Nice of the “climate scientists” to make this prognostication almost 5 months into the year, especially as an El Nino forms
World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns
The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon, climate scientists say.
Climate models suggest that after three years of the La Nina weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, which generally lowers global temperatures slightly, the world will experience a return to El Nino, the warmer counterpart, later this year.
During El Nino, winds blowing west along the equator slow down, and warm water is pushed east, creating warmer surface ocean temperatures.
“El Nino is normally associated with record breaking temperatures at the global level. Whether this will happen in 2023 or 2024 is not yet known, but it is, I think, more likely than not,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
Climate models suggest a return to El Nino conditions in the late boreal summer, and the possibility of a strong El Nino developing towards the end of the year, Buontempo said.
OK, so, it’s something entirely natural that happens on and off. No need to drag witchcraft, er, anthropogenic climate change into the mix. But, they will
Friederike Otto, senior lecturer at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute, said El Nino-fuelled temperatures could worsen the climate change impacts countries are already experiencing – including severe heatwaves, drought and wildfires.
“If El Niño does develop, there is a good chance 2023 will be even hotter than 2016 – considering the world has continued to warm as humans continue to burn fossil fuels,” Otto said.
So, what happens if this doesn’t happen? Notice in the excerpt and other parts of the article that they are all using weasel words: could, could, could, suggest, suggest, good chance. This gives them an out so they aren’t actually making a prediction that can be held against them if it fails.

What makes you think theses leftists would take responsibility for bad predictions in climate now considering for the last 53 years they have never made a correct prediction and have never owned up?
In fact, leftists never admit when they’re wrong just take a look at Americas cities run by leftists and the condition they’re in. Heard an apology yet? Crickets.
It wasn’t a leftist that first warned Americans about global warming due to burning fossil fuels, it was Ronald Reagan.
If your memory needs refreshing, that video is easily found on YouTube
In general there is a wide difference in opinions in global warming between the young and the old. If you are only going to be around for another 10 or 20 years, the changes will probably not affect you greatly.
No more new ICE powered cars after 2035???? How many posting here think that will directly effect them?
Carbon boy-how about posting evidence of the alleged “changes” that are supposed to happen? “Wide difference of opinions”-again, supposed to be science so opinions don’t matter
Yes! El Ninos are natural! But curiously, each El Nino tends to be warmer than the one before. Why do you suppose that is? The MASSIVE El Nino of 1998, which ‘triggered’ the ‘pause’ when global warming was ended was supplanted by the MASSIVE El Nino of 2016, ‘likely’ to be erased by the El Nino of 2024. Knowing (as you do) the fact that El Ninos do not create heat but only redistribute it, begs the question – From where does this new heat originate??
La Ninas deliver global cooling, yet the trough of each La Nina is WARMER than the ones before. It’s almost as if the Earth is warming. But why?
Oy vey, this is hard. ‘Mr’ Teach whines that scientists can’t be hanged for failed predictions; that they use weasel words like ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘likely’, and ‘suggests’, failing to understand that this is the language of science, a statistical endeavor always, one built on theories that are not proved but only disproved. Based on the history of El Nino events, scientists predict a ‘likely’ El Nino that is ‘likely’ to result in a new record high mean global surface temperature. Would ‘Mr’ Teach have the scientists pilloried if they miss the prediction by 0.01 degree?
For a century scientists predicted that carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere would result in global warming, and for decades conservatives denied it was warming, finally admitting such, only to then declare it ‘all natural’, denying that carbon dioxide has influence, since it was hotter 65 million years ago and internal combustion engines had yet to be invented (or so we believe). And today… conservatives deny that a miniscule 1.5 (or 3.0) degree centigrade increase can affect human societies, at least not to be harmful; denying floods, droughts, storms, heat waves, wildfires, redistribution of lions and tigers and bears, oh my, not to mention redistribution of wheat, fresh water, oak, corn, mosquitoes, viruses, bats, rice, parasites and beans! Don’t worry, be happy! (Unless you’re 40 or under)
In reality, we ‘seasoned’ humans are conducting a grand experiment, as the empowered elites (mostly old men) have no intention of derailing their own gravy train, so the Earth will continue to warm evermore, but sporadically, and we humans will stoically absorb the catastrophes claiming they are NOT provably more catastrophic than the year before. We ‘seasoned’ humans will die off leaving our descendants to analyze the results of our grand experiment!
As Teach would ask – if the results of the experiment are as the scientists predict, how will the FOXs, Teachs, Pundits, MAGAts and nuGOPhers be held accountable?