christian Quarter — there are four ‘quarters’ in the Old City: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Armenian — has several religious sites, with which the Jewish government does not interfere. The al Aqsa Mosque, on the Temple Mount, is administered not by Israel, but the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, which is under the control of the Jordanian government.
The new government depends upon the participation of a couple of small religious Jewish parties to achieve a majority in the Knesset, and there have been a few new religious edicts.
The Arabs are not Western classical liberals, not Western democrats, and Israelis, who are much closer to Western classical liberalism, would be perfectly supportive of Arabs living in Israel, if the Arabs were the live-and-let-live types. But they aren’t; the Arabs have expressed, many times, their desire to make all of the Levant an Islamic waqf, and those Jews who refuse to convert are to be pushed into the sea.
I learned a new word today, ‘waqf’. Thanks.
Those good religious Jews support expelling Arabs, but those bad non-religious Jews don’t. Got it.
The more fundamentalist the Jewish faction, the less supportive of democracy they are.
That seems universal around the world.
Secular Sunni Turkey is more open than fundamentalist Shia Iran.
Although many Western nations have christian nationalist movements, no nation is a fundamentalist Christian state parallel to the Islamic fundamentalist nations.
If only the West had had some agreement with Iran to limit their development of nukes…
Rimjob: If only the West had had some agreement with Iran.

Seems the bribes didn’t work.
Seems the Iranian bribes of Trump DID work.