Senator Joe Manchin seems a little bit surprised and upset that the Brandon regime is going beyond what was laid out in the horrible IRA, for which Joe still hasn’t gotten his vote on expedited permitting
Manchin grills Granholm over ‘budget busting’ electric vehicle rules
Sen. Joe Manchin accused the Biden administration Thursday of “liberalizing” Congress’ efforts to stimulate sales of electric vehicles — and warned Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that the president’s approach could send money and jobs to China.
It was the West Virginia Democrat’s latest attack on the administration’s handling of the sweeping climate bill that Manchin helped write.
Manchin, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, told Granholm at a hearing that President Joe Biden’s implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act could “bust the budget” and go far beyond the spending forecast that Congress relied on last year.
He specifically accused the administration of loosening Congress’ mandate that electric vehicles must be made with domestically produced parts and minerals to receive $7,500 tax incentives. As a result, he said, many more EVs with foreign-sourced parts will claim the tax break, and jobs will go overseas.
Perhaps Joe should have thought of this before making his deal
But Manchin responded that the IRA has specific language on the issue, and that DOE should not have turned to the earlier infrastructure bill.
“Y’all broke the law by advising, referring back to the bipartisan infrastructure bill. It had nothing to do [with it]. This is the IRA we passed,” said Manchin, who has threatened to sue the administration over its implementation of the tax credit.
How did Joe not know they would pull all sorts of shenanigans? These are the people in his Party. This is what they do.
Epic 11-foot-tall sea level rise drove Vikings out of Greenland
Around the 15th century, signs of Norse habitation in the region vanished from the archaeological record. Researchers previously suggested that factors such as climate change and economic shifts likely led the Vikings to abandon Greenland. Now, new findings show that rising seas played a key role, by submerging miles of coastline, according a new study published April 17 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Between the 14th and 19th centuries, Europe and North America experienced a period of significantly cooler temperatures, known as the Little Ice Age. Under these chilly conditions, the Greenland Ice Sheet — a vast blanket of ice covering most of Greenland — would have become even bigger, Marisa Julia Borreggine, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, said when she presented data at an American Geophysical Union annual conference in New Orleans in December 2021. (snip)
Their models showed that from about 1000 to 1400, rising seas around Greenland would have flooded Viking settlements by as much as 11 feet (3.3 meters), affecting about 78 square miles (204 square kilometers) of coastal land, Borreggine said. This flooding would have submerged land that the Vikings used for farming and as grazing pastures for their cattle, according to the models.
What caused that warm period, called Medieval Warm Period, which caused the sea rise? It wasn’t fossil fuels and such. And then they got hit with the Little Ice Age (hey, remember when the climate scientists said that was localized?)
And here’s Kamala
U.S. vice president to visit Miami, announce $562 million climate investment
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris planned to visit Miami on Friday, a White House official said, as she announces a $562 million investment in helping communities become more resilient to climate change.
And here was Kamala the day before taking a long fossil fueled trip to Miami, rather than taking the train
At the Vice President’s residence! @VP @elliegoulding
— Sophia Kianni (@SophiaKianni) April 20, 2023
This was a big gathering of Warmists, who took long fossil fueled trips to attend (with lots of fast fashion). Sophia, who has the grift down pat, noted the invitation, along with one to the White House. The weird thing is Kamala doesn’t mention this party on her own VP twitter feed or her personal one.

Teach that Medieval Warm period? Did you notice that it was only regiinal, not global?
Most scientists bb Elie be that regional warming was caused by a decrease in volcanic activity and an increase in solar irradiance.
Modern jets are very fuel efficient giving mpg per seat as high as 100mpgpsm
Johnny-numerous studies have shown the MWP as a global phenomenon, just do a little research
‘Mr’ Teach:
Yes. The climate scientists said the Little Ice Age was localized to the Northern Hemisphere, which coincidentally is where Greenland is!! Anyway, here is what you should find interesting: … the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet readvanced during Viking occupation, peaking in the Little Ice Age. Counterintuitively, the readvance caused sea-level rise near the ice margin due to increased gravitational attraction toward the ice sheet and crustal subsidence.
‘Mr’ Teach:
According to climate scientists: Climate scientists now understand that the Medieval Warm Period was caused by an increase in solar radiation and a decrease in volcanic activity, which both promote warming. Other evidence suggests ocean circulation patterns shifted to bring warmer seawater into the North Atlantic.
Of course one doesn’t want to doubt Rimjob’s (or johnnie boy’s) conclusions based on Wikipedia but…

Bwaha! Lolgf
NeedleDick makes an argument! AND considers Watts a citation!
Note Watts compares the paleo climate to the AVERAGE surface temperature of the last 170 years (that is, 1850-2020) and compares paleo climates and the average of the last 170 yrs to the 1850-1900 mean (which is oddly included in the reference range).
Anyway, the current temperature is 1 degree C higher than the reference mean making today warmer than the paleo averages. Note too that the Holocene Optimum had little impact on 8 billion humans and their civilizations (since there were not many humans to impact).
During the last glacial period Homo sapiens survived but Denisovans and Neanderthals did not. Evidence of humans has been discovered in what is now the southern US some 25,000 years ago.
Everything you just posted is a provable error (lie) or irrelevant.

Thanks, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“A Watts citation!” Two things-Watts had nothing to do with it other than publishing it, and the author noted that the IPCC’s calculation included “future modeled warming predictions”. Can’t compare the past to what hasn’t happened in the future
Rimjob only sees what he wants to.
Obviously he didn’t read the entire article or he lacks the comprehensive skills needed to understand what was written.
Or maybe he’s just a fucking dumbass.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why do these hacks keep publishing this scheisse in Watts rather than a legitimate scientific journal?
‘Ms’ Renee claims the only correct comparison is between the mean temperature over the past 170 yrs, and not the warming since 1850, because the Earth is really not warming these days. LOL. ‘She’ concludes that the the warming over the past century or so is just natural variability and just a blip!!
One can post a well written article with citations for Rimjob but one can’t “understand” it for the dumbass.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Please prove the data within a “Watts article” is false. If you could do that, it wouldn’t matter where it was published, correct?
“She concludes the warming over the past century is natural.” As of now there’s no evidence that it isn’t, just assertions and attributions.
And the reason the author looked at mean temps over the last 170 years is because that’s how paleo data is looked at-so comparing apples to apples. As she said, the IPCC looks at decadal average temps and compares them to multi-century average proxy data. She simply used the same procedure for both

Guess that logical concept was a little too difficult for Rimjob to comprehend.
But then again he’s a dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Manchin is only complaining to hold onto his “I’m not one of them” cred. In reality, he caucuses with Democrats and can be counted on to vote Dem for every time his vote is needed. His conservative talk and complaining notwithstanding, his vote is strictly party line. No one should be fooled by is crocodile tears.